
闪烁其辞  shǎn shuò qí cí








  • 不要闪烁其辞,给一个明确的答复。
    Do not shuffle , give a clear answer .

  • 不要闪烁其辞,给一个明确的答复。
    Don't shuffle; give a clear answer .

  • 火花从小黑盒里迸出,霓虹灯怒火般闪烁其辞
    Sparks were emitted from small black boxes and red lamps flashed on and off angrily.

  • (抱歉,我不想跳舞。)”我闪烁其辞,根本不敢看他。
    Sorry, I don't feel like dancing.

  • 他们闪烁其辞不提我所认为不相干的事情(诸如他的相貌)。
    They hedged delicately and did not mention anything which I would say was irrelevant(like his appearance).

  • 我讨厌别闪烁其辞,弄得我从来都不知道该怎么做。从来都不明白那些!
    I have it when people send out mixed signals, i never know what to do! i can never read them.

  • 为了和那些较为闪烁其辞的竞争对手区别开来,中国承包商们就必须亮相。
    To distinguish themselves from their dodgier rivals, Chinese contractors will have to become better known.

  • 但“应该考虑”这种闪烁其辞的说法可能意味着最终让总统慎重权衡是否征收此种“碳关税”。
    But the weasel-word "should consider" may eventually mean giving the president a lot of discretion on whether to levy such "carbon tariffs".

  • 布莱尔深知其中道理,因此在问及他是否想成为第一个全欧洲理事会主席的时候,总是闪烁其辞
    Tony Blair has accordingly been coy about whether he wants to become the first full-time president of the European Council.

  • 据报道,在两次致信伊朗最高领袖阿亚图拉•阿里•哈梅内伊之后,奥巴马先生得到的答复仍是闪烁其辞
    Two letters from Mr Obama to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran's supreme leader, are reported to have received a dusty answer.

  • 次日,何先生与张先生一起前往房产商处质询此事,房产商的工作人员却闪烁其辞,无法给出明确的说法。
    The following day, Mr Ho and Mr Cheung, director Department to question the matter, the staff director has spoken to give a clear statement.

  • 当采访问及转会的事时,哈格里夫斯仍闪烁其辞。对其渴望加盟曼联的传闻,他拒绝做出肯定或否认的回答。
    Hargreaves remained coy when pressed on the matter, and refused to confirm or deny that he coveted a move to Old Trafford.

  • 当然,这一说法也没找到确切证据,所以,日本自卫队调查人员闪烁其辞地说,这“或许将永远成为一个谜”。
    Of course, this argument did not find evidence, so the Japanese Self-Defense Force investigators Speaking evasively, "perhaps will always be a mystery."

  • 一个人的选词和论据都会暴露他的性格,因为有的人遇到问题避重就轻、闪烁其辞,实话、公正的话不说,只会人云亦云。
    Even a speaker's choice of words and arguments betrays his character, for he may habitually appear to dodge issues rather than face them or to say what is popular rather than say what is true or just.

  • 然而我以为,在这种似乎闪烁其辞的说法背后,其实蕴含了一个深刻的想法,那就是文化研究是对经典化的学科范式的颠覆。
    However, I think, in this seemingly guarded behind that, in fact, implies a profound idea that cultural studies is a classical discipline-oriented paradigm of subversion.

  • 但是,据说穆巨如先生曾在过去对马考尼先生的见解闪烁其辞,而他这次是否会直接卷入他行为勇敢或卤莽的竞选还不是很清楚。
    But it is unclear whether Mr Mujuru, who has hedged his bets in the past, is directly involved in Mr Makoni's brave—or rash—bid.

  • 闪烁其辞和些许超现实的风格始终伴随着这位朝鲜领导人,但在此之余,他在北京与中国领导人的会晤,适逢朝鲜国走到关键时刻。
    Amid the subterfuge and somewhat surreal style that always accompanies the North Korean leader, his meetings in Beijing come at critical time for the country.

  • 闪烁其辞造句相关
