
八面玲珑  bā miàn líng lóng








  • 他这个人, 见风使舵,八面玲珑, 说了不少使大家高兴的话。
    A weathercock and an artful person, he spoke a lot of beautiful words to please people.

  • 人品修养好八面玲珑,阿谀奉承。
    The personal character cultivated polished and elegant flatter to flatter.

  • 这个成功的商人真是八面玲珑
    The successful businessman is all things to all men.

  • 可以说,他是一个八面玲珑的滑头。
    He's something of a smooth operator.

  • 毫不疑问,一个人在一定程度上必须八面玲珑才成。
    Certainly a man can only be cosmopolitan up to a certain point.

  • 有的八面玲珑,有的四面生风,也有的只剩羡慕的眼光来。
    some smooth and slick, and some wind on all sides, and some of the vision only envy.

  • 所以,真正取得胜利的还是他那八面玲珑自命不凡的内弟。
    So the real victory was still with his smooth, smug brother-in-law.

  • 因为他们很注意处理各方面的关系,所以八面玲珑,到处有缘。
    Because they are dealing with various relations, therefore being slick, everywhere is predestined friends.

  • 因为他们很注意处理各方面的关系,所以八面玲珑,到处有缘。
    Sensitive in their dealing with others, they are well liked everywhere.

  • 所以即便在人事倾轧最严重的地方,她仍能八面玲珑如鱼得水
    Even if therefore engages in factional strife the most serious place at the human affairs, she still could being slick, like a fish in water.

  • 蔡小薇知道自己并不是那种八面玲珑的人,有时候甚至有些粗心。
    Cai Xiaowei knows he is not the sort of smooth and slick person, have some of carelessness even occasionally.

  • 这样的女孩子要麽是真的秉性纯真善良,要麽就是极其有手段,八面玲珑
    This girl is either really good Bingxing innocent, or there is an extremely means Bamianlinglong.

  • 我希望能吸引传统型的女孩 而不是。像这里的八面玲珑非常时尚的女孩。
    I am hoping to appeal to the regular girl, not thesehipster fashionistas here.

  • 女士:合乎时代潮流的高雅穿着,加上一种八面玲珑的处世态度,笑容非常吸引人。
    President: in line with the trend of the times of the elegant dress, coupled with the attitude towards a smooth and slick, very attractive smile.

  • 女士:合乎时代潮流的高雅穿著,加上一种八面玲珑的处世态度,笑容非常吸引人。
    President: in line with the trend of the times of the elegant dress, coupled with the attitude towards a smooth and slick, very attractive smile.

  • 长期以来马英九一直被看做是一位八面玲珑的执政者,能够毫发无损地度过政治危机。
    Mr Ma has long been seen as a smooth operator, able to glide unscathed through political turmoil.

  • 他不喜欢装假、做作,或是八面玲珑,作为职业军人,他的信条是:表里一致,言简意赅。
    He had no taste for shame, tack or pretension, and his credo as a professional soldier was unified and concise.

  • 不过,现在明星们的“退出”、“复出”只是一个概念,在各种语境里伸缩自如、八面玲珑
    However, the stars "the withdrawal", "resurface" now are only a concept, expands and contracts freely, being slick in each linguistic environment.

  • 对于盖茨来说,这种变化让他有更多的时间投入到技术项目之上,但他仍然不可能八面玲珑
    As for Gates, the shift gave him more time to spend on technical projects, but in some ways there has still not been enough Gates to go around.

  • 处世不是八面玲珑的圆滑,不是左右逢源的奉承,而是我们自省的真诚过程,自省的高尚精神。
    Life is not smooth and slick smooth, not the best of both worlds of flattery, but sincere self-examination process, the noble spirit of self-examination.

  • 是龙飞凤舞的潇洒,还是八面玲珑的狡猾,只有笔者自己才能决定.你要怎样书写的自己的人生呢?
    Is the natural and unrestrained, or BaMianLingLong interrupting my eloquent writing, only the cunning to decide. How are you going to write you life?

  • 但一个人如果八面玲珑,圆滑透顶,总是想让别人吃亏,自己占便宜,久而久之,谁愿与这种人打交道呢?
    but if a person is smooth and slick, smooth the extreme, people always want to lose their advantage over time, no one is willing to work with such people to deal with it?

  • 我也一直在很努力的做好我自己的,努力让宿舍和平,但是我知道,在你们心里我就是一个八面玲珑的人。
    But the faith you insist on become a power for you to continue , that is out of our reach.

  • 由于卢拉八面玲珑长袖善舞,目前为止巴西获得了(相当大的)影响力,却没有(被要求承担相应的)责任。
    Thanks to Lula's ability to be all things to all men, thus far Brazil has achieved influence without being weighed down by responsibility.

  • “如果他有很多并不是很亲密的朋友,说明他可能八面玲珑,但也有可能是他不喜欢和别人走得太近,”里尔说。
    "If he has lots of casual acquaintances, he may have many different sides, but it could also indicate that he's not comfortable with intimate relationships, " says Real.

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