
一潭死水  yī tán sǐ shuǐ






  • 一潭死水和死寂的宗教冰冻得最快。
    Still water and still religion freeze the quickest.

  • 一潭死水风过后的涟漪,能持续多久?
    After the wind ripple the pool of stagnant water, can be long?

  • 一潭死水的平静,我没有心情观赏。
    On the backwater of calm, I am not in the mood to view.

  • “对”平静得像是一潭死水
    "to "calm like a backwater.

  • 但是,若说巴黎像一潭死水也不公平。
    Nor is it fair to say that Paris has stayed still.

  • 所有的鱼都死了,池塘成了一潭死水
    It became a pool of dead water when all fishes died.

  • 耶路撒冷变成了一潭死水
    Jerusalem became a backwater.

  • 真正的力量不是一潭死水
    Real Power is not Stagnant.

  • 股市中如果没有机构,股指就是一潭死水
    If there are no institutions in the market, the index will be like a deep pool of stagnant water.

  • 我的灵魂是一潭死水
    And my soul was a stagnant tide.

  • 次优房贷曾是一潭死水,现在则是绝对的市场主流。
    Once a backwater, subprime is now very much in the mainstream.

  • 在今天,那过去的一潭死水已蜕变为尼亚加拉瀑布。
    Today the backwater has turned into Niagara Falls.

  • 当你觉得生命象一潭死水,寂静的没有丝涟漪泛起时,你会心慌;
    When you feel life is like dead sea, you will be anxious ;

  • 但是,他内心那份激动,已平静了下来,像一潭死水,吹不起半点沦漪。
    However, he mind that an emotion has calmed down, such as a pool of stagnant water, not a single theory blow Yi.

  • 在这八年中,我的生活十分单,但并无不快,因为日子没有成为一潭死水
    During these eight years my life was uniform: but not unhappy, because it was not inactive.

  • 任何个企业都应该是池活水,旦成为一潭死水,这个企业也就快死了。
    Any enterprise should be one pool water, once a backwater, the enterprise is dying.

  • 然而,工业并不是停滞不前而成为一潭死水个稳定的供设计师使用的平台。
    Industry, however, did not simply establish itself and then become a constant, a stable background against which the designer must work.

  • 但如果说你光是恒定,一潭死水块铁板,那就不会有我们今天的改革开放了。
    Constancy without agility, on the other hand, can be a pool of stagnant water, a massive monolith, which cannot reform itself.

  • 在外交官看来,本轮谈判犹如“一潭死水”,这恐怕是本回合最令人担心的点了。
    Perhaps the most worrying indicator for the round is what diplomats called a 'lack of spark' in the negotiations.

  • 几十年来中国社会发生了翻天覆地的变化,曾经的一潭死水如今已跃升为全球第四大经济体。
    These ever-accelerating changes have transformed China from a Communist backwater to the world's fourth-largest economy.

  • 平淡的生活就象一潭死水,虽然失去了飞流之美,但却会时时荡起涟漪,那是真真切切,实实在在的感觉。
    Dull life as a pool of stagnant water, although the beauty of from time to time, be absolutely sure that is true, real feelings.

  • 因为谢亚龙不开会,或者开会走过场,中国足球在过去四年中完全没有信息的交流,完全变成了一潭死水
    Xie Yalong not because of a meeting or meetings going through the motions, the Chinese soccer in the past four years has not the exchange of information, have turned into a backwater.

  • 然而,对华校生来说,更重要的是,原本像是一潭死水的华族文化,现在开始疏通了,而且还可同源头活水接通。
    that the Chinese culture - much like a pool of stagnant water - will now be able to flow again and even get connected with its source.

  • 从欧洲的一潭死水变成了欣欣向荣的经济体,爱尔兰展现了其卓越非凡的改变。有些年其经济增长率甚至高达10%。
    It goes to show how remarkable has been the transformation of a sleepy European backwater into a vibrant economy that in some years grew by as much as 10%.

  • 没有在良好的心理状态下的教师给学生的只能是枯燥的、呆板的知识,失去了灵魂的交流,就犹如到了一潭死水中观鱼…
    As you know, if a teacher couldn't give his\her students enough surport, and they failed in the exam, it wasn't what a good teacher should do.

  • 在共产主义时代之前,像捷克斯洛伐克、波兰和匈牙利这些国家处于欧洲大陆的中心位置,而不是贫穷、孤立的一潭死水
    Before the communist era, countries such as Czechoslovakia, Poland and Hungary were at the centre of the continent, not its impoverished and isolated backwater.

  • 村里的教师是大陆人,这位历尽生活艰难的年轻人觉得海南犹如一潭死水,他天天给学生们背诵古代被贬流放来此的官员的文章。
    The village schoolteacher, an embittered mainlander who felt that Hainan was a backwater, spent most days reciting to his students from the writings of officials exiled to Hainan long before.

  • 如果研究人员所说的是真的,那么,犹如一潭死水的枯燥生活和沉溺于幻想的“白日梦”生活,同样,都是不丰富的更不是所倡导的生活方式。
    If what researchers are saying is true, a life lived without fantasies and daydreams isn't as rich and rewarding as life can be. So they suggest setting aside a few minutes each day for daydreaming.

  • 你需要有新鲜血液补充进来否则就会变成一潭死水,“穆西纳说:”但是只球队都由菜鸟组成也不会取得成功,因为你需要有些'老傢伙'来领导。
    "You've got to have the youth around or it gets stale, " Mussina said. "But a whole team of kids isn't going to be successful, because you need the veteran leadership. "

  • 伯纳德·阿德尔曼(BernardEdelman)认为:“现代实物复制技术的爆发——摄影器材、照相机——扰乱了版权相关法律的一潭死水”。
    Bernard Edelman states that "the eruption of the modern techniques of the reproduction of the real – photographic apparatuses, cameras – surprises the law in the quietude of its categories."

  • 一潭死水造句相关
