
浑身解数  hún shēn xiè shù







  • 公司使出浑身解数开发新产品。
    Companies are falling all over themselves to develop new prducts.

  • 酒店经理们正使用浑身解数吸引顾客。
    Hotel managers are using a whole new bag of tricks to attract their guests.

  • 他需要使出浑身解数来叫她相信他的话。
    He needed all his charm to persuade her he was right.

  • 法国使出浑身解数来维持平价状态,勉强成功。
    France battled to hold to its parity and only just succeeded.

  • 各个项目都使出浑身解数以求得购房人的青睐。
    Projects are real people did all he could to seek the favor.

  • 要想赢得这场战斗,小悟空不得不使出浑身解数
    Goku will need all of his strength and cunning if he hopes to win this fight.

  • 因此各大产品生产商争相使出浑身解数在广告上做文章。
    Therefore each big manufacturer spare no pains to make full use of advertising.

  • 日本人一直在使出浑身解数儿把自己的产品打进美国市场。
    The Japanese have been fighting their products' entry into the American market tooth and nail.

  • 为了达到这一要求,各家保险公司也纷纷使出“浑身解数”,动起了真格的。
    To meet this requirement, individual insurance companies have resorted to "all the stops, " moving from the real.

  • 随着竞选日临近,票数差距逐渐缩小,国家领导人使出浑身解数,却没有成功。
    As election day approached and the polls narrowed, the national leadership pulled out all the stops, to no avail.

  • 危机下银根拯待放松,地产商使劲浑身解数,演绎楼市传奇。购房者态度如何?
    Under the crisis the money market rescues treats the relaxation, the realtor makes an effort the whole body posture in martial arts, the deductive real estate market legend.

  • 然后沦陷的便是宾夕法尼亚州,这也正是麦凯恩使出浑身解数力押的最后一张王牌。
    Then fell Pennsylvania, a big state where Mr McCain had tried his last strategy.

  • 许多来自国外的球员都发觉很难应付英格兰的比赛节奏,就算他们使出浑身解数亦一样。
    A lot of overseas players find the pace of the game tough in England, even with all the skills they have.

  • 由于是本季最后的比赛,布瑞塔妮决定要使出浑身解数。我认为那是她开得最快的一次。
    For the final race of the season, Brittany decided to let it all hang out. I think that was the fastest she ever drove.

  • 既然两个都不中意,教皇就使尽浑身解数劝贵族们选一位自己人,最好是撒克逊尼选侯。
    As against the two the Pope endeavoured to induce the princes to elect one of their own number, preferably the Elector of Saxony.

  • 为了吸引眼球、吸引投资,开发商使出了浑身解数,一场房产市场的“商”战热闹开锣。
    To attract eye, attract investment, the developers did all he could to a real estate market "operators" warfare exciting start.

  • 虽然这只是个误会而已,但你仍然需要使出浑身解数来让你女朋友相信,你并没有犯错误。
    Though it was a misunderstanding, but you still needed all your charm to persuade your girlfriend that you were not at fault.

  • 杰里。布朗使出浑身解数,决心抓住这个最后也是最好的机会,集结自由派选民试图终结我的竞选。
    Jerry Brown was working like a demon, determined to rally the liberal voters in this last, best chance to stop my campaign.

  • 下届政府须使出浑身解数避开信贷危机,重新制定银行运营规范,当前规章或许比官员隐瞒的还要糟糕。
    The next government will have to fend off the credit crunch and redesign the regulation of banks, which may be in worse shape than officials have yet let on.

  • 在去年的奥斯卡颁奖典礼上,斯图尔特使劲浑身解数,硬是把面临“串场词危机”的典礼弄得风生水起。
    In last year's Academy Awards ceremony, Stewart hard all means, simply to face "Chuan Chang term crisis" Fengshengshuiqi make the ceremony.

  • 同时开展的两个房展会又出现了撞车现象,记者昨天看到,为吸引参观者,两个房展会可谓使出浑身解数
    At the same time the two exhibitions will also emerged car phenomenon, a reporter yesterday that, in order to attract visitors, the two exhibitions will be launched loong.

  • 有些会议筹办单位为招徕出席者,使出浑身解数,甚至免收报名费或免费提供旅馆住宿以吸引想省钱的商务旅客。
    Some event organizers, desperate for delegates, are going so far as to waive registration fees or to offer free hotel rooms to lure budget-minded business travelers.

  • 她怎么也打不开,在我也使尽了浑身解数后,我不得不带着牧师(顺便提一下,他的名字我没有记住)绕小门进入。
    She could not get it open, and after all my display, I had to take the Curate (whose name, by-the-by, I did not catch, ) round the side entrance.

  • 在这里比赛并且在半场时落后的感觉很特别,我们不得不使出浑身解数,我们也做到了——我们统治了下半场的比赛。
    It is a very difficult place to come and to be a goal down at half-time, we had to show everything and we did that - we dominated in the second half.

  • 这一次,另两大巨头也都使出了浑身解数——用最高端的硬件技术,最精美的图像效果和最复杂的软件程序来吸引更多的买家。
    This, additional two big tycoons also exert all over skill -- the hardware technology that uses top end, the most elegant image effect and the most complex software program will attract more buying.

  • 然而如果不使出浑身解数来应对经济危机,自民党的竞选前景将是黯然失色,也会让公民更加坚信日本的民选政治家都是废物。
    Yet not doing enough to combat the economic crisis would be just as damaging to the LDP's election prospects, and would reinforce voter perceptions that Japan's elected politicians are ineffectual.

  • 其实在很多方面,很多人也像秃鹫、蝙蝠和大黄蜂一样,使尽浑身解数试图解决问题、克服挫折,却没有意识到出路就在正上方。
    In many ways, there are lots of people like the buzzard, the bat and the bee. They are struggling about with all their problems and frustrate, not realizing that the answer is right there above them.

  • 此次比赛层次较高,竞争激烈,代表着女子高尔夫球一线技术水平的球手们,尽使浑身解数,向观众展示有一场别开生面的比赛。
    The higher levels of competition, fierce competition, represent the frontline woman golf skills player who, for all he could do to the audience with a spectacular display of the competition.

  • 金融危机并没有影响到人们对过年的期待,在2009年第一个购物旺季,“快速消费品们”使尽浑身解数,在网络上翩翩起舞。
    Financial crisis did not affect people to expect to what spend the New Year, 2009 the first shops busy season, "Fast consumable people " make all over skill, have dance lightly on the network.

  • 在场上我们拥有很多富有创造力的前锋,我们已经使出浑身解数,对维甘,每个人都付出100%的努力,但是有时是远远不够的。
    We had a lot of creative players on the pitch and we did our best. Everyone gave 100 per cent against Wigan but sometimes that is not good enough.

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