
倚老卖老  yǐ lǎo mài lǎo







  • 他总是倚老卖老, 把他的想法强加于人。
    Presuming on his seniority, he always imposes his ideas on [upon] others.

  • 他总是倚老卖老,把他的想法强加于人。
    he always imposes his ideas upon others.

  • 他总是倚老卖老,把他的想法强加于人。
    Presuming on his seniority, he always imposes his ideas upon others.

  • 不要过分使用责备我的特权;不要对我倚老卖老
    Do not overdo your privilege of reproving or castigating me.

  • 只有把自己看老的人,才会做一副倚老卖老的样子。
    Only then oneself looked at that the old person, only will then set the example which will take advantage of own seniority.

  • 感谢我的年纪(典型倚老卖老),我会为你鉴定物品。
    Thanks for my life, I' ll identify your stuff.

  • 感谢我的年纪(典型倚老卖老),我会为你鉴定物品。
    Thanks for my life, I'll identify your stuff.

  • 他可是卖了力气,虽然明知跑不过后面的三个小伙子,可是不肯倚老卖老
    he was unwilling to make age an excuse for going slowly and put all his strength into running.

  • 他可是卖了力气,虽然明知跑不过后面的三个小伙子,可是不肯倚老卖老
    Yet he was unwilling to make age an excuse for going slowly and put all his strength into running.

  • 我不能倚老卖老,但有了十年的房地产从业经验就成老人了,不是生理上的老,是资格老。
    I can not Yilaomailao, but a decade of experience on into the real estate business, not physically old, are eligible veteran.

  • 现在我只给残疾人和孕妇让座了,让那些倚老卖老、爱占年轻人便宜的狗东西去死吧!!!
    Now I only to pregnant women and people with a seat and let those Yilaomailao love young people account for less expensive things die you dog! ! !

  • 而另一方面,光行而不愿求新知,处处倚老卖老的老顽固比比皆是,成了社会进步的绊脚石;
    On the other hand, stubborn old mules who only work, pull rank and never desire updated knowledge become the ball and chain of social progress.

  • 走向成功的老字号,都是那些不“倚老卖老”,而是在产品和服务上推陈出新追求创新的企业。
    Success of the old, those who are not "Yilaomailao, " but in the products and services on the pursuit of new and innovative businesses.

  • 观念陈旧。由于企业本身为国营企业,而且业务人员的素质也参次不齐,恐怕不少人有倚老卖老之嫌。
    As the enterprise itself as the state-owned enterprises, but also the quality of the business also missing Senate meeting, I am afraid many people have suspected.

  • 我想让你们知道,我不会在此次竞选中倚老卖老,不会利用对手的年轻和缺乏经验来达到自己的政治目的。
    I want you to know that also I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent's youth and inexperience.

  • 原本以为周华健“倚老卖老”呢,只见他果真如之前许诺的那样,请上了20位上海的小女孩同台演唱《亲亲我的宝贝》。
    " Emil Chau originally thought, "Yilaomailao", he saw were really as bad as before, as promised, on the 20 Shanghai girl on the same stage singing "I kiss the baby.

  • 但我的倚老卖老可不愿让人家讨厌,而此书搁下愿不愿读,悉听尊便。他们为了敬老尊贤,想起来应该读一读此书。并且(我还是自己承认比较好,否则没有人会相信我了。)
    and I shall indulge it without being tiresome to those who, from respect to my age, might conceive themselves obliged to listen to me, since they will be always free to read me or not.

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