
当仁不让  dāng rén bù ràng








  • 他在荣誉面前从不伸手, 但在艰巨任务面前却当仁不让
    He never seeks credit for himself, but is always ready to take on arduous tasks.

  • 祈求智慧与勇气,当仁不让心有底。
    Pray not for things, but for wisdom and courage.

  • 当人们需要你时,你应该当仁不让
    Be there when people need you.

  • 他高兴地说,这是他当仁不让的天职。
    He responded joyfully that to do so was his mission in life.

  • 现在在,布鲁克斯已经是当仁不让的第一替补控卫。
    Now, Brooks already was the first substitution which does not pass on responsibilities controls the health.

  • 重庆奥林匹克花园的3300亩项目是其中当仁不让的巨无霸。
    Chongqing Olympic Garden 3300 acres which make no apology for the mega project is.

  • 电脑杀毒和重装的展台前,来杀毒重装的同学同样是当仁不让
    Computer anti-virus and reinstall the booth to reinstall antivirus students are also doing my part.

  • 随着网民数量的增长,互联网基础资源的发展势头也“当仁不让”。
    As the growth of netizen amount, the development impetus of Internet foundation resource also " not decline to shoulder a responsibility " .

  • 当然也有人是当仁不让,认为自己是做了了不起的事而得到别人的称赞。
    Certainly there are those who do exalt themselves, thinking that they have somehow earned the praise of others.

  • 这就使谷歌当仁不让的成为网络视频广告这个市场广大的新兴行业的老大。
    This makes Google the clear leader in the fledgling but promising market for web-video advertising.

  • 这一次,裁判相信是有球员被非法放倒,而鲁尼当仁不让将球大力罚入网内。
    This time the referee did agree a player had been illegally brought down and Rooney duly scored with an emphatic shot.

  • 在运用法律为HIV感染者和艾滋病患者维权方面,他是当仁不让的领军人物。
    In the use of law as the HIV-infected people and AIDS activist, he is doing my leader.

  • 而在那些着名的富豪榜上,有房地产背景的富豪更是当仁不让地占据了半壁江山。
    Regal in those famous 25th, Regal is a real estate background make no apology for having occupied half of the country.

  • 楼市大戏又将在新的一年里开演,以上海为龙头的长三角地区依然是当仁不让的主角。
    property in major drama will begin the new year, with Shanghai as the leading make no apology for the Delta region remains the main role.

  • 行业龙头:公司在磨料磨具行业是当仁不让的龙头,其领导地位和核心竞争力非常突出。
    the industry leader: the company in the abrasives industry is doing my head in, its leadership and core competitiveness is very prominent.

  • 电影中,四影帝甘做绿叶衬红花周迅,发布会上,一身绿衣的周迅仍然当仁不让成为焦点。
    Film, actor four green leaves do Gan Zhou Xun red lining, the conference, a green Zhou Xun's still doing my part to become the focus.

  • 东道主印尼队参加了17个大项,以23金8银20铜的成绩当仁不让地位居奖牌榜首位。
    The host Indonesian team participated in 17 major terms, is situated the medal first place position not responsibly by 23 golden 8 silver 20 copper's result.

  • 近日,加拿大拍卖师凯莉·米妮索菲说话速度之快让她当仁不让地获得“快嘴王”的称号。
    The Canadian auctioneer has won the fastest mouth crown, competing against both American and Canadian colleagues last weekend.

  • 今天做为牛顿的现任接班人,他怀着当仁不让的相同抱负,朝向无边无际的时间与空间进发。
    Here is the present heir to Newton's title, embarked on a voyage of equal ambition, into the infinities of space and time.

  • 费迪南德是曼联当仁不让的中后卫主力,如果他真的因伤缺阵数轮,对曼联的影响将会很大。
    Confirmation that Ferdinand will not be out of action for up to six weeks, as had been feared, also represents a real boost for United boss Sir Alex Ferguson.

  • 作为当仁不让的美国债市最大的做市商,中国无论买还是抛,无疑牵引全球投资者和奥巴马的目光。
    Buoyed the bond market as the biggest American maker, China, whether to buy or throw, no doubt the world's investors and Obama traction eyes.

  • 在美国《时代》周刊网络版日前评出的2009年十大科技设备中,电子书当仁不让占据了一席之地。
    In the United States the age law weekly network version given before 2009, top ten technology equipment, e-books to decline to predominate.

  • 保持镇定。”如今,个个是当仁不让,没有二话。[可是]我们确实要控制自己的脾气--这叫文明。
    Remain calm. "Nowadays, everyone comes out swinging, " says Martin. "[But] we do have to control our tempers—that's civilization. "

  • 平日里在丰田中心打比赛时,姚明都会当仁不让的成为比赛的主角,而这一次他却成了一个特殊的观众。
    Ordinary day when the Toyota center plays the competition, Yao Ming can not pass on responsibilities becomes competition's lead, but these he has actually become a special audience.

  • 我要在这一项目中成为下一个肖恩•约翰逊。如果我卫冕成功并创造历史,那么当仁不让,那就是我了。
    I'm in this sport to become the next Shawn Johnson. If I defend my [world] title and make history, it'll be being me, no one else.

  • 如何确保人才真正觉得您的公司是当仁不让的最佳雇主和受尊敬企业;尤其是经济运行充满不确定性的今天?
    Why should people believe that you're the most admired hirer for them to work for, even against the challenging economic environment?

  • 工业革命之后的英国已经是世界一流强国,英国的成功与其显赫的地位使其当仁不让地成为第一届世博会的举办国。
    Britain has become a recognized world power after the industrial revolution. Its success and prestige has made Britain the natural venue for the first world expo.

  • (记者朱玮杰石勇)东南早报参与协办的海峡沙滩摇滚音乐节的舞台不仅属于那些新生的乐队,乐坛的老将们也是当仁不让
    Reporter Shi Yong Wei Zhu Jie) Dongnanzaobao involved in the co-Straits Beach Rock Music Festival on the stage not only those who belong to the new band, the music veteran who is also doing my part.

  • 资深的财务背景、成熟的信息技术和完善的客户服务使热百赛成为了财务信息系统本土化这个细分市场上当仁不让的领导者。
    Sound finance background, mature information technology and outstanding customer service make HBS the true industry leadership in the segment market of financial localization solution.

  • 罗纳尔多会说他的衣服最好。最差的嘛……帕特莱斯(埃夫拉)当仁不让,但是我想还好啦(思考了一会儿,然后罗纳尔多走了进来)
    Ronaldo would say he's got the best clothes. As for the worst dressed… Patrice gets stick, but I think he's all right [Pauses to think, then Ronaldo walks in.

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