
火烧眉毛  huǒ shāo méi máo








  • “他们已经火烧眉毛了,”他说。
    "Their hair is on fire, " he says.

  • 既然考试火烧眉毛,我不得不坚持做活动。
    Since the examination is around the corner, I am compelled to give up doing sports.

  • “他们的情况已经火烧眉毛了,”利文斯说。
    "Their hair is on fire, " he says.

  • 首先,如果你不是特别火烧眉毛急着用钱,不妨等等。
    First of all, if you are not particularly Huoshaomeimao hurry to spend money, we might as well, and so on.

  • 他说:“北韩现在很高兴看到李明博政府火烧眉毛了;
    He says the North is enjoying the fact that the Lee administration is, as he puts it, "on fire."

  • 但也管不了那么多了,已经火烧眉毛了,现在什么都阻止不了你。
    But none of that matters anymore because you're on fire. Nothing can stop you now.

  • 但是现在火烧眉毛的问题不是“将来”,而是如何“马上”填上资金窟窿。
    But that would still leave Citi with the problem of how to fill today's holes in its capital.

  • 如果说金融系统是火烧眉毛,那么全球经济形势的恶化也正在引发大量的其它问题。
    If finance is the immediate worry, the global downturn is causing plenty of other problems.

  • 最近很多人在找钱,其中不乏一些急得火烧眉毛的,这些人多是一些中小型的房地产商。
    Recently many people in give change, some of which are extremely anxious. These were mostly small and medium real estate business.

  • 古人还有紧急到火烧眉毛的事情,用快马轮换着送信,沿途的驿站散发着马鼻子里的气息。
    People in ancient times had to send urgent letters by way of riding horses and changing them at courier stations which were filled with the horses' winded breath.

  • 古人还有紧急到火烧眉毛的事情,用快马轮换着送信,沿途的驿站散发着马鼻子里的气息。
    People in ancient times had to send extremely urgent letters by way of riding horses and changing them at courier stations which were filled with the horses' winded breath.

  • 一些州像德克萨斯和路易斯安那还有资金储备,当地的失业率比全国低好几个百分点,情况还没那么火烧眉毛
    A few will maintain their resolve, most likely Texas and Louisiana, where unemployment is several points below the national average and circumstances not so dire.

  • 莱文萨尔先生说道:“其他国家的教育机构已经火烧眉毛了,他们都在抱怨‘天啊,美国终于把问题解决了,他们要把我们往死里逼啊。’”
    "Their hair is on fire, " he says. "They're saying, 'Oh my God, the Americans have finally figured it out, they're going to kill us.

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