
万古流芳  wàn gǔ liú fāng








  • 我的诗便能活着,使你的生命万古流芳
    So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

  • 呵,这便是颠扑不灭万古流芳的园丁魂!
    Oh, this is indisputable vancomycin Liufang Gardener soul!

  • 莎士比亚的作品万古流芳
    Shakespeare's works are immortal.

  • 他的名字将万古流芳
    His name will resound through ages.

  • 在这场竞选中发生了很多前所未有以后会万古流芳的故事。
    The election had many firsts and many stories that will be told for generations.

  • 仅此一项就足以令科学界为之瞩目、使居里夫妇的名字万古流芳
    This alone would have been enough to impress the scientific world and to make the names of the Curies immortal.

  • 我动,动成飘飞的云儿,在天空中唱一首万古流芳的恋歌,唱给妳听。
    my heart dances with myself. I am dancing into the flying cloud, singing a love song under the deep blue sky, only to you.

  • 我动,动成飘飞的云儿,在天空中唱一首万古流芳的恋歌,唱给你听。
    my heart dances with myself. I am dancing into the flying cloud, singing a love song under the deep blue sky, only to you.

  • “春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干。”呵,这便是颠扑不灭万古流芳的园丁魂!
    "Spring Silkworms to death to make silk, wax torch ashes only dry tears. " Oh, this is indisputable vancomycin Liufang Gardener soul!

  • 她表演,她生存。因此,她的精神将如她的音乐一样,万古流芳,并影响着鼓舞着我们,直到永远。我们爱你,阿梅,并将永远想念你!
    Her spirit as in her music will live on to inspire us to eternity. Anita Mui, we love you, and we always miss you. Thank MTV for this Award.

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