
阴谋诡计  yīn móu guǐ jì







  • 一天之内我听了太多的阴谋诡计了。
    I think I've had enough intrigue for one day.

  • 他还活着,策划着阴谋诡计
    He was still alive and hatching his conspiracies.

  • 他们串通一气,搞阴谋诡计
    They are in collusion with one another for schemes and intrigues.

  • 而使用阴谋诡计只能让事情变得更糟。
    Such machinations will likely only get worse.

  • 据说他是搞阴谋诡计的老手。
    It is said that he is a master of intrigue.

  • 他讲述了俄国沙皇政府的种种阴谋诡计
    He told about the intrigues of the Tsar's government.

  • 同时,你的朋友没有心理阴谋诡计的需要。
    Your friend, meanwhile, has no need of these mental machinations.

  • 总想搞点阴谋诡计,可总是被人家一眼就看穿!
    Always want to make some intrigue, can always be at a glance through!

  • 我们能够识破你的一切阴谋诡计,你休想欺骗我们。
    We can see through all your tricks and schemes, so you needn't think you can pull the wool over our eyes.

  • 而独脚水手西尔弗又会在紧要关头使出什麽阴谋诡计呢?
    What plot clever trick but can alone foot sailor Silver put forth in the critical moment?

  • 这个邪恶的小人有他自己的一套阴谋诡计,并且逐步施行。
    This unholy character has his own agenda and executes it closely.

  • 我们能够识破你所有的阴谋诡计,所以不必以为你能蒙骗我们。
    We can see through all your tricks and schemes, so you need't think you can pull the wool over our eyes.

  • 赫鲁晓夫:是的,最好是能忍痛割爱,来证明这不是你们的又一个阴谋诡计
    Khrushchev: Yes. Preferably with something… painful. Prove to me that this is not merely another one of your tricks.

  • 共和党内部的多疑派马上警告说,这是中国企图让美国放弃美元的阴谋诡计
    The paranoid wing of the Republican Party promptly warned of a dastardly plot to make America give up the dollar.

  • 纳粹又多了一次玩弄一把惨无人道阴谋诡计的机会,这一套他们早已驾轻就熟。
    Such camps lent themselves to the merciless deception at which the Nazis had become adept.

  • “七宗罪”里没有大多数惊悚片所推崇的阴谋诡计,这也是该片与众不同的地方。
    While Seven lacks the cleverness of the superior Usual Suspects, it's strong enough to hold its own against most other thrillers.

  • 他们必须不畏死亡、威胁和阴谋诡计,同时间和那些联合起来的亡命敌人的争分夺秒。
    As they race against time and un unscrupulous enemy, they must defy death, danger and deception.

  • 这是时候,我们采取明确的立场,反对密斯凯维吉和他亲信的腐败,和扭曲的阴谋诡计
    It is time we take a stand against corruption and the twisted machinations of Miscavige and his cronies.

  • 她运用了聪明的办法,她实现了一个阴谋诡计,这个阴谋执行时可需要冷静和深思熟虑哩。
    She employed intelligent means, and she carried out a conspiracy which required coolness and deliberation in its execution.

  • 这个美丽的首都,就像文明出现以来的所有首都一样,往往是一个搞阴谋诡计勾心斗角的地方。
    This beautiful capital, like every capital since the dawn of civilization, is often a place of intrigue and calculation.

  • 这里的人,身长不满六英寸,他置身其中,就象巍巍的大山一般。小朝廷里充斥阴谋诡计、倾轧纷争。
    Here person, the height less than six inches, he places oneself in which, looks like the lofty mountain to be ordinary.

  • 这个大汉举起枪,威胁道:“别耍花招了,要不老子马上就崩了你!”(这里不宜译成“别搞阴谋诡计了”
    "Now stop playing tricks, or I'll shoot you at once, " the big man threatened and raised his gun.

  • 假如你只会操纵阴谋诡计,而么有实际成就,你不仅会疏远已有的客户,而且会失掉那些潜在的客户和忠实客户的参考。
    If you manipulate lacking performance, you will not only loose the clients those you already HAs, but you will relieve yourself of those potential clients those supportive and satisfied clients refer.

  • 各种试图解决这一冲突的“和平进程”一再在政府的顽固和阴谋诡计,不同的反叛派别和外国干涉(尤其是乍得)面前碰壁。
    The various "peace processes" to try to resolve the conflict have repeatedly foundered on a mixture of government intransigence and intrigue, rebel divisions and foreign meddling, notably by Chad.

  • 她们为了争夺生存的权利,只会不顾一切的依附男性,把阴谋诡计实施在自己姐妹的身上,而不会去反抗男性对她们的压迫。
    In order to strive for the right of living, they choose to be subjected to men and impose conspiracy to their sisters, never rebel against the mens repress.

  • 莱娅·奥加纳·索洛公主把帝国欺骗诺格人民的阴谋诡计公之于众后,鲁克将自己的复仇欲望悄悄地埋藏在心底,等待着时机。
    When the Empire's deception against the Noghri people was revealed by Princess Leia Organa Solo, Rukh carefully hid his thirst for vengeance and bided his time.

  • 作为日本狗的主人我们很清楚日本狗心中的恶魔是其攻击我们珍珠港的原因。现在他们依旧随时有可能再干那种卑鄙的阴谋诡计
    But we know our Jap dogs very well because we are the masters. Japs are devils in the heart and that was why they attacked us in Pearl Harber. And today they could still do that dirty trick again.

  • 对此,可从以下两个方面解释:一是所谓“杀敌一万,自损八千”,任何阴谋诡计也需要付出代价,只要收益更大,这种代价就值得。
    The first is so-called "cut your nose to spite your face". Any conspiracy and trick need to pay a price and this price is worth in terms of greater gains.

  • 这,既不是出于阴谋诡计,也不是出于刻意安排,而是由于他利益的多样性,或者说是宇宙的自然法则,善与恶的相互渗透乃是自然本身的法则。
    Not perhaps out of cunning or planning but because of his variety of interests or perhaps because of the nature of the universe, the interlinking of good and evil, natural of itself.

  • 在布达拉宫里,他的生活就是与各种各样的阴谋诡计,勾心斗角做斗争,这些内部争斗彻底葬送了他的几位前任,并且让西藏的弱点在它的邻居面前暴露无疑。
    In the Potala Palace, he lived perilously close to the dark intrigues and conspiracies that had undermined his predecessors, and exposed Tibet's weakness to its overbearing neighbors.

  • 阴谋诡计造句相关
