
忠孝节义  zhōng xiào jié yì







  • 忠孝节义》四屏条的名字很容易让人认为是人物画。
    "One Day" to the names of the four screen people think it is very easy to figure painting.

  • 这个宣扬忠孝节义的故事,为游人平添了一段了解中国封建传统的趣话。
    Fitr to promote justice in this story, in order to add some visitors to understand China's traditional feudalqu hua .

  • 关公为什么在中国老百姓中有那么大的威望,因为关公是中国人忠孝节义的典范。
    Kuan Kung why the Chinese people have so much prestige, as Guan Gong is a Chinese model of filial piety and righteous.

  • 兄妹沾襟”八个朱红大字,流传很广的“忠孝节义二度梅”的故事就发生在这里。
    zhan jin brother" red eight characters, a wide spread of "second-mei yi Fitr, " the story took place here.

  • 中国人的“忠孝节义”是不讲道理的,就象法律那样不讲人情,是一个僵硬的衡量标准。
    The Chinese expression "of virtue" is unreasonable, just as impersonal as the law is a rigid measure.

  • 岳飞幼时,家中环境亦不佳,父母亲在努力维持家计之馀,仍非常重视孩子的教养,不仅教岳飞读书识字,也常说些忠孝节义的故事给他听,希望他从中能有所领会,将来也做个忠孝两全的人。
    Among these were stories of great warriors. In this environment, it was only natural that Yueh Fei would want to be a great warrior. This was also a very suitable occupation for this strong young man.

  • 可见,封建统治阶级标榜的“忠孝节义”其实是自相矛盾的,蔡伯喈行孝的困境正说明封建社会的所谓“孝”实际上是皇权绝对支配下“忠”的附属品,从而揭示了作者文化心理结构与现实的冲突。
    In front of the "unfilial" reality, he is set as the model of filial piety by the emperor, from which, we can see that "the by ally and filial piety" are in fact self-contradictory.

  • 忠孝节义造句相关
