
浪迹江湖  làng jì jiāng hú






  • 传说中有个传奇侠客,他的武功出神入化。他浪迹江湖,一路行侠仗义。
    Legend tells of a legendary warrior, whose Kung Fu skills were the stuff of legend. He travelled the land search of worthy foes.

  • 现代侠女为爱而背叛猫哥,把公路当作江湖,最终却选择浪迹天涯而非卿卿我我
    A modern heroine who betrays Brother Cat for love, she treats the road as the world, but eventually chooses to roam the world over romantic intimacy.

  • 戴复古是南宋江湖派著名诗人,他一生布衣,江湖浪迹四十余年,是一位极为典型的江湖诗人。
    Dai Fugu is a famous poet of Jianghu Group in the Southern Song Dynasty. As a rambling poet for forty years and a common person all the life, Dai Fugu is a typical one in Jianghu School.

  • 后一个时期,为其“浪迹江湖”的时期。这一时期又以至正二十六年张士诚政权的灭亡分为两个小时段。
    He had been wandering all round during the last period consisting of two parts with the term limit of 1366 when Zhang Shicheng"s ruling was destroyed."

  • 接着,我向她解释,我们是老朋友,多年的甘苦与共,浪迹江湖和同谋关系,已经使我们的友谊牢不可破。
    And then I explained to her how we were friends cinctured by years of embarrassment and travel and complicity.

  • 浪迹江湖造句相关
