
满目疮痍  mǎn mù chuāng yí







  • 混凝土砌块尽是满目疮痍的弹痕。
    the concrete blocks are pockmarked with bullet scars.

  • 不只市区满目疮痍,台东县电力系统也受到重创。
    Not only downtown suffered destruction, but the electricity service to Taitung County was battered.

  • 在风暴过后的满目疮痍里闪烁着两线模糊的希望。
    Two faint hopes flicker in the sodden gloom left by the cyclone.

  • 新中国成立初期,多年战乱,满目疮痍,居住条件极差。
    In the early years, living conditions were poor and many residential buildings were decimated by war and a lack of maintenance.

  • 现在反过来房地产泡沫也破灭了,留下满目疮痍的金融景象。
    Now the housing bubble has burst in turn, leaving the financial landscape strewn with wreckage.

  • 第二次世界大战之后,维也纳人把满目疮痍的城市重建起来。
    After World War II, the people in Vienna built up the scarred city again.

  • 帝国分崩离析,留给人民的只有满目疮痍的土地和恐怖战争的回忆。
    The empire collapsed and the people were left only devastated lands and the memories of the terrible war.

  • 许多住家和店铺仍然断电,积水刚刚开始消退,留下的却是满目疮痍
    Power is still out to many homes and businesses, and flood waters are just beginning to recede leaving behind massive damage and debris.

  • 虽然两年多以前血腥的内战已经结束,但这个非洲国家依然是满目疮痍
    Although the bloody civil war ended more than two years ago, scars still mark the African nation.

  • 早前,飓风中心已通过墨西哥南部的C和J,狂风所到之处,满目疮痍
    Earlier, the hurricane's eye passed south of the Cayman Islands and Jamaica, where it snapped trees, tore off roofs and flooded streets.

  • 更多以军从黎巴嫩南部撤离的同时,躲避战乱的难民们继续返乡,满目疮痍
    As Israel pulls more of its troops out of southern Lebanon, refugees continue to stream home to see what's left.

  • 因为家是平静轻松安全的避风港,而如今看到的却是满目疮痍,让人心痛难忍。
    Home symbolizes a place to relax, an undisrupted peace and a safe haven. To see it in ruins can be heartbreaking.

  • 一战结束后,德国经济满目疮痍,汽车的价格超过了绝大多数人能够承受的范围。
    After World War (I), Germany's economy was and cars cost more than most people can afford.

  • 他们低报酬的苦活满足了世界对黄金的渴望,然而结果留下的只是满目疮痍的景象。
    Their toil feeds the world's hunger for gold, and leaves a ruined landscape in its wake.

  • 在发现这座满目疮痍的寺庙后,法国人做了大量的修复工作,直到1970年为止。
    The French , after discovering the ruined temple , did a lot of repair work up until 1970.

  • 但即便经济市场满目疮痍,也不能一概论之,对今年的毕业生来说,前景仍旧很乐观。
    But even with the darkening economic clouds, rays of good news await this year's graduates.

  • 张爱玲以刻薄准确的语言,描写了一个个迷失精神家园的女性在满目疮痍的生活中苦苦挣扎的人生悲剧。
    With caustic and accurate words, ZHANG Ai-ling described a tragical world where one after another woman who has wildered their spiritual home struggled bitterly.

  • 在战火波及下,这栋建筑物到处是破瓦残砾、满目疮痍,较小座望远镜圆顶下还散落著几串没用过的子弹。
    Debris and the detritus of war litter the buildings; several mortar rounds lie unused in the smaller telescope's dome.

  • 在德国和日本出现了以上这种情况,但反观英国,尽管她被战争摧残得满目疮痍,却仍然保留了其许多旧体制。
    This had happened in Germany and Japan, but not in Britain, which, although physically damaged in the war, had retained many of its old institutions.

  • 喋血街头——吴宇森将我们带回战火纷飞、满目疮痍的越南,史上最优秀的香港电影,这部绝对可以位列其中。
    Bullet in the Head: John Woo takes us to war torn Vietnam during the Vietnam war, and creates one of the greatest Hong Kong films to date.

  • 当23名南韩人7月19号作为基督教志愿者驱车通过因为战争而满目疮痍的省份时,塔利班叛乱者绑架了他们。
    Taleban insurgents kidnapped 23 South Koreans on July 19 as the group of Christian volunteersdrove through the war-torn province.

  • 在前进的路上,灾后山河断裂、满目疮痍的景象触目惊心,也使我们明白灾后重建是一项多么艰巨的任务与使命。
    On the way to fight against the earthquake, the sad scenes remind us that the rehabilitation is a hard task and mission.

  • 如同科学家的推论,测量结果首次证明开放海域半公尺高的小浪,真的可以变成高耸巨浪,把陆地破坏得满目疮痍
    The results proved for the first time that—as suspected—a bump of water only half a meter high in the open ocean can truly transform into the towering surges that wreak so much destruction on land.

  • 战争胜利结束后,皮埃尔回到了莫斯科,此时的莫斯科已是满目疮痍,但对娜塔莎和皮埃尔来说却是新生活的开始。
    Pierre visits Andrei on the eve of the battle, and observes the battle that follows. Traumatized by the carnage, he vows to kill Napoleon himself.

  • 如果别的物种在我们的手中灭亡,那么我们的子孙后代得到的将是一个满目疮痍的星球,比我们现有的要荒凉得多。
    If we drive our fellow species to extinction, we will leave a far more desolate planet for our descendants than the world we inherited from our elders.

  • 论战后日本经济起飞的诸关键刘莉,王顺利第二次世界大战后的日本国家,遍体鳞伤,满目疮痍,经济陷入一片混乱之中。
    All crucial Liu Li of take off the economy of the Japan after the debate, the Japanese country after Wang Shunli Second World War, black and blue, suffer misery, economy is immersed in a disorder in.

  • 日子久了,脸上的暗疮居然奇迹般地慢慢消失了,还创下了两个多月不长一粒暗疮的历史纪录(想当年脸上是“满目疮痍”)。
    With time passing by, the acne on my cheeks was declining miraculously, and I broke my own history record of not having a single spot of acne for more than two months!

  • 一个难题就是执行空投的飞机除非有军事护卫否则可能会被击落,甚至可能会导致更多的战争,谁也不愿看到灾区更加满目疮痍
    One difficulty is that the aircraft doing the dropping might be fired on unless they had military escorts, and that might lead to more fighting than anyone should want to see in a disaster zone.

  • 根据赫特人的传说,他们来自满目疮痍的废弃之地瓦尔(Varl),从一场骇人的巨大灾变中幸存之后,才得到现在这种“近乎于神”的地位。
    According to Hutt legend, the Hutts hail from the pockmarked and wasteland planet of Varl, and have survived incredible cataclysm to evolve into their current elevated status of "near-gods."

  • 美国弗吉尼亚理工大学发生有史以来最严重的恶性校园枪击案,随后,满目疮痍的校园里点燃了用来临时纪念死难者的蜡烛。昨日包括凶手在内共有33人在此校园枪击案中死亡。
    Candles in a makeshift memorial filled the drill field at Virginia Tech University in the wake of America's worst mass shooting. 33 people including the gunman were killed on campus yesterday.

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