
好大喜功  hào dà xǐ gōng








  • 好大喜功的敌人,以我弱易战为诱饵;
    grandiose enemy, in my weak-war as bait;

  • 好大喜功,缺乏亲切感,很铺张,做大水池、大喷泉。
    Ambitious and lacks any feeling of intimacy, very conspicuous, bigger pool, large fountain.

  • 好大喜功”观念忽视了一些小型配套项目的建设和作用。
    the "crave for greatness and success"thinking ignore some small-scale auxiliary item"s building and efforts.

  • 研究生和导师们在他们的论文和专题的提议中好大喜功是很常见的。
    It's also common for graduate students and their advisors to try to boil the ocean in their thesis and dissertation proposals.

  • 当代城市新区发展不是贪大求全、好大喜功,而是有着深刻的经济学动因。
    The new area development these days is no longer a move to pursue the greatness or perfection of a city, instead it is more driven by some deep-going economic motives.

  • 但是要特别警惕贪大求洋、好大喜功的心理,尤其不能把资源浪费型建筑引入我国。
    But should be especially vigilant against going in for grandiose projects and things foreign, like the psychological, particularly the waste of resources-can not be introduced in the construction.

  • 狮心王里查德好大喜功,做事不假思索。这成了他作为受崇拜的十字军偶像的原因。
    Polo: King Richard Lion-Heart liked doing big things without more thinking. This became a reason why he was worshiped as a Crusader.

  • 葛野说,其实真正有点文化修养的人都不会在选房子时选择那些好大喜功、怪名怪意的房子。
    Ge wild said that the people are really somewhat cultural cultivation in the house, not like those options, strange name strange to the house.

  • 国民还很浮躁,好大喜功,经济建设,面子问题, 但愿不要等病入膏肓也不觉醒,将悔之晚矣。
    It would be much nicer if I did it at first. But it's more valuable to get back after falling.

  • 国家政府好大喜功,相对百花齐放的局面,他们更喜欢在国有企业和大型基础设施的建设上下功夫。
    The state is more interested in grand projects—from state-owned companies to giant infrastructure schemes—than in letting a hundred flowers bloom.

  • 中国的城市规划总是好大喜功,这(和郊区铁路网紧缺一起)导致了造价昂贵的地铁项目频繁上马。
    A show-off tendency among Chinese urban planners (as well as a dire lack of suburban rail networks) has helped to fuel a rapid expansion of costly underground railways.

  • 美国一些环境保护论的基督徒指责小布希总统持人是「支配者」的论调,好大喜功,而忽视环境保护的重要性。
    Some US environmentalist Christians say President George W. Bush is on the side of the human "dominion" argument, accusing him of favouring big businesses and opposing some environmental controls.

  • 但政府仍然好大喜功,而且迟迟做不好那些司空见惯的事,比如这个国家的法庭耗时甚长才使一个合同被强制执行。
    But the government is still too fond of its grandiose projects and too slow to get unglamorous things right. It takes an age, for example, to enforce a contract in the country's courts.

  • 在实际生活中,许多人好高骛远、好大喜功,不重视从点滴事情做起、从细节做起,大事做不好,小事做不来,结果一事无成
    In real life, many ambitious, giving the impression, not attention from the start dropping things, the details from the start, the event is not done well, things do not, achieved nothing.

  • 俞教授还谈到:中国官员的“好大喜功” ——这些官员控制着中国发展的命脉——往往是这些“西方垃圾”被采纳的罪魁祸首。
    However, Yu noted that aspirations of city mayors in China--who largely control development in the country--were often to blame for Western excesses there.

  • 俞教授还谈到:中国部分官员的“好大喜功” ——这些官员控制着中国发展的命脉——往往是这些“西方垃圾”被采纳的始作蛹者。
    However, Yu noted that aspirations of city mayors in China--who largely control development in the country--were often to blame for Western excesses there.

  • 他生性谦和,不好大喜功,尽心尽力履行着治国的职责,但如果形势需要,他也会不遗余力地炫耀自己作为帝国统治者至高无上的荣耀。
    A modest and retiring man by nature, he toiled conscientiously at the duties of government, but when occasion demanded he acted the role of magnificent ruler of his empire with pomp and ceremony.

  • 他生性谦和,不好大喜功,尽心尽力履行着治国的职责,但假如形势需要,他也会不遗余力地炫耀自己作为帝国统治者至高无上的荣耀。
    A modest and retiring man by nature, he toiled conscientiously at the duties of government, but when occasion demanded he acted the role of magnificent ruler of his empire with pomp and ceremony.

  • 例如有的基层领导好大喜功、喜欢说大话、空话、夸大政绩;有的为迎合上司口味,违心地说假话、报假账,在统计数字里随意添加水分;
    of mouth-filling, empty talk, exaggerated achievement in one's post to cater to boss taste, say falsehood, Zhang signing up for a holiday against one's will, add unit of moisture;

  • “可能, ” 法斯特说,“历史上一些最悲惨的失败和振奋人心的成功, 都是当权者好大喜功托强好权欲控制未来结果的精心策划而至。
    "It is likely, " says Fast, "that some of history's most tragic failures and inspiring successes were orchestrated by power holders who overestimated their abilities to control future outcomes.

  • 一个可以容忍下属犯错误的老板,却无法容忍下属好大喜功,更不能忍受下属功高盖主。老板这一条“无形的底线”,让以为自己可以无所顾忌、勇往直前的张冲,彻底翻了船。
    A boss, who can bear the faults of the his underlings, will never tolerate the surpassing of his followers, this invisible line let the inspiring zhang chong turn over his post boat completely.

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