
有福同享  yǒu fú tóng xiǎng







  • 我们是兄弟,有福同享,有难同当!
    We are brothers, for better or for worse!

  • 你是我最好的朋友,应该有福同享
    You are my best friend , what's mine is yours.

  • 有的孩子主张有福同享,应该公平地分配。
    Some children or claim should be equally distributed.

  • 我们是兄弟,兄弟情深,有难同当有福同享
    We are brothers, brothers and Wife, there is hardly the same as Youfutongxiang.

  • 婚姻关系,也是双方有福同享,有难同当的基础。
    The marriage relationship is also a source of emotional support in good and bad times.

  • 中国人认为两个人相爱就应该有福同享,有难同当。
    Chinese people believe that if two people fall in love, they should share happiness and hardship.

  • 让我们面对的麻烦,同心协力,有福同享,有祸同当。
    Let us face the trouble together, for better or for worth.

  • 亚历山大认为领袖应与民同心,有福同享、有难同当。
    Alexander believes that a leader should be one with his men, sharing both their pain and the spoils of war.

  • 通俗地说,就是“大家凑钱买证券,有福同享,有难同当”。
    Speaking popularly, "everybody pools money and buys the securities, enjoys blissfully together, sticks together through hick and thin ".

  • 我能教你与亲友有福同享,有难同当,但不能代替你品味其中的幸福……。
    I can teach you and your friends share bliss and misfortune the same as, but not replace the taste of which you are happy …

  • 这个故事告诉我们做人不能自私,要有难同当有福同享,毕竟是兄弟之间。
    This story tells us that cannot be selfish, to or blame after all is between the brothers.

  • 但是他从未忘记自己出生的国家——也没有忘记自己有责任与别人有福同享
    But he never forgot the land of his birth - or the duty to share his blessings with others.

  • 这一切都使吉姆感动不已,因为他有好些朋友是有福同享,却不能有祸同当的。
    It moved Jim deeply because many who sought his favor and friendship in the days of his fame ran for cover when trouble hit him.

  • (烤鸭)我们都喜欢的食物。她吃皮,我幸福地吃肉。我想和她有福同享,她却不干!
    Roast duck)The food that we all like. She eat skin and I happily eat meat. I want to have blessing to together enjoy with her, but she not stem!

  • 我们要时刻铭记华尔街有难——在美国,我们有福同享,有难同当,因为我们是一家人。
    Let us remember that Street suffers - in this country, we rise or fall as one nation; as one people.

  • 有了这句话,我又仔细地在茫茫人海中去寻觅可以和我一起有福同享,有难同当的知己。
    With these words, I also carefully in the vast crowd to join me in looking for can share bliss and misfortune with a friend when.

  • 在这个信奉“雁过拔毛”的世界里,若能时常被提醒着要有福同享,倒也是相当不错的事情。
    in a world that tells us to "get all we can, " every so often it's good to be reminded to "give something away. "

  • 在这个信奉“雁过拔毛”的世界里,若能时常被提醒着要有福同享,倒也是相当不错的事情。
    in a world that tells us to "get all we can, " every so often it's good to be reminded to "give something away.

  • 卡布钦猴分享战利品的理由与黑猩猩(还有人类)一样:不能有福同享,就没有合作狩猎这回事。
    Capuchins share meat for the same reason chimpanzees (and people) do: there can be no joint hunting without joint payoffs.

  • 虽然我们都希望自己比别人好或是大家都能一样,也就是所谓的有福同享有难同当,但那是不现实的。
    The key is lies in our thought towards pressure. although we all hope we can be better than others or same as others, it's unrealistic.

  • 岁寒知松柏,患难见真情。有了这句话,我又仔细地在茫茫人海中去寻觅可以和我一起有福同享,有难同当的知己。
    pines and cypresses, With these words, I also carefully in the vast crowd to join me in looking for can share bliss and misfortune with a friend when.

  • 然后它们加入另一组编队,或者赶上原来的雁群。 启示:如果我们同大雁一样具有如此的判断力,我们就能有福同享,有难同当。
    Lessen: If we have as much sense as geese , we too will stand by each other in difficult times as well as when we are strong.

  • 有福同享造句相关
