
长治久安  cháng zhì jiǔ ān







  • 安全文化是石化企业长治久安的唯一法宝。
    It is only a magic weapon for petrochemical enterprise to be stable long time.

  • 维护改革发展稳定大局,实现国家长治久安
    Safeguard the overall situation of reform, development and stability and achieve the country's long!

  • 我们的目标是要保证国民生活的圆满和长治久安
    we aim at the assurance of a rounded, a permanent national life.

  • 掌管万物要靠智慧,处理大事要靠勇气,使国家长治久安要靠诚信。
    He must make decisions wisely, be courageous in handling big matters, rule the state with credibility.

  • 减少和预防青少年性犯罪关系到社会的长治久安和青少年的健康成长。
    Reducing and preventing teenagers' sex crime relate to the stability of a society and the healthy growth of the teenagers.

  • 加强油田未成年人思想道德建设是事关油田社区长治久安的战略工程。
    Strengthening thought and moral construction of minor in oilfield is a strategic project concerning long term peace and good government in oil-field community.

  • 戴均良认为,省的规模过大,既不利管理,对国家长治久安也没好处。
    Dai Junliang, that the size of the province, both negative management and the stability of the state did not benefit.

  • 因此,建立和完善失业保险法律制度是社会稳定和国家长治久安的重要保证。
    To establish and improve the system, therefore, is the important guarantee for a country"s lasting stability and durable peace."

  • 始终不落伍于现代技术和信息的最新发展已经成为公司长治久安的关键因素。
    Keeping up-to-date with the latest development in modern technology and information has become a key issue for a company to survive.

  • 构建社会主义和谐社会,实现国家的长治久安,当然也包括宗教领域的和谐与稳定。
    Constructing socialist harmonious society and realizing the long term stability of the country also includes the harmony and stability of religious field.

  • 在国际关系中,各国若普遍遵守国际道德,全世界将长治久安,和谐、健康地发展;
    C. In international relations if all countries abide by international virtues, the world will enjoy a lasting peaceful, harmonious and healthy development.

  • 只有确保粮食安全,扩大粮食生产才能满足人们基本生活需要,确保国家的长治久安
    It can meet people's basic living requirements and ensure the nation's long-dominion only by ensuring the food security and enlarging the food production.

  • 它是国家法律法规的具体体现,关系着企业的长治久安,因此具有十分重要的意义和内涵。
    It is country laws and regulations concrete manifestation, is relating enterprise's long-term peace and good government, therefore has the very vital significance and the connotation.

  • 人民代表大会制度是我国的根本政治制度,是实现人民当家作主、国家长治久安的根本保障。
    The National People's Congress system is the fundamental political system of China, and is the guarantee for the people to be the master of their own affairs and for the national long-term stability.

  • 社会主义和谐社会关系到全面建设小康社会的全局,关系到党的事业兴旺发达和国家的长治久安
    Establishing a socialist harmonious society has a crucial bearing on building a well-off society in an all-around way, ensuring the success of the Party cause and the long-term stability of the state.

  • 为此,大股东“掏空”问题关系到资本市场的长治久安,久拖不决必将拖累整个经济的健康发展。
    Therefore, the big shareholders "empty" problems related to the capital market will drag the stability, dragged on the healthy development of the economy.

  • 我认为,以“三个代表”重要思想为参照系的文化整合,应是祖国统一和新疆长治久安的重要保证。
    Ithink that consulted the important ideas of "three represents", the culture integration should be the vital assurance for the unity of our country and the long term security of xinjiang .

  • 在新的历史时期,执政党必须高度重视并进一步改善民生,它是关乎政权能否长治久安的政治问题。
    In the new historical period, the ruling party must attach great importance to improving the people's livelihood, which is a political issue related to the long-term stability of the state power.

  • 如城乡差别问题不仅仅只是经济问题,而且引发成政治问题,关系到我国政局的稳定和国家的长治久安
    For instance, the unbalance and disparity between rural and urban area is not only an economic issue but also a political one, it is a challenge to the stability and development of our country.

  • 她也应该明白,蓄意在巴勒斯坦人中间制造分离(煽动法塔赫攻击哈马斯)不可能为以色列带来长治久安
    And she would need to understand that encouraging divisions among the Palestinians-egging on Fatah to bash Hamas-is unlikely to secure long-term peace for Israel.

  • 一个社会是否和谐,一个国家能否实现长治久安,很大程度上取决于全体社会成员整体思想道德素质的水平。
    Whether society is harmonious or not and country can achieve long-term stability or not largely extent depends on entire society member overall quality of the ideological and moral standards.

  • 因此,左派儒家人士倾向于机制改革。他们主张社会长治久安以及政治机构的合法性要求建立于中国传统之上。
    Thus, left Confucians favor institutional reform, arguing that the long-term stability and legitimacy of political institutions requires that they be founded on Chinese traditions.

  • 吾人需深知维护国家安全环境之条件为何与主要威胁来源为何?如此,知彼知己、利害分析,即得长治久安之理。
    We need to know that to safeguard national security environment of the conditions that, with the main sources of threat, so, the Suns, stakeholder analysis, the method is the long-term stability.

  • 加强普法教育是促进社会主义精神文明建设的内在要求;加强普法教育是实现国家长治久安、维护社会稳定的重要措施;
    The work of strengthening the education of popularizing knowledge of national law is subordinated to and is in the service of the need to establish and amplify regimes of socialist market economy.

  • 建立健全与经济发展水平相适应的社会保障体系,是经济社会协调发展的必然要求,是社会稳定和国家长治久安的重要保证。
    It is the necessary requirement for the concerted advance of economic and society and the major guarantee for the long-term stability and security of the society and country.

  • 布什总统说,美国的自由市场经济体系之所以能够长治久安就是因为人们坚信,政府只会在绝对必要的时候才对市场进行干预。
    President Bush says America's free enterprise system rests on the conviction that government should interfere in the market only when necessary.

  • 各方齐努力,共同奋斗,通过实践检验不断调整战略战术,才能在这场战役中取得最终的胜利,创造和维护长治久安、稳定团结的社会局面。
    Only through the endeavor of the whole society, adjusting strategy and tactics can we gain the final victory of this campaign, which will promise us a stable and solid society in the long run.

  • 能否有效解决弱势群体的扶持问题,不仅关系到中国的社会稳定和长治久安,而且也关系到我国社会主义市场经济能否实现长期高效有序的发展。
    This question, not only concern social stability and long-term stability of China, but also concern the high-efficient and orderly development of Chinese socialist market economy.

  • 我国民法典的制定是我国建立社会主义市场经济的客观需要,是促进我国经济持续发展、科技进步、文化繁荣乃至社会长治久安的基本法律保证。
    Viewing from the civil law, the guarantee of environment right needs to establish "green civil code", namely make use of theory of property law to solve the lawmaking in natural resources.

  • 然而,我们似乎忘了无论是友好的,敌意的,还是独裁的政府,任何政府都必须对公众的呼声作出响应。如果不平息公众的愤怒,就没有能够长治久安的政府。
    No matter how friendly to us, no matter how hostile, no matter how dictatorial, no government can long govern if it doesn't respond to its angered people.

  • 长治久安造句相关
