
变化无穷  biàn huà wú qióng








  • 大自然是表情,变化无穷
    nature is the expression with endless variations;

  • 条子这般长青,全因其变化无穷的特性。
    A brief informal note is so evergreen, change because of its completely boundless character.

  • 因而制卡和会员卡制作物的市场也可以是变化无穷的。
    Thus business card printing and membership card production from the market or changes.

  • 神秘的造物主就是要使地上变化无穷,天上改观变形。
    This is the will of that mysterious creation which is transformation on earth and transfiguration in heaven.

  • 再没有比那更可怕、更复杂、更神秘、更变化无穷的东西。
    more formidable, more complicated, more mysterious, and more infinite.

  • 很快,你们又会看到全新的神奇莫测,变化无穷的魔术节目。
    Not late in the future, you will see my new, amazing and variable magic programs again.

  • 颜色搭配变化无穷,你甚至可以在每个小屏面上嵌入一些图画。
    The color combinations are endless since you can even embed little pictures within each tiny screen.

  • 对于老师和学生双方来说,奥福教学法,是一种变化无穷的主题。
    For both teacher and student, Orff Schulwerk is a theme with endless variation.

  • 但是,变化无穷的爱情可能在任何一个时刻都让你“脚下悬空”。
    But love has infinite variations that can swallow the floor from under your feet at any moment.

  • 制卡和会员卡制作对创新无奈的时候时尚的设计却是可以变化无穷的。
    Business card printing and membership card making innovative when we design a hanging.

  • 还有,我试着理解那被数字掌控着的毕达哥拉斯的力量,它们变化无穷
    And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flux.

  • 综合事物内部结构千变万化,外部特性变化无穷,都是由非常道创造的。
    The endless changes in the internal structures of integrated objects and their external characteristics are created by the inconstant Dao.

  • 湿婆神和沙克蒂寻找变化无穷的方式做爱,人类是其中的一个变化方式。
    Shiva and Shakthi find infinite ways to make love to each other and we, as humans are one of the ways.

  • 人间早被创造成生生不息,变化无穷的状态,因此只有上帝才知道答案。
    By design, the world is in a state of perpetual change. Only God knows what you ask.

  • 胡安娜低声哼着一支古老的歌曲。这支曲子只有三个音符,但音程却变化无穷
    Juana sang an ancient song that had only three notes and yet endless variety of interval.

  • 票面不仅可以传递某种思想,还适应各种画种和制作方法,变化无穷,趣味无限。
    Ticket the noodles not only can deliver a certain thought, but also adapt various painting to grow with creation method, variety endless, the interest is infinite.

  • 在这里我为您介绍一种造价低廉,又可以变化无穷的多用组合架,相信您一定会喜欢。
    Here I present to you a low cost, and can easily change the mix of aircraft with more than, I believe you will like it.

  • 该游戏关卡众多,变化无穷,在难度上逐级递进,让玩家每过一关都能面对不同的挑战。
    Numerous points of the game, change infinity, in the degree of difficulty on the level-progressive, so that players can face off with each passing a different challenge.

  • 变化无穷、流行快速为特征的女装,是一个国家服饰艺术和服装工业水平的首要标志。
    Ladies" wear, which shows rich change and quickness in fashion, is the prominent mark of a nation"s fashion art and the level of the costume industry.

  • 所以真正懂得用兵的人,行动起来目的明确而不迷惑,采取措施或谋略变化无穷而不呆板;
    Thus, he who is adept at warfare, when deploying his troops for battle, is never confused or misguided.

  • 钮扣边、花带边、嵌花边以及刺绣边。通过改变细部结构,可以得到变化无穷的多种设计。
    Trims include buttons, lace edging, appliques, embroidery. Great variety in designs can be achieved through varying the detail.

  • 并不单单是文化和人种的不同,那很好,但更美的是空气。还有从黎明到黄昏变化无穷的色彩。
    It's not just the cultures and the people. That's great, but it's the air, the colors from dawn to dusk.

  • 是形意拳全体用法套路之一,熟练后可以生生不已,变化无穷,达到无形无象,随心所欲的境界。
    It is one of the usage of the whole routine of Xingyi Quan. After you are getting good at it, it has many changes, invisible, casual realm.

  • 清代特别是乾隆时期的边纹绚丽多彩,变化无穷,积淀丰厚,与主题装饰画面达到了完美的结合。
    The Qing Dynasty specially the QianLong period fringe pattern"s decoration is gorgeous, countless changes, and accumulates richly. It achieved the perfect union with the subject decoration picture."

  • 变化无穷的天空,是一个出色的演绎者,但它只是个默剧演员,尽管是那样精彩,也只会有色无声。
    Changing sky, is an excellent players, but it is only a mime actors, although it is as exciting, it will only color silent.

  • 这一天,我将向世界,向过去和现在的世界匆忙瞥一眼。我想看看人类进步的奇观,那变化无穷的万古千年。
    The next day - the second day of sight - I should arise with the dawn and see the thrilling miracle by which night is transformed into day.

  • “想象依然无限大、感觉依然说不完、音乐依然范特西”,周杰伦始终在他坚持的音乐风格中,创造变化无穷的想象空间!
    "Creativity is without boundaries, the feeling cannot be put into words, music is still fantasy". While sticking in the style he insist on, Jay Chou still creates his music in an ever-changing pace!

  • 这堂踏板课程会让你感受到最完美转变的“无节拍”规则,这是一种踏板编排的新型方式,它将带来变化无穷的踏板教学系统。
    A step class that embraces the "no taps" rule for the best transitions. A new approach for building construction that can end in a variety of step teaching systems.

  • 有的对话框使用“关闭”作为终止命令,有的使用“应用”,有的使用“完成”,还有的使用“拒绝”、“接受”、“是”,甚至有的使用“确定”,变化无穷
    Some dialogs say Close, some say Apply, some use Done, while others use Dismiss, Accept, Yes, and even OK.

  • United Nurses Association第115区的主席Senkow说:“护理工作其实要求很高,变化无穷,灵活性大,因此很具挑战性。
    "Nursing is a terrific and challenging job, with lots of variety and versatility, " said Senkow, president of the United Nurses Association Local 115.

  • 变化无穷造句相关
