
义正辞严  yì zhèng cí yán








  • 我们义正辞严的声明赢得了大多数的支持.
    Our just and severe statement has won the support of the overwhelming majority.

  • 我们义正辞严的声明赢得了大多数的支持。
    Our just and severe statement has won the support of the overwhelming majority.

  • 「革命」这种词在我听来带点儿恐怖,在他却是义正辞严
    Such the word "revolution" sounded a bit horrible for me, but on his side it meant justice.

  • 但是,他却可以“义正辞严的辩称这是自己为能在空中漂浮而万分激动使然。”
    But he could "rightfully say that he was greatly thrilled" to find himself, at last, floating.

  • 良心是个懦夫,它犯了过失,事前既无力防止,事后又难以义正辞严地去谴责。
    Conscience is a coward, and those faults it has not strength enough to prevent, it seldom has justice enough to accuse.

  • 荧屏上的撒贝宁既义正辞严,又机智幽默,他的成就来自于他的个性,也来自他多方面的才能。
    The Sa Beining on the screen already justice decline is severe, quick-witted humour, his achievement comes from the individual character at him, also come from the ability of his many sided.

  • 良心是个懦夫,它犯了过失,事前既无力防止,事后又难以义正辞严地去谴责。--哥德斯密。
    Conscience is a coward, and those faults it has not strength enough to prevent, it seldom has justice enough to accuse. -Goldsmith.

  • 同时,每一个有嫌疑的经济学家,都在为自己的言行义正辞严地辩解,而且听起来都情有可原。
    at the same time, each suspectable economist, be in the words and deeds that is oneself justice demit explains severely, and sound excusable.

  • 义正辞严地对罗切斯特说:“你以为我穷、低微、不美、矮小,我就没有灵魂,没有心了吗?
    She said righteously to Rochester that, "You thought I poor, mean, am not beautiful, am diminutive, I do not have the soul, has not had the heart?"

  • 如果圣经的义正辞严一时无法叫他就范,驱赶魔鬼另有妙招,不妨试试嘲弄他、抑郁他,魔鬼最受不了人蔑视他。
    The best way to drive out the devil, if he will not yield to texts of Scripture, is to jeer and flout him, for he cannot bear scorn.

  • 谈判虽然处境艰难,但李波在每次谈判中,均能义正辞严,有理、有节地反驳对方种种谬论,取得了决定性胜利。
    Despite the difficult situation of the talks, Li Bo, but each time the negotiations can Yizhengciyan, rational, the other section to refute the fallacy of all kinds, have achieved a decisive victory.

  • “我知道我在说什么你对此不必'冷嘲日(热)讽',用好的字眼没什么不对,这有助于增加'字(词)汇',”艾美义正辞严地反击。
    "I know what I mean, and you need't be satirical about it. It's proper to use good words, and improve your vocabulary, " returned Amy, with dignity.

  • 义正辞严造句相关
