
客死他乡  kè sǐ tā xiāng







  • (合唱)或许他,会客死他乡
    Perhaps he'll die upon this train.

  • 多少外地来唐出差的人们客死他乡!!
    Tang to the number of foreign business people die abroad!

  • 或许我,会客死他乡
    Perhaps I'll die upon this train.

  • 王昭君出塞,为睦邻邦客死他乡,内蒙草原上至今青冢犹存;
    Wang Zhaojun's tomb is still extant on the Inner Mongolian steppe;

  • 有些人因此发了财,而大多数人不是空手而归,就是客死他乡
    Some struck it rich, while most retreated or died empty-handed.

  • 如果当前局势没有解决而中国让他客死他乡,那么西藏内部有强烈的谴责与痛苦。
    There will be "extraordinary levels of recrimination and bitterness within Tibet if the Chinese let him die outside Tibet without the situation resolved, " Barnett said.

  • 张国焘是个极端个人主义者,也曾红极一时,最后走向分裂、叛党、投敌的道路,客死他乡
    Zhang Guodao is an extreme individualist, also Ceng Gong pole temporarily, move toward the road of party of dissension, betray, go over to the enemy finally, guest dead an alien land.

  • 最终客死他乡的马克思尽管成了东方社会主义革命的鼻祖,但在西方主流世界始终被当作一个恐怖的幽灵。
    Dying abroad, Karl Marx became the forefather of Eastern socialist revolution, though his proposals were viewed with terror by wide swathes of Western society.

  • 另一条评论则更为激烈:“像这样的叛徒根本不爱国。这种人根本算不上我们的同胞。随他们客死他乡吧!”
    Another fulminated: "Traitors like this don't even love their own country. These people were only fake countrymen of ours. Let them slink off to other countries and die! ""

  • 但如果他不能马上处理我,布拉扎维城躁动的百姓一定会群起而取我性命,在我还没动手之前就必将客死他乡了。
    But if he did not get rid of me soon, the restless population of Brazzaville might come good on their promise to kill me before I killed them.

  • 据说1606年,一个叫约翰·怀特的人客死他乡,很可能约翰·怀特是在寻找他曾许诺要帮助他(她)们的那些男男女女的路途中,然他还是没能救下他(她)们。
    It is not known where or when he died. Thereis a record that in 1606 a man named John White died" in partsbeyondthe sea."

  • 客死他乡造句相关
