
生吞活剥  shēng tūn huó bō








  • 决不可生吞活剥地搬用外国的经验。
    It's no good taking over the experience of foreign countries uncritically.

  • 否则,随时有被“虎”生吞活剥的危险。
    Otherwise, any time there was "Tiger" Shengtunhuobo risk.

  • 苏菲亚:要是有人犯错,她简直就要把他们生吞活剥了。
    Sophia:If anyone does anything wrong, she practically eats them alive.

  • 现代化的愚蠢并不是无知,而是对各种思潮的生吞活剥
    The modernization is stupid certainly is not ignorant, but is to each kind of ideological trend accepting uncritically.

  • 一句话,这些人生吞活剥自由的概念,却毫不考虑其所带来的责任。
    In a word, these men had swallowed the idea of liberty without digesting the responsibilities that it brings.

  • 我们不仅肉体受到伤害,甚至被生吞活剥,而且我们的心灵上也受到了无法弥补的损害。
    We will not only physical harm, and even and our hearts and minds has been irreparable damage.

  • 他批评在下屈服并生吞活剥有关西西里人之成见,并指出战时意裔美军战士作战记录令人侧目。
    He accused me of succumbing to and feeding prejudices against Sicilians, and pointed to the impressive combat record of Italian-Americans in the war.

  • 故骂人之道,最忌生吞活剥,心浮气躁,骂得人七窍生烟,斩得人刀痕累累,虽是痛快,但总谈不上艺术。
    Therefore, scolded dealing Zuiji Shengtunhuobao, Xinfuqizao, Made Qiqiaoshengyan people, killing people in the Daohen numerous, although Excitement, but the overall art out of the question.

  • 后来,许多年轻的文士也都仿效起来,生吞活剥,从李商隐所作中抄写句子过半,拼拼凑凑算是自己的作品。
    Later, a lot of young Wen Shiye is imitated rise, accept sth uncritically, from place of Li Shang concealed in making, scribal sentence passes half, medley the work that is oneself.

  • 第一,生吞活剥地接受国际游戏规则。既为游戏规则,当然要讲策略和技巧,善于运用规则来保护自己的利益。
    It is game regulation already, want to stress strategy and skill of course, be good at applying regulation to protect his interest.

  • 中国一如既往的提供廉价商品,拉低物价水平,但发展中国家对各种资源的生吞活剥可能会使大宗商品价格水涨船高。
    The downward price pressure from cheap Chinese goods may be abating while the developing world's rampant demand for resources may continually drive commodity prices higher.

  • 她解释说,通常存活在南美亚马逊河的食人鱼,能在数分钟内将一整只死猪生吞活剥到只剩骨头,而且牠们可能吃到撑死。
    Piranha, which are normally found in the River Amazon in South America, are capable of stripping a whole dead pig to the bone within minutes and can literally eat themselves to death, she explained.

  • 但是,他坚持只用小范围轮换阵容,以及过度小心的风格,让火箭季后赛准备不足,最终被板凳更深,风格更全面的爵士生吞活剥
    But his short rotation and close-to-the-vest style did nothing to prepare the team for the playoffs and the Rockets were eventually swallowed up by the deeper, more versatile Jazz.

  • 房地产商频频提及人文,不能把人文生吞活剥、强行加入,不应当使其成为标签、招牌,而应使别墅提供的物质空间成为温馨气氛的基地。
    Real estate companies frequently mentioned humanities, the humanities not entirely, forced to join, should not become labels, signs, but should make the villa a warm atmosphere of space material base.

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