
乐业安居  lè yè ān jū







  • 人民安居乐业,生活水平不断提高。
    People live, work and continuously improve the standard of living.

  • 因此,我们必须安居乐业,静心知足!
    So we must settle down and be content!

  • 通过总统的领导能带来人民的安居乐业
    Through its leadership can come a more vital life for our people.

  • 现在,这一切并不是说要成为总裁才可安居乐业
    Now, all of this is not to say that you have to become a CEO to live in comfort.

  • 目前,中国社会稳定,经济发展,人民安居乐业
    At present, China is enjoying political stability, economic progress and social harmony.

  • 人民安居乐业,接受良好教育,实现人的全面发展。
    People will live and work in peace and contentment, receive good education and achieve all-round individual development.

  • 西藏的总体形势是安定的,西藏人民希望安居乐业
    The situation in Tibet is on the whole peaceful and stable and the Tibetan people hope to live and work in peace and stability.

  • 社会管理逐步完善,社会大局稳定,人民安居乐业
    Social stability was ensured and the. people lived and worked in peace and contentment.

  • 家是另一种文化,而同时中国艺术,皆在人生之安居乐业中。
    Living is another form of art. All Chinese arts are rooted in a fulfilled life.

  • 本视频反应七台河人民的安居乐业,幸福生活,没有别的意思。
    This video just show the happy life of qitaihe city . it hasn"t other"s meaning.

  • 不过,没有人知道她是否能找到一个喜欢同她安居乐业的男人。
    But nobody knows if she could find a man who would like to live with her or not.

  • 经济高速发展,社会秩序稳定,人民安居乐业,呈现出一片繁华气象。
    Its economy is growing rapidly, its society is stable, its people are happy, so it's prosperous.

  • 科技、卫生等社会事业协调推进,社会治安秩序稳定,人民安居乐业
    Science and technology, health and other social undertakings, to promote co-ordination, social order and stability, and the people live and work in peace.

  • 浸信宣道会吕明才小学上午校的同学介绍他们的设计–安居乐业在启业。
    Students from Conservative Baptist Lui Ming Choi Primary School presented their community design for Kai Yip Estate.

  • 中国经济持续发展,社会和谐稳定,人民安居乐业,使周边国家从中受益。
    China's sustained economic growth, social stability and its people's peaceful life also benefit its neighboring countries.

  • 古往今来,群众煽动家们也总是爱漫天许愿要人民交出自由来换取安居乐业
    Demagogues have always promised security in return for the surrender of freedom.

  • 骑士和他的新娘在肯特郡的坎特伯雷附近的封邑安居乐业,并生育了五个孩子。
    Sir Roland and his bride lived happily ever after in his fief near Canterbury. They had five children.

  • 我认为如果他们想要制定一个让人民安居乐业的策略,那么我认为他们应该向前看。
    I think if they want to make a game plan to make people comfortable, then I think they need to be looking ahead.

  • 社区内文娱活动场所齐全,绿化、美化、净化良好,环境优美,是一个安居乐业的好地方。
    Cultural and recreational activities within the community places complete, greening, landscaping, clean up good, a beautiful environment, is a good place to live and work.

  • 他们不再作异民的猎物,地里的野兽也不吞噬他们,他们反而要安居乐业,不再受人恐吓。
    And they shall be no more for a spoil to the nations, neither shall the beasts of the earth devour them: but they shall dwell securely without any terror.

  • 哎呀,好,很好,吃着喝着啊,喝着吃着啊,国泰民安,百姓安居乐业,生活真的很美好啊!
    Ah, easy to drink very good , eating, Oh, aha be all right, a contented people living in a country at peace, common people lives and works in peace and contentment , life is true very fine!

  • “居者有其屋”是事关千家万户安居乐业的大问题,更是全面建设小康社会的主要目标之一。
    That "Person who lives has his house" is a big problem concerning huge numbers of families enjoying a good and prosperous life.

  • 这个世界上有足够的地方让所有的人生活。大地是富饶的,是可以使每一个人都安居乐业的。
    In this world there's room for everyone and the good earth is rich and can provide for everyone.

  • 私家车与商品房在争夺人们心中消费第一支出的,这本身对传统安居乐业观念的超越与颠覆。
    The fact that private cars are competing with commodity houses to be the first consideration in peoples consumption itself shows that the traditional idea of sticking to a certain place is challenged.

  • 街道以“建设经济发展、群众安居乐业、党群干群关系密切、社会和谐稳定的新津”为总目标。
    To the streets, "the building of economic development, people live and work in peace, a close party-masses relations, social harmony and stability of the Xinjin" The overall objective.

  • 不管是安居乐业里的孤独还是漂泊放纵中的孤独,都是生活一份难得的不动产,遗憾的是少有人从中攫取多少!
    Ignore is live happily in of the solitude still drifts on water indulgence in of solitude, all is live a rare real estate, regret of is a rare person to lay hands on how much from it!

  • 当尧舜治理国家的时候,天下百姓各得其所大家安居乐业。这时是不是每个人都知书达礼德性完备?我看不尽然。
    During Jie's and Zhou's governance, they made people suffer and live in destitution. Did all people lose their virtue? It is impossible.

  • 如今中国老百姓都很实在也很太平,不求有功于维持世界和平捍卫地球不容外星人侵略吧,但求图个人人安居乐业
    Today, The Chinese civilian is tangible and peaceful, we not active in the maintenance of the world peace or protecting the earth from incursion, but living and working in peace and contentment.

  • 法会所有功德回向法界一切众生离苦得乐,世界和平,国泰民安,风调雨顺,人民安居乐业,可谓冥阳两利,存没沾恩。
    The merits accrued will be transferred to both our living and departed parents, relatives and friends as well as for world peace, well being of the people and the country, and all sentient beings.

  • “享受生活,乐业安居”是我们的服务承诺,我们致力为所有顾客找到一个合适而舒适的理想家园,而且可以享受及体验于上海快乐的每一天。
    "Enjoy life, Happy life" is our mission, we will contribute all of our effort to search you the most suitable place and also let you enjoy life in Shanghai every day.

  • 乐业安居造句相关
