
专心致志  zhuān xīn zhì zhì








  • 你应当专心致志的做你的工作。
    You should do your job with undivided attention.

  • 首先,你必须专心致志于进修。
    You must, above all, set your heart on study.

  • 这名学生正在专心致志地看书。
    The student is engrossed in his book.

  • 他总是专心致志于研究工作。
    He has always devoted himself to research.

  • 图书馆里学生们都在专心致志地读书。
    All the students in the library are committed to their books.

  • 专心致志于正在做的工作。
    He was intent on the job he was doing.

  • 他们专心致志于这项任务。
    They have give themselves up to this task.

  • 学生们应该专心致志学习。
    Students should apply themselves to their study.

  • 专心致志学法语。
    He applied himself to learning French.

  • 专心致志地工作。
    He is intent on his task.

  • 网上学习通常是循序渐进的,要求学生专心致志
    Online learning is normally sequential and requires commitment on the students' part.

  • 专心致志的艺术能够帮助你成为一个杰出的交易者。
    The art of concentrat­ion can help you become a great trader.

  • 勒哈贝罕行为邪恶,因为他没有专心致志寻求上主。
    He did evil, for he had not truly resolved to seek the LORD.

  • 雷克斯专心致志地听着讲座,所有注意力全用在上面了。
    Rex was listening attentively to the lecture, all his attention fixed upon it.

  • 如果你专心致志于你手头的工作,你很快就会把他干完。
    If you apply yourself to the job in hand, you'll soon finish it.

  • 车厢里至少还有六个人正在专心致志地玩玩各自的掌上。
    At least half a dozen other people in the car sat lost in their own Palms.

  • 卢卡斯将军专心致志于占领滩头堡,并使装备和车辆登岸。
    General Lucas confined himself to occupying his beachhead and having equipment and vehicles brought ashore.

  • 专心致志有助于我们在脑海中形成有关终极目标的清晰画面。
    And concentration will help us form a clear picture in our minds of the ultimate objective.

  • 进到房里,我看见一位十八岁左右的姑娘正在专心致志地学习。
    Entering the house, I found a young lady of eighteen or so absorbed in her study.

  • 假如及早养成这种专心致志的习惯,它将成为我们生命的一部分。
    The habit of attention becomes part of our life, if we begain early enough.

  • 阿梅里奥十分看重专心致志、严于律己,他的空手道黑带就是明证。
    Mr Amelio prizes focus and self-discipline—and has a black belt in karate to prove it.

  • 网上课程要求学生花更多时间,专心致志,有自制力,才能与网络课程同步。
    Online learning requires much time, commitment and discipline to keep up with the flow of the course.

  • 今天,我们较从前更加专心致志,落力巩固现有的全球最具创意直销公司地位。
    We're focused even more intently on being the most innovative direct selling company in the world.

  • 在新的国家里,他专心致志地为我俩开创一个新的生活,这样他渐渐停止了悲痛。
    In the new country he became absorbed in making a new life for the two of us, so that he gradually ceased to grieve.

  • 一天,古希腊著名的数学家、力学家阿基米德正蹲着专心致志地研究画在地上的几何图形。
    One day, the famous ancient Greek mathematician Archimedes are being squatting dedicated mechanics to study the paintings on the ground geometry.

  • 假如我再回到童年,我会培养自己专心致志的习惯;如果手头有事,决不让任何东西使我分心。
    If I were a boy again, I would school myself into a habit of attention; I would let nothing come between me and the subject in hand.

  • 他一边上学一边挨饿,不可能专心致志地学习,成绩也一天天的落后。有您的支持,他就有一条出路。
    He goes to school hungry, can't concentrate and keeps falling behind day after day after day. With your help, there is a way out.

  • 不论你一生追求何种美好的渴望、何种资历、何种地位,你只要全心全意、专心致志并充满信心,那么“你就一定能得到它。”
    Whatever of good you may desire of life, whatever qualification, whatever position, you have only to work for it wholeheartedly, confidently, with singleness of purpose—and you can get it.

  • 曼联仍旧还有两场未踢的比赛,包括今晚作客纽卡,但是贝纳永强调利物浦能专心致志打好自己的比赛和拿下应得的三分是最重要的。
    United still have two games in hand - including tonight's trip to Newcastle - but Benayoun insists it was vital the Reds did their own job and claim all three points.

  • 专心致志地艺术能够辅助你成为一个杰出地交易者。也就是说,支配出时间来仔细地思考、计划、琢磨、调查、研究、分析、衡量和选择你地交易。
    The art of concentration can help you become a great trader. In other words, set aside time to think, plan, meditate, investigate, research, analyze, evaluate and select your trades carefully.

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