
手忙脚乱  shǒu máng jiǎo luàn








  • 本杰明手忙脚乱地找电灯开关。
    Benjamin fumbled for the light switch.

  • 我如果同时想做许多事,就会手忙脚乱
    I have my hands full if I try to do many things at one time.

  • 还有可能一位客户离开让你和同事们突然手忙脚乱
    Or a client may have jumped ship, leaving you and your coworkers suddenly scrambling.

  • 结果临产时常常由于准备不充分,而弄得手忙脚乱
    The results of labor often due to inadequate preparation, while the confused running around in circles.

  • 跌撞行进了半公里,驾驶员就手忙脚乱地把坦克撞了山。
    The tank had hardly proceeded a half kilometer when the driver panicked and rolled the tank down a hill.

  • 示威者耍闹得很凶,使在场的警察和保安人员都个个手忙脚乱
    The demonstrators would make themselves sufficiently a nuisance so that any police or security forces on the scene would be kept busy.

  • 暗夜精灵们手忙脚乱的将失去意识的塞纳留斯放到安全的角落。
    The night elves scrambled into action, pulling the unconscious Cenarius to safety.

  • 罗伯特?穆加贝看来再一次让那些一直试图赶他下台的人手忙脚乱
    ROBERT MUGABE appears once again to have wrong-footedvt those who have been trying to oust him.

  • 而遇上突发状况时,她更是手忙脚乱,而一点小事也能让她过度反应。
    She is also prone to fly into a state of panic whenever something untoward happens, however trivial.

  • 顾客可在这儿买现成的沙拉装在盒中带回去,免得回家再手忙脚乱地做饭。
    Customers can take out a prepared salad and need not fuss at home.

  • 但近来全球对铁、铜和其他重要商品的需求快速增加,业者手忙脚乱因应。
    But these days the industry is struggling to meet rapidly growing global demand for iron, copper and other essential commodities.

  • 随后,他又坐山观虎斗,看着手忙脚乱的狄安被逼提前五个月辞去党魁一职。
    Dion performed so clumsily that he was forced to resign five months ahead of schedule.

  • 最好在开始时向人求助,而不要等到大家都手忙脚乱的繁忙时间去找人帮忙。
    It is better to ask for help at the beginning rather than to wait until a busy period when everyone is rushed off their feet.

  • 直到KFS通知可以收楼了,才开始手忙脚乱,定了装修队定不了装修风格。
    KFS to take notice until, started running, the team will not be a decoration decoration style.

  • 一天我从学校回家,发现妈妈不见了,而爸爸正跪在地上手忙脚乱地给弟弟换尿布。
    One day I came home from school to find my mother gone and my father kneeling on the rug struggling with my baby brother's nappy.

  • 艾达:有点手忙脚乱。我一直搞不清楚自己已经塞了什麽东西,什麽又还没塞进去。
    Ada : It's been pretty 1)hectic . I keep losing track of what I already packed and what I haven't.

  • 很顺利。我们很早就开始准备。就是为了避免到最后手忙脚乱。唯一没定下来的就是我的婚纱。
    Yes. We've taken care of all of that. We decided not to get married in a church for neither of us is very religious.

  • 当亲人经历磨难,遭遇疾病折磨时,我无计可施,手忙脚乱,只能安慰自己说,幸好有希望康复。
    When the family experienced the hardships encountered disease-ridden, I can not do anything, running around in circles, can only console myself that, but fortunately there is hope recovery.

  • 杰克手忙脚乱地想把罐子扶正,一不小心,又把他的那几张稿纸碰落了一地,正好掉进一摊鸡汤里。
    The thick, salty, greasy soup got all over the table and the ground. Jack moved to try and stop the bowl, and in the process knocks his paper onto the ground and into the soup.

  • 主席一开始不打算理睬那个挑衅者,但是后来还是选择了面对这个家伙,这让保镖们手忙脚乱了一阵子。
    Moratti initially seemed to ignore the insult but then chose to confront the heckler, much to the dismay of his security personnel.

  • 在他看来,公司的整体工作也被《爱上汤加丽》的一脱再拖弄得手忙脚乱,原已拟定的宣传计划也是被迫搁置。
    In his view, the company's overall work was "love Shangjiali" again and again made a rush from the original plan has been prepared by the publicity is forced to be shelved.

  • 从前的记忆中雨总是冷冷的阴暗的湿漉漉的,手忙脚乱之中带着失望,可是今年的雨,却让我感受到了温暖。呵呵。
    In my mind , rain was always so cold and moody , messed up with depression , but this rain brought warmness to me.

  • 我会手忙脚乱,与大通假想怪兽,并追逐你的脚和你的脚趾和'袭击'你,并大通模糊球外,其他宠物,和小的孩子。
    I will run around, and chase imaginary monsters, and chase your feet and your toes and 'attack' you, and chase fuzz balls, other pets, and small kids.

  • 最终这只是一架带来虚惊的民用飞机。国家机场的空中管制为了实施首度上空的禁飞,正手忙脚乱地指示这架飞机着陆。
    The planes turned out to be harmless civilian aircraft that air-traffic controllers at National Airport were scrambling to help land so they could clear the air space over the nation's capital.

  • 做一个成熟的投资者不要随着市场的小幅跌宕而让心情跌宕,更没有必要在这个过程中让自己失去了理性,搞得自己手忙脚乱
    To be a mature market, as investors will not be allowed to feel a slight ups and downs, but there is no need in the process lost his reason, make their own deal.

  • 感觉这个大妈人倒是不错的,不过如果是我的话,会有个担心就是你家宝宝会不会变成大妈刚开业手忙脚乱期间拿来练手的试验品?
    Yeah, It must be. But if she is a good person, I wouldn't really worry about this. My concern is why the person want to be a carer instead of a doctor. It sounds like a story from a book.

  • 但又好象一切都变了,因为我刚才亲眼目睹的一幕,让我久久难以平静:在这手忙脚乱、焦头烂额的日子里,居然有这样一站——让爱重温的小港。
    Most of all, I was silently moved by what I had witnessed, a small harbor of reconnection in a raging hurricane of activity and distraction.

  • 要每晚都有美味佳肴,又不用手忙脚乱便可快速自制各式佳肴美食,现代家庭最需要的未必是一个烹饪能手,皇后牌的迷你套装和钛洁镬才是煮食的最佳拍档!
    Luckily, help is at hand from Amway with a range of great cookware items that offer families a quick and convenient way to cook in this fast-paced life!

  • 这让务实主义者手忙脚乱,比如说阿亚图拉•拉夫桑贾尼(AyatollahRafsanjani),他支持核能项目,却又会尽更大力量来避免核科技去对抗整个世界并让伊朗孤立无援。
    This has wrong-footed the pragmatists, such as Ayatollah Rafsanjani, who supports the nuclear programme but would work harder to prevent it from antagonizing the world and isolating Iran.

  • 但是,以色列通过表示愿意撤出沙巴阿农场(ShebaaFarms)就能使真主党手忙脚乱,这是一片1967年(中东)战争中被以色列夺取的土地,叙利亚和黎巴能都宣称对此拥有主权。
    But Israel could wrong-foot Hizbullah by offering to vacate the Shebaa Farms, a patch of land taken by Israel during the war of 1967 and claimed both by Syria and Lebanon.

  • 手忙脚乱造句相关
