
惨淡经营  cǎn dàn jīng yíng








  • 他们惨淡经营的事业也以失败而告终。
    The cause they contrived so painstakingly also ended in failure.

  • 他们惨淡经营的事业也以失败而告终。
    The cause they contrived so painstakingly also ended in failure.

  • 日语学校惨淡经营,学日语的学生人数每况愈下
    With student enrolment dwindling, the Japanese-language schools are struggling to survive.

  • 旅游业在走下坡路,许多酒店惨淡经营,入不敷出。
    Tourism are down and many hotels are operating in the red.

  • 政府为了维持经济稳定,决定挽救这家惨淡经营的银行。
    The government decided to bail out the failing bank in order to maintain stability in the economy.

  • 与会者还包括由她惨淡经营的缅甸国家民主联盟的一些官员。
    He spent over an hour with her and with executives from her moribund National League for Democracy.

  • 村里另一位邻居是个年少英俊的歌手,他惨淡经营着一家餐馆。
    Another Village neighbor was a handsome young singer who ran a struggling restaurant.

  • 周四,根据零售商十一月份的业绩报告,可谓是“惨淡经营”。
    Retailers are also expected to show grim results when they report their November sales on Thursday.

  • 非常遗憾的是,研发部惨淡经营,在本年度所有比赛中仅胜一场。
    Very regretful is, ministry of research and development keep an enterprise going by painstaking effort, in this year one is gotten the better of only in all matches.

  • 经济不景气,在企业惨淡经营的情况下,指数将重回五百点,甚至以下。
    The economic situation is bad and the profitability of the enterprises is weak. The index will return to five hundred points, even below.

  • 这家门店在该地区规模并不小,但现在也已陷入了惨淡经营,鲜有客户问津。
    This house is not small-scale shops in the area, but now have fallen into a hard, a few customers interested.

  • 早期贡糖业者,多流于家庭式惨淡经营,口味简单不精致,多唯一般的花生糖。
    Early Gong sugar, and multi-stream in the family hard, simply do not taste exquisite, multi-CD peanut candy in general.

  • 本周德国代姆勒克莱斯勒宣布了有关它惨淡经营的美国分公司的出售交易的信息。
    This week DaimlerChrysler of Germany announced a deal for its struggling American division.

  • 由于上述种种原因,大多数手机公司,尤其是中小型的公司,都处于惨淡经营的状态。
    These various challenges have led to sluggish business at many mobile game companies, especially small and medium size ones.

  • 就是里面的商铺基本都是惨淡经营,除了上面的美食街比较红火,其他地方人气很差。
    there is the basic shops are hard, in addition to the above street food is booming compared with other popular local poor.

  • 1945年戴希曼去世后,他的儿子海因茨一霍尔斯特·戴希曼接管了父亲惨淡经营的鞋店。
    After Dai Ximan died 1945, his son sea because Ci one Huoersite Daiximan take-overed the shoemaker of father keep an enterprise going by painstaking effort.

  • 美国最大的报纸一度被人讥为“麦报”,然而,在其对手惨淡经营的今天,它却在欣欣向荣
    Once dubbed "McPaper", America's biggest newspaper is thriving while its rivals struggle.

  • 现在,由于CDO市场因所有那些次级贷款相关损失惨淡经营,CDS的这一需求之源已经枯竭。
    Now that the CDO market is in the deep freeze, thanks to all those subprime-related losses, that source of demand has dried up.

  • 前4个小黄金周惨淡经营,开发商盯上了“十一”黄金周,希望放手一博,争取较好的销售业绩。
    The first 4 small gold week tough business, the developer stared at "11" the gold week, hoped that dropped one abundantly, strove for the good sales result.

  • 在经济全球化的大背景下,大量中国企业跨出国门,谋求发展之路,有的获得了成功,也有的经营惨淡
    with the economical globalization as a backdrop, a great number of chinese businesses have expanded into foreign lands seeking succuss elsewhere. some came out winners, while others failed tragically.

  • 11月9日,保守党获得了四个补选席位中的两个,而所有这四个席位是自由党惨淡经营、[志在必得的]。
    On November 9th the Conservatives picked up two seats in four by-elections, in all of which the Liberals performed dismally.

  • 然而多年的惨淡经营,在现实与理想的失落下,大家决定向市场低头,以媚俗路线,拍出一部好莱坞式的商业动作片!
    However, after years of bad business, caught between lost ideals and reality, they decide to condescend to the market and make a kitschy action movie in the Hollywood fashion.

  • 1939年,当尤利二世在纳粹的统治下惨淡经营时,尤利三世和他的犹太妻子带着他们的儿子尤利四世逃到了英国。
    While Julius II kept the firm going under the Nazis, Julius III and his Jewish wife fled to Britain in 1939, along with their son Julius IV.

  • 在锡尔赫特的农场经营惨淡,那儿有十分之一的茶树都没能挺过去年的旱灾,目前还没有办法补上这一部分茶树的产量。
    And the farms of Sylhet have a problem. A drought last year killed one in ten of the tea bushes, which haven't yet been replaced.

  • 另一方面,阐述了华商公共交通企业在资本筹集、日常经营等方面的困窘局面,并通过与外商企业的比较,分析其惨淡经营的主要原因。
    On the other hand, the chapter demonstrates the predicament of Chinese public transportation enterprises in fund raising and business operation, and analyzes the main reasons for that.

  • 但众多的农村基层社仍处于困境,经营惨淡,生存艰难,甚至在有些地方出现了组织萎缩,成为整个供销合作社系统改革发展的最薄弱环节。
    But numerous rural basic units are still in the predicament, become the weakest link of the whole systematic reform and development of supply and marketing cooperative.

  • 李磊通过对画面的惨淡经营,用一种近乎纯真形式的视觉趣味,将稚拙的天真,返朴归真的本我意志交融相生,抒发了一种被理性过滤的诗化情感。
    By the means of merely vision amusement, Li-lei expressed his rationalized poetic emotion derived from the mixture of the childish innocence, simplicity and original self-willing.

  • 前十年惨淡经营的基业使中国新诗在接下来的20多年中创造了属于自己的辉煌:不仅成就了一批出色的诗人和诗篇,还为新诗理论留下了一段可圈可点的历程。
    It made its great progress based on the achievements of the past ten years: not only many outstanding poets and poems but also much excellent poetics come into being.

  • 作为在大多数发达经济体中已经相对成熟的行业,过去数十年中,它在中国只不过是一个惨淡经营而又发展缓慢的国营垄断保护行业,但是最近它已经开始腾飞了。
    A relatively mature business in most developed economies, and for decades the sluggish preserve of a poorly run state monopoly in China, it has recently taken off.

  • 对森工重点“院墙企业”的经营现状进行了分析,把森工院墙企业目前大体划分为六种类型:“名存实亡”型、“自然消耗”型、“看摊留守”型、“惨淡经营”型、“分散突围”型、“微利”型。
    Analysed the present situation of key factories of forest industry, and it divided the factories into six types:the type of exist in name only;

  • 惨淡经营造句相关
