
回光返照  huí guāng fǎn zhào








  • 但是这就像被死亡判决的病人回光返照
    But they were like false signs of recovery in a patient upon whom death has passed its sentence.

  • 很多人都说目前的楼市只是“回光返照”?
    Is a lot of people say current building town only " momentary recovery of consciousness just before death " ?

  • 热钱:是金钱雨还是崩溃前夜的回光返照
    Hot money : money is the last gasps before rain or near collapse?

  • 他呼吸困难,这句话是他在回光返照之时说的。
    His breathing was very bad, and what he said was during a brief flash of consciousness.

  • 小阳春是回光返照,把今年的需求已经消化掉了。
    The little Spring(Indian Summer) is the lightning before death. It has digested this year's demand.

  • 但它可能只是本世纪初以来长期熊市的一时回光返照
    But it could be only a temporary respite from a longer-term bear market dating back to the beginning of this decade.

  • 这是好战分子余孽的回光返照,还是新一轮流血冲突的开始呢?
    Is this the dying embers of a waning conflict or a new one flaring up?

  • 回光返照原为佛教、道教用语,指检查自己的身心,自我反省。
    Huiguangfanzhao was terms that their physical and psychological examination, self-reflection.

  • 本周投资人将密切注意股市是触底反弹,还是仅仅回光返照而已。
    This week, investors will pay close attention to the stock market is bottoming out, or just more than reflection of the setting sun.

  • 我国民间引申其义,将临死时忽然稍微精神振作者称为回光返照
    China extended its civil justice, will be dying when suddenly the spirit of a little-known as the author Huiguangfanzhao.

  • 目前虽然气焰熏天,但是谁都看得出来,这只是垂死阶级的回光返照
    While their flame is high now, anyone can see that it is only the last radiance of a dying class.

  • “这并非不正常,”有人对我说,“这种恢复通常是临终前的回光返照
    Not unusual, "I was told, " a rally is often a sign of imminent death. "

  • 在伊莫拉和斯帕曾让人眼前一亮,但不过是这位前世界冠军的回光返照
    The occasional spark still there such as in Imola and Spa but generally a shadow of his former self.

  • “这并非不正常,”有人对我说,“这种恢复通常是临终前的回光返照
    "Not unusual, "I was told, " a rally is often a sign of imminent death. "

  • 相反,另一些即将离任的政府则具有回光返照的活力可以延迟劫数的到来。
    Conversely, some moribund administrations embrace desperate hyperactivity to stave off their doom.

  • 或许美国在后冷战时代的主导地位,不过是再次走向相对衰落之前的回光返照
    Perhaps America's post cold-war dominance was just a blip before the resumption of relative decline.

  • 然而,我们的最大希望就是出现一次回光返照——整个急速下跌过程中的一个小插曲。
    The best that can be expected, however, is a dead-cat bounce that recovers only a fraction of the steep loss.

  • 日暮时分,大街上行人络绎不绝,你会感觉到”战斗时代”并肩作战精神的回光返照
    At sunset, thousands of people hit the main drag and you can feel the communal spirit, going back to the days of the struggle.

  • 回光返照同样可以手动使用。如果你知道你即将承担大量伤害,手动使用它将是一个聪明的选择。
    Borrowed Time can be cast manually as well. If you know you are going to receive a lot of damage sometimes it can be wiser to use it then.

  • 死亡缠绕可以伤害敌人和治疗友军,当你使用无光之盾和回光返照的时候,它不会对你造成伤害。
    Death Coil can be used both as a nuke and a heal, just remember that it deals damage to you unless you are using Aphotic Shield or Borrowed Time.

  • 也许到临终“回光返照”的时候,才感到悔惭,心有遗憾,可是已追悔莫及,只好饮恨吞声百死。
    Maybe until  you come to a close you will become regretted, while everything can never return back, you can do nothing but accept the reality and suffer the grievance.

  • 然而似是而非地,百分之十到二十的人在这期间里“回光返照”有所知觉,也许是几分钟或是超过一小时。
    Yet paradoxically, ten or 20 percent of people who are then brought back to life from that period, which may be a few minutes or over an hour, will report having consciousness.

  • 看来,房地产商的大面积“死亡”并没有以其“回光返照”奉献出久违的渔利契机,而是真的就“死翘翘”了。
    It appears that large areas of real estate's "death" and not its "reflection of the setting sun, " the dedication of the profit opportunities for long, but really on the "Si Qiaoqiao.

  • 伊万的确短暂地看起来要占据上风,她马上反破发。但是这被证明仅仅是回光返照,郑洁很快再次破发,重新领先。
    Ivanovic did briefly threaten to seize the momentum as she broke back in the very next game, but it proved only a temporary respite as Zheng secured another quick break to take the upper hand.

  • 相对的,由于期房限转政策出台日期临近,期房成交量在经历了短暂的“回光返照”后,进入了一个大幅回落的萎缩期。
    In contrast, limited to the auction date approaches policies, faster turnover after a short "last gasps before", a sharp drop in the shrinking period.

  • 本周最大焦点武钢CWB1的走势也颇具戏剧性,早盘出现“回光返照”,一度领涨,但午盘还是未能逃脱领跌的命运。
    This week's focus of wisco CWB1 is quite dramatic movements, early ", "once brought up last gasps, but still failed to escape in the fate brought.

  • 如果短线成交量迅速萎缩,筹码高位套牢,则大户们会发动自救式反弹,机械、基建和铁路股还有一次回光返照式的冲锋。
    If the rapid decline of the volume of short-term, high lock-in chips, will launch a large self-rebound, machinery, infrastructure and railway shares also a reflection of the setting sun-like assault.

  • 临死之时回光返照,会有片刻时分的神智清醒,定会问起此鼎,那时我取出来给她瞧上一瞧,让她安心而死,胜于抱恨而终。
    When she returns to consciousness before her death, she is most likely to ask about this tripod. I'll then show it to her and let her go without any regret.

  • 卡德鲁斯说道,这时正是回光返照,他半撑起身子,想更清楚地看看那个发誓的人,因为他所发的誓言是所有人都认为神圣不可亵渎的。
    said Caderousse, supported by a supernatural power, and half-raising himself to see more distinctly the man who had just taken the oath which all men hold sacred;

  • 其中最后一小时恰似回光返照,奇幻依旧。这些笼罩他的映像忽而以圆环和螺旋状张开闭合,忽而又炸裂成五彩斑斓的喷泉而荡漾弥漫。
    The last hour was wonderful again, with images "opening and then closing themselves in circles and spirals, exploding in coloured fountains."

  • 回光返照造句相关
