
得寸进尺  dé cùn jìn chǐ




《战国策·秦策三》:“王不如远交而近攻,得寸则王之寸, 得尺亦王之尺也。”




  • 世界就是在得寸进尺中前进的!
    The world is being changed little by little!

  • 对他让步一点点,他就会得寸进尺
    Give him an inch, and he'll take a mile.

  • 玛丽,我们还是别得寸进尺,好不好?
    Let's not push our luck, Mary , OK ?

  • 给他一英寸,他就要一英里(得寸进尺)。
    Give him an inch, he will take a mile.

  • 得寸进尺。给肩膀上脸。说你胖,就肿了。
    Give him an inch and he'll take a yard.

  • 你已经得到好处了,还想怎样,得寸进尺吗?
    what else do u want/egg in ur beer?u already have it good.

  • 这显然是得寸进尺
    This is obviously push for too much.

  • 该有的好处你已经得到了。还想怎么样?得寸进尺吗?
    What else do you want? Egg in you beer? You already have it good.

  • 该有的好处你已经得到了。还想怎么样?得寸进尺吗?
    What else do you want? Egg in your beer? You already have it good.

  • 该有的好处你已经得到了。还想怎麽样?得寸进尺吗?
    What else do you want? Egg in you beer? You already have it good.

  • 后来,我也得寸进尺让他扮演海盗、海军等角色,他很乐意。
    Later, I also be insatiable lets him act the part such as pirate, navy, he is very willing.

  • 她不过是洞察人情世故,知道稍微的让步也会让对手得寸进尺
    She is but wisely realistic, knowing that the least concession is the inch which precedes that impossible the repulsive ell.

  • 我给了汤姆一块巧克力了,可他还想要一快,他真是得寸进尺
    I gave Tom a piece of chocolate and he wanted another one, he really wanted an egg in his beer.

  • 在他们逐渐跟情人熟悉以后,就想控制她,情人越迁就,他们就越得寸进尺
    As they get used to a mistress, they try to dominate her, and they become all the more demanding the more they are given.

  • 得寸进尺已经成了“足球的一部分”,你都看到了。这是“职业的”。吃药却不是。
    Trying it on, taking a mile if the referee gives you an inch, is "part of the game", you see. It's "professionalism". Popping illegal pills is not.

  • 哼嗯!小屁孩。总是自以为是。得寸进尺,赶明儿就游你头上去了。《小美人鱼》。
    Hmm! Teenagers. They think they know everything. You give them an inch and they swim all over you! - Little Mermaid.

  • “他得意忘形得寸进尺,结果被毫不客气地回绝了”(罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森)
    "He had . . . forgotten himself, had gone too far in his advances, and had been rebuffed" (Robert Louis Stevenson).

  • 乘渡轮过海不过瘾,“得寸进尺”的海南人和广东人开始谋划跨海大桥或隧道项目了。
    by ferry harbour not satisfied, "was so insatiable, " and Cantonese begin planning Hainan Bridge or Tunnel project.

  • 国王:滚,给我滚得远远得,我要找得是自身感到幸福的人,而不是总想得寸进尺的人。
    King: Away with you! Get out of my sight! I'm seeking a man who's happy just as he is, not one who's trying to better his lot.

  • 在情场上,你可以得寸进尺地把自己的信心袒露无余,哪怕情随境迁,爱的力量依然储蓄。
    The  is on the feeling field, you can expose own confidence to have no remaining by insatiably greedy ground, which afraid the feeling move with the Jing and the loving strength still keeps save.

  • ‘小甜心,你好体贴而备致啊。但愿你说话算数。我要你发誓,好吗?’她有点儿得寸进尺哦。
    'Oh, my honey, you're so thoughtful and understanding. Wish you mean what you say. I want you to take an oath, will you?' She is a little insatiable.

  • 要生孩子就要确保有经济能力,不要老是想得到“施舍“。 有些人就是这样得寸进尺贪得无厌
    Want people to give more birth, of course need to pay and pay. Exp free education, free medication, but i think two month leave is enough if not get set from company.

  • “那是不是我提什么要求你都会答应啊?”这丫头还得寸进尺了,这个关键时刻,我不答应可以吗?
    "Then would you accept all my requests?" The girl went further. And I could not refuse at this moment, could I?

  • 她也不过是洞达世情,知道稍微的让步就会让对方得寸进尺,而这是不可容忍的一尺,是极端可憎的一尺。
    She is but wisely realistic, knowing that the least concession is the inch which precedes the impossible , the repulsive ell.

  • 有胆就当面说啊,没胆就给我安静点。我什么都知道,可是我一直假装不知道。可是我假装不知道,不代表就可以得寸进尺
    i really can't stand it anymore. stop writing rubbish on my tagboard. you know who you are! i deleted it liao.

  • “你得寸进尺了吧!你回来就是为了这些吗?”她就没给他答复的时间。“没有烤饼,但我有一些新鲜的面包,也是同样不错的。
    our luck! Is that all you've come back for?" She didn't give him time to reply. "No scones, but I've fresh bread which is just as good. "

  • “你得寸进尺了吧!你回来就是为了这些吗?”她就没给他答复的时间。“没有烤饼,但我有一些新鲜的面包,也是同样不错的。
    "You're pushing your luck! Is that all you've come back for?" She didn't give him time to reply. "No scones, but I've fresh bread which is just as good. "

  • 这些孩子会得寸进尺,他们会下意识地希望通过足够过分的要求以迫使家长规定出限制,这种结果看似(与父母的意图)矛盾,却有一定的道理。
    The paradoxical result may be that these children will push further, unconsciously hoping that, if they push too hard, they force their parents into setting limits.

  • 那些人就是得寸进尺;我们对他们说,他们可以经过我们的小道进他们的花园,现在他们已在小道上修起了篱笆,以致我们自己也无法走这条小路过去了。
    If you give those people an inch, they'll take an ell; we told them they might use our side path to reach their garden, now they have fenced in the path so that we cannot use it ourselves.

  • 得寸进尺造句相关
