
斗转星移  dǒu zhuǎn xīng yí







  • 做思想工作必须对症下药
    In doing ideological work, one must suit one's methods to the situation.

  • 他的金融白皮书有很多对症下药之处。
    His financial white paper gets much right.

  • 关键是正本清源,对症下药
    The key is getting that right.

  • 我也不知道问题出在哪里。不过会尽快对症下药
    I have no idea what causes the issue but I hope the issue can be solved soon!

  • 你必须首先了解自己,然后针对你的情况对症下药
    You have to understand first of all, and then the right remedy for your situation.

  • 最后,对存在的问题对症下药,提出相关的解决方法。
    Finally, acts appropriately to the situation to the existence question, proposes the related solution.

  • 《搞活国有企业要对症下药》,《时事报告》1993年第10期。
    "How to make alive the state-owned enterprises", News Report, Volume 10, 1993

  • 本篇论文就从这个问题出发,试图寻找问题的症结所在,并对症下药
    This thesis begins from this point, tries to find the core of the problem and presents some useful solutions to it.

  • 金德勒能很快抓住制药业要害,并拿出方案对症下药,这一点值得肯定。
    He deserves credit for grasping the industry's problems quickly and then trying to tackle them.

  • 统治者应该首先分析产生乱世、乱民的根源,然后有的放矢,对症下药
    The ruler should analyze the source of the creation chaotic, rebels first, then have of put shoot, prescribe medicine for specific ailment.

  • 根据他们的服务需求,做一些分类,然后对症下药,有目标地提供服务。
    Serve demand according to theirs, do a few classification, next suit the remedy to the case, target ground provides a service.

  • 上人:这是对症下药一个最好的问题,可是这个问题很简单,很容易治的。
    The Venerable Master: This is an excellent question for it deals with the right solution to our social problems.

  • 一方面提供金融资讯服务业更加瞭解券商顾客的衡量标准,以利对症下药
    On one side of the coin, it provides the financial information service vendors to better understanding the needs and the basis of selection criteria of the traders.

  • 对症下药,对设备、管道和阀门等要进行彻底的清洁、灭菌工作,不能有死角。
    Besides, thorough cleaning and sterilization of facilities and pipes and valves was also necessary.

  • 最后,我们对症下药,提出了我国注册会计师行业反不正当竞争的综合治理对策。
    Finally, we acted appropriately to the situation, proposing the comprehensive governance countermeasure of anti-unfair competition in CPA profession of our country.

  • 打破这一平衡的唯有管理层的下一步政策以及是否会对疲软的经济继续对症下药
    The only way to break the balance of management and whether the next step in the policy of economic weakness will continue to prescribe the right remedy.

  • 首先,还是要弄清楚贫富差距持续扩大的根本原因何在,才能对症下药和药到病除。
    There are serious problems that the inequality of income and too large gap between the wealthy and the poor in our society at present.

  • 店员:您也不用着急,最好带她到医院检查一下,吃些药物调理一下,对症下药才行。
    Shop assistant: You should take her to the hospital for an examination, and make sure she takes the correct medicine.

  • 拯救政策是否及时,措施是否对症下药,力度是否足够,直接决定经济恢复的好坏快慢。
    Save the policy and timely measures are the right remedy, the adequacy of efforts, directly determine the quality of the pace of economic recovery.

  • 再就是国内调节阀标准化程度太高,以一变应万变,而不是“对症下药”,予以不同对待。
    Then the degree of national standardization of control valve too high, a change should be prepared, rather than "the right medicine" be treated differently.

  • 分析演奏者产生心理疲劳的原因,从而对症下药,调节情绪,培养意志力,以求演奏的最佳状态。
    Therefore, learning about the causes of performers mental fatigue will help to adjust emotion, temper, and willpower and put the performer in his best conditions.

  • 而这次保荐办法修改中特别提到“披露跟踪报告”、“发表独立意见”,显然对症下药,针对性强。
    And amend the sponsor specifically mentioned "the disclosure of follow-up report, " "made an independent view, " clearly the right remedy, targeted.

  • 而无论哪种因素,相对于货币政策这样的针对总量的调控手段,行政手段无疑更便于灵活操作,也更容易对症下药
    Whatever the factors, compared to the monetary policy response to such total control means, the administrative means is easier flexible operation, but also easier to find.

  • 医生们所掌握的有关癌症细胞如何形成的信息越多,也就越准确地对症下药,从而开出针对那些特殊细胞治疗的药物。
    The more information doctors have about how cancer cells develop, the more precisely they can prescribe a treatment to target those particular cells.

  • 为了挽救衰退程度正在日益加深的本国经济,日本央行正努力寻求“对症下药”,希望能够实现“标本兼治”的目标。
    In order to save the degree of recession is deepening as the national economy, the Bank of Japan is trying to find the "right" in the hope of "practice".

  • 海王星辰有治痘痘的药。以前我的一位朋友就是在海王星辰里买药治好的。他们有检测的仪器,设备。对症下药,很有效。
    Sea King stars are drugs Doudou rule. I have a friend in the Sea King is the star in the medicine to cure. They have the detection apparatus, equipment. The right remedy, very effective.

  • 本文认为,在采取措施之前,应对引发这些道德失范行为的原因进行系统的探讨,并对症下药,采取有力措施重塑科学道德。
    This article think, before we adopt a series of measures, we must look into the causes which make the misconduct, which can help us suit the remedy to the case.

  • 医生明知是哪一种病菌导致肺炎,并以针对性的抗生素治疗,但她身体内的白血球功能已非常差,即使对症下药也难以阻止病情恶化。
    Even the doctor knew what bacteria, and could use the exact antibiotic for treatment, but her white cells counts in her blood were already too low, even the antibiotic could not control her condition.

  • 近年来我国日趋严重的有效需求不足问题已经成为制约经济健康发展的根本障碍,更为严重的是一些对症下药的经济调整政策也收效甚微。
    Recently, demand deficiency has been the key barrier in the economy development in China. Additionally, some adjusting policies have gained little effect.

  • 而这当中我们最重要的工作就是对每个所接触的项目进行综合深入的研究诊断,找出项目所面临的关键问题,从而对症下药,制定一整套成熟有效的解决方案。
    This, our most important task is to contact each of the in-depth research projects integrated diagnosis, identify key issues facing the project, which right to develop a mature and effective solution.

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