
喜怒无常  xǐ nù wú cháng




《吕氏春秋· 诬徒》:“喜怒无处,言谈日易。”




  • 诗人生性神经过敏,喜怒无常
    The poet is highly nervous and volatile in temperament.

  • 哦,是的,你是一个喜怒无常的人。
    Oh, yes, you are a moody man.

  • 深沉,有思想,喜怒无常
    Deep and thoughtful, you are prone to moodiness.

  • 她是个喜怒无常的女孩。
    She is a girl of moods.

  • 喜怒无常能把人气疯。
    He is a person of incalculable moods.

  • 恋爱中的女人喜怒无常
    The woman falling in love blows hot and cold.

  • 他是一个喜怒无常的人。
    He is a man of moods.

  • 你是一个喜怒无常的人。
    You are a man of moods.

  • 喜怒无常个性的颜色占全部车数的17%。
    More moody colors account for about 17 percent of cars.

  • 那位女演员喜怒无常,许多人都拒绝和她合作。
    The actress was so temperamental that many people refused to work with her.

  • 青少年的喜怒无常使这种情况更加令人琢磨不透。
    The moodiness of adolescents makes it all the more tricky, Grady says.

  • 你知道她有时候喜怒无常,我是不会为此而担心的。
    You know, she is moody sometimes. I wouldn't worry about it.

  • 巨蟹父亲喜怒无常,但他会是妳遇到的最忠诚的朋友。
    Cancer dads might be moody but they will be the most loyal friend you'll ever have.

  • 玛丽可能会有点喜怒无常,容易激动,你得学会安抚她。
    Mary can be a bit moody and you have to learn to handle her with kid gloves.

  • 他是一个性格复杂的人——喜怒无常,反复多变,忧郁寡欢。
    He is a complicated man ——moody, mercurial, with a melancholy streek.

  • 他是一个性格复杂的人——喜怒无常,反复多变,忧郁寡欢。
    He is a complicated man—moody, mercurial, with a melancholy streak.

  • 头一天她同你讲话,第二天便不理睬你-老是这样喜怒无常
    One day she talks to you and the next day she ignores you– always blowing hot and cold.

  • 我发现我是个喜怒无常的人。而有时候,我又有些多愁善感。
    I find myself a man of moods and sometimes of sentimentality.

  • 爱情是喜怒无常的家伙:它渴望得到一切,却又几乎对一切都感到不满。
    Love is a capricious creature which desires everything and can de contented with almost nothing.

  • 简的父亲是一位非常富有的医生,她聪慧、漂亮,但就是有点喜怒无常
    She was an intelligent, attractive and somewhat temperamental daughter of a well-to-do doctor.

  • 球员的个性可以很大程度上影响他的情绪。一些球员天生就是喜怒无常的。
    A player's personality can affect his mood quite severely, some players are naturally more moody than others.

  • 后期的副作用包括疲劳、掉头发、血液计数降低、思考困难、喜怒无常、沮丧。
    Later side effects may include tiredness, hair loss, low blood count, trouble with thinking, moodiness, and depression.

  • 一个喜怒无常的联合政府,或者一个装模作样的军政府,也许会使事情变得更糟。
    A fractious coalition government, or one run by bumbling generals, might make things worse.

  • 如果我的球队里的这名最喜怒无常的球员可以为我带来世界杯资格,我将把他放在名单上。
    If the most temperamental player in my team was still capable of bringing me qualification I would take him on board.

  • 想象力、幻想以及逃避眼前环境的愿望被强烈地激发出来。空想、怀旧或是喜怒无常可能难以平复。
    Imagination, fantasy, and the desire to escape the immediate environment are stimulated. Dreaminess, nostalgia, or moodiness may be hard to resist.

  • 他令人捉摸不透,喜怒无常。有时非常可爱,会溺爱孩子。他清醒的时候相当爽朗。渴醉了就变得不可理喻。
    He was a mercurial, volatile man who could be very charming and indulgent, and quite bright [when] sober, and could be a bitch on wheels when he'd had too much to drink.

  • 我正在寻找一名温柔体贴的,安静的,并且不喜欢戏曲的女士!我喜欢甜女孩!不喜欢喜怒无常的恼怒的女孩。
    I am looking for a loving and caring woman! Someone who is calm and doesn't like drama. I like sweet girls! No moody angry girls please .

  • 但我的眼睛总也离不开他那张蒙着眼罩的脸,他现在喜怒无常,嘴唇,下巴,眉毛动个不停,明显有些不耐烦了。
    But I could not take my eyes off his blindfolded face. His expression kept changing, his lips, jaw, brow continually working, apparently beyond his control.

  • 张先生说,妻子是贸易公司销售经理,打小练就一身功夫,当初就是她“强健的体魄、喜怒无常的个性”打动了他。
    Mr Zhang said his wife, who is a sales manager at a trading company, had studied kungfu since her childhood and that he was attracted to her "strong and independent temperament".

  • 当你摇动它身体上的拨浪鼓时,它会扭动小脚丫,发出咯咯的笑声,但如果不停地挠它痒痒,它就会发脾气哭闹——这就是“阳太郎”,日本发明的一款会像真正的婴儿那样喜怒无常的机器人。
    It giggles and wiggles its feet when you shake its rattle, but will get cranky and cry from too much tickling: Meet Yotaro, a Japanese robot programmed to be as fickle as a real baby.

  • 喜怒无常造句相关
