
闻风而动  wén fēng ér dòng








  • 希望大家闻风而动, 不要举棋不定
    You are expected to answer the call with immediate actions and not with vacillation.

  • 我们认为又是一次闻风而动
    We believe it is a fashion.

  • 经理一来,工人闻风而动
    The managers arrival galvanized the workers into activity.

  • 经理一来工人闻风而动
    The manager's arrival galvanized the workers into activity.

  • 其间,大批开发商闻风而动,打探详细情况。
    Meanwhile, a large number of developers confidence, check the details.

  • 其它厂家也闻风而动
    Other pklayers sniff opportunity, too.

  • 江城消息灵通的记者更是闻风而动,候个正着。
    Jiangcheng source of news is Follower of fashion, are in a waiting.

  • 城市规划方面一有什么举措,发展商便闻风而动
    What is a city planning initiatives, the developer would realize.

  • 投资客:闻风而动急“抛盘” 期房:买还是卖?
    Investment passengers : Build an "index" auction : buy or sell?

  • ——投资客:闻风而动急“抛盘” 期房:买还是卖?
    Investment passengers : Build an "index" auction : buy or sell?

  • 因此,买家在“恐慌”之下,可以说是闻风而动地入市。
    Thus, buyers in the "panic", can be said to be filled in the market.

  • 买家方面在长期观望后,大多闻风而动,各自投向关注已久的楼盘;
    In long-buyers, mostly wind, their orientation has long been concerned about the property;

  • 美国餐馆和消费者上周闻风而动,开始为未来的大米需求进行储备。
    Restaurants and consumers in the U. S. followed suit last week and started buying up their own future rice requirements.

  • 但是闻风而动的拆迁户也有“土”对策:想方设法增加自建房面积。
    But the street is filled with "territories" approach : all increased since construction area.

  • 仅仅过了十余天,天津市的租赁市场及二手房市场就已“闻风而动”。
    Only after legislators, Tianjin rental housing market and the secondary market had "confidence".

  • 往往一个项目起用一个新词之后,其他类似的楼盘就会闻风而动,模仿跟风。
    Often a project using a new word, other similar projects will realize that imitating follow the trend.

  • “土地大限”将至,成都开发商如何闻风而动,为此,记者进行了调查采访。
    "Land Doomsday" is around the corner, Chengdu developers how to seize and, to that end, journalists investigated interview.

  • 当然厂商闻风而动也有他们的道理,但是千万不要让电子政务也成为一个泡沫。
    Of course the reason that manufacturer immediately respond to a news also has them, but must not let electronic government affairs also make a foam.

  • 奶粉“黑名单”一经公布,昨日不少市民便“闻风而动”,急忙到超市要求退货。
    Milk "blacklist" to a published yesterday many people will "Follower of fashion", rushed to the supermarket demands return.

  • 今年到明年,谁不多元化,谁就面临很大压力,几乎所有的门户网站都在闻风而动
    Arrive this year next year, who not diversity, who faces very great pressure, almost all portal websites are in immediately respond to a news.

  • 正佳广场开业在即,周边不少商场闻风而动,依靠正佳的宣传优势,进行“搭车”销售。
    Square business is good will, a lot of shopping malls filled surrounding rely on is good publicity advantage, "ride" sales.

  • 闻风而动的“炒家”们为规避风险而纷纷调转方向,进入中低端市场,寻求新的利润增长点。
    " Build the "speculators" who have to avoid risks of transfer direction, entered the market in low end, the search for new profit growth point.

  • 本次社保基金加强指数化投资,对指数贡献巨大的大盘股闻风而动,向市场发出了做多的信号。
    The Social Security Fund to strengthen the index of investment they have made great contributions to the index's market share of fashion, the market sent a signal to do more.

  • 但午盘中,市场不断出现各种传闻,地产、医药、券商板块闻风而动,进而带动整个市场人气回暖。
    But in afternoon trading, emerging markets a variety of rumors, real estate, medicine, brokerage fashion plate, and then bring the whole market sentiment warmer.

  • 民生银行在京城推出这种业务之前,许多房产中介就已经闻风而动,纷纷找各大银行先行抢占地盘。
    Minsheng Bank launched such operations in the capital, many properties intermediary has acted on, have a major banks to seize the site.

  • 据悉,市场上正有一批在建项目闻风而动,开始重新调整户型面积,以满足强大的初次购房者的需求。
    It is learnt that the market is a group of wind projects under construction, began to reorient Huxing area to meet the strong demand for the initial purchase.

  • 种种迹象显示,借着奥运东风,旅游电子商务将迎来又一轮发展高峰,眼光敏锐的风投显然已闻风而动
    There are signs that the east by the Olympic Games, tourism, e-commerce development will usher in another round of the peak, sharp vision for the wind has clearly Follower of fashion.

  • 好像说不上,但是闻风而动,或者久已有心、而今随之鼓呼的人,各地都有一些,比如深圳的林立人就是。
    As described, but the wind, or age who, with drum called Now people everywhere are some, such as Shenzhen Linliren is.

  • 亚洲最大的朝阳公园尽管还在建设当中,周边已经闻风而动,棕榈泉国际公寓、天鸿东润枫景等项目均受益匪浅。
    Asia is still the largest building in spite of Chaoyang Park, has acted peripheral, Palm Springs International apartments, Network Dongrunfengjing projects are greatly.

  • 目前一些业主把营业税、个税等增加的成本转移到了房价上,使得房价有上扬的趋势,这使得买家开始闻风而动,持币观望现象有所缓解。
    Some owners of the current business tax, a tax increase to the cost of housing, which prices are rising trend, which makes sense to begin buyers, cash-phenomenon eased.

  • 闻风而动造句相关
