
金玉满堂  jīn yù mǎn táng








  • 满堂金玉,没有人能长久保守。
    A house full of jade and gold is hard to protect.

  • “好吧,”他说道,“祝你和全家万事如意。老伙伴,祝你金玉满堂。”
    "Well , " he said, "I wish you and yours every joy in life, Old Chap, and tons of money. "

  • 哈利•里德参院的多数同事出身自金玉满堂的官宦人家,但他是个例外。
    MANY of his fellow senators were born rich and politically connected, but not Harry Reid.

  • 金玉满堂、福临万家”,有了您的支持与关爱,我们的事业才会共同进步。
    "JinYuFu, packed with rich, " with your support and love, our career will process commonly.

  • 金玉满堂宴会厅金碧辉煌,一展王者风范、气派恢弘,能够同时容纳180人。
    The JinYuManTang banquet hall is resplendent, it can simultaneously hold 180 people.

  • 所有金玉满堂只要年度内连续六个月达成4条实动,就可获得2%全球分红奖金;
    All the Triple Diamond Family members are entitled to secure 2% global sharing bonus if they reach 4 moving lines in straight 6 months within one year.

  • 达成全球分红资格的金玉满堂,首次参加海外经营会议,参与和主导美兆未来的发展。
    Triple diamond families who are qualified for the global bonus attended the oversea management conference first time to participate and plan for MJ'sfuture development.

  • 材质采用玉石镶金独具深意,玉和金一样都是富贵的象征金和玉结合素有“金玉满堂”的寓意;
    Jade inlayed with gold has a special meaning: jade and gold are both symbols of prosperity, and the combination of the two symbolizes the prosperity of the family;

  • 同时,他也要求每位金玉满堂,要能组织20位专职伙伴的团队,以及达到每月整组两百万的业绩。
    Meanwhile, he demands all his Triple Diamond Family members organize their own 20 party-specialized teams to obtain their month goal of 2 million NT dollars performance for their individual networks.

  • 我们这些明眼人所能说的一切绝不足以防止那些做背心、做鞋子的姑娘们去梦想那些金玉满堂的良人。
    All that we wise men can say will not prevent the waistcoat-makers and the shoe-stitchers from dreaming of husbands studded with diamonds.

  • 为此,公司准备在“五一”前后启动第二个品牌“金玉满堂”,首期预计的开店数可能超过20-30家。
    To this end, the company is prepared to "51" and a second brand, "night" is the first addition to staying open for more than a few potential home 20-30.

  • 升上金玉满堂除了是对自己努力的最大肯定之外,郑朝升的心情在开心之馀,其实还有更深一层的责任感。
    Being upgraded to the triple diamond family, Chao-Sheng Cheng is happy about that his work has been recognized, and he also feels that his responsibility has become heavier.

  • 现在,前方还有更高的山─全球分红的金玉满堂,而她的最终目标,即是拥有国际化的组织,成立自己的团队!
    There are higher mountains in the front as well. Her final goal would be having an international organization and her own team.

  • 得知上金玉满堂,邱士豪第一个想法是:「很高兴没有放弃,因为如果中途打退堂鼓,就不可能有现在的我」。
    When he knew to reach the top, his first idea was "I am glad not to give up. If I did, I can't have my present achievement!"

  • 「南瓜」成熟时呈色黄金,果实圆圆满满,俗称「黄金之瓜」、「金玉满堂」之徵兆--事业兴旺、繁荣富贵之意。
    Ripe pumpkins, which are known as "the golden gourds", are bulked with yellow tone. They symbolize the gold garden or housing that also refers to the prosperous and career.

  • 欢迎会中,王嘉翔、陈泰利、陈丽玲金玉满堂皆以过来人的身分,告诉新伙伴美兆事业带给所他们不同的人生改变;
    In the welcome party, the triple diamond family Chia-Hsiang Wang, Tai-Li Chen and Li-Ling Chen shared their experiences about their life changes that MJ career has brought to them.

  • 梦里繁花似锦,金玉满堂,崇拜者众,食客三千,华灯璀璨,掌声雷动,挥霍纵情,男欢女爱,如痴如醉,欲仙欲死……就是不愿醒来。
    So much beautiful flowers in dream, full of prosperity, admirers everywhere, guests over 3, 000, full of glamour, thunderous applause, indulge in luxury and romance…just do not like to wake up.

  • 一个月之后,在上线简秀琼金玉满堂的安排下,彭传章亲自飞往台北,并在特约医疗机构—美兆诊所接受检查,体验美兆健康管理服务。
    After one month, Pang was arranged to go to Taipei by Xiu-Qiong Jian, Triple Diamond Family, and took the health examination to experience the MJ Health Management service.

  • 从超级福禄寿晋升到金玉满堂,胡龄心认为,一位合格的领导者应该要有两种人格特质,一个是「长远的视野」,另一个是「宽广的气度」。
    From the double diamond family to the triple diamond family, Ling-Hsin Hu thinks that a leader should have two characteristics: a broad sight and a wide range of tolerance.

  • 个性谦虚的邱士豪,认为上金玉满堂后还是有很多需要学习的地方,「每次我往上看到还有那麽多优秀的前辈时,都会觉得自己其实很渺小。
    Mr. Qiu humbly thinks he still needs to study a lot even after he reached the top. "I think I am nobody when I see so many outstanding seniors."

  • 为了让组织能跟上脚步,张碧玲总会不时提醒自己与伙伴:每位金玉满堂一定要参加比赛,维持4条以上实动线,绝对不能不知不觉中被淘汰!
    To animate her network, Chang ask herself and each Triple Diamond Family to go for the competition. Must to maintain at least 4 moving lines and never be eliminated in an inattentive situation.

  • 以最快速度升上金玉满堂,他们的成功故事足为所有美兆伙伴之表率,因为只要有一颗真诚为人著想的心,并将想法付诸行动,一定就能得到福报、达成愿望。
    Their prompt achievement can be all MJ partners' example. Because one with a sincere heart that cares about others and realizes the idea can have good fortune and make dream come true.

  • 金玉满堂造句相关
