
兴师动众  xīng shī dòng zhòng








  • 我不喜欢摆架子, 更不愿让人家兴师动众来照顾我。
    I didn't like to put on airs, and even less to have too many people catering to me.

  • 从来没有一个行业这样兴师动众
    Never an industry such drag in many people to do sth.

  • 而科萨很有点兴师动众的嫌疑。
    But Kossa a little drags in lots of people suspicion.

  • 不管怎麽说,为此兴师动众是大错特错的。
    At any rate, it is a great evil to make a stir about it.

  • 在一切还没有确定之前我们没必要兴师动众
    I never minimize at a time like this.

  • 难怪全世界都兴师动众,教育人们肥胖是不健康的。
    No wonder the whole world is launching a campaign to educate people that fat is unhealthy.

  • 律师喜欢动辄援引法律兴师动众,开发商能不头疼!
    invocation laws have mobilized their lawyers like, developers can not headaches!

  • 对,他的挖掘兴师动众,已经越过了好几条我的地道。
    Jean:Yes, his dig is expanding, crossing over many of my own tunnels.

  • 餐馆的发言人说:“这么大老远地运吃的未免有点兴师动众
    "It may seem a long way to fly food, "said a restaurant spokesman.

  • 其父母兴师动众,磬其所有,为女儿洋女婿操办了盛大的婚礼!
    What a grand marriage even if it had dried up all her parents' savings!

  • 有同情地说:两桶很少的,罚罚款就可以了,何必兴师动众的。
    There are sympathetic : a small organization, the punishment can be a fine, he mobilized their forces.

  • 东壁为“云行雨施”,画面为天神兴师动众,普降甘霖的情景。
    Dongbi as "rain cloud line facilities", the screen for the gods scaled up, Heavy sweet rain scenarios.

  • 若要令母牛或母猪受孕,没有必要兴师动众将公牛或公猪运来。
    WHEN it comes to inseminating cows and sows, no bull or boar need travel.

  • 如此地兴师动众,只不过是因为他的女儿在他捕鱼的船上玩了玩。
    All this because his daughter had done nothing more than play where the fish are caught. And here Mr.

  • 又是兴师动众,宪兵们将飞机围得是水泄不通…这一回,飞机上有两个人。
    Once again, the MP's surrounded the plane…only this time there were two people in the plane.

  • 另有一些开发商不想兴师动众地甩卖尾房,只怕给企业名誉造成负面影响。
    Some developers do not want to have mobilized their forces to sales Weifang, only to have a negative impact on business reputation.

  • 从来没有一个行业这样兴师动众,但即便是这样,全民对他的关注却越来越投入。
    never so mobilized their forces in an industry, but even so, people are becoming increasingly concerned for his input.

  • 从来没有一个行业这样兴师动众,但即便是这样,全民对他的关注却越来越投入。
    An industry that has never been mobilized their forces, but even so, people are becoming increasingly concerned for his input.

  • 是什么使得银监会如此紧张,四大商业银行自查了并不够,它还要兴师动众进行全面检查?
    so tense, and not the four major commercial banks self-examination, it also mobilized their forces to conduct a comprehensive inspection?

  • 这是我能想象的最糟糕的事情,我以一种最为公开的形式失去了我的工作,全球媒体为此兴师动众
    The worst thing I could have imagined happened. I lost my job in the most public way possible, and the press had a field day with it all over the world.

  • 直觉上,我认为丁磊这次的兴师动众,并不是单纯冲着钱去的(也是很重要的一方面,但不应该是全部)。
    On intuition, I think Ding Lei this drag in many people to do sth, not be pure strong money goes (also be very important on one hand, but should not be all) .

  • 对,他的挖掘兴师动众,已经越过了好几条我的地道。他手下那帮暴徒一出现,我的人显然就没法干活了。
    Jean:Yes, his dig is expanding, crossing over many of my own tunnels. Of course, my men no longer work when Von Croy's thugs appeared on the scene.

  • 而反过来,我们在反思那个过程的时候,也在反问,为什么“有学术品质”的艺术展览必须要做到兴师动众、劳民伤财?
    Nevertheless, while we reconsider the incident, we can not help asking: Why art exhibition must stir up and exhaust many people and cost a lot of money?

  • 为了几个你们认为可怜的日本人,就滥用公器,居然还上升到国家形象的高度,这个善良未免也太兴师动众,没有底线了。
    for several you thought that the pitiful Japanese, abuses male, also rises unexpectedly to the national image altitude, this good rather also too dragged in lots of people, does not have the agent.

  • 与当时美国出动大批飞机和军舰那种耗资不菲、兴师动众的行动相比,这一次微软不费吹灰之力地在键盘上轻轻一按就做到了。
    And at that time, the United States dispatched aircraft and warships that costly, too many people of action compared to this time Microsoft slickas in a press on the keyboard to do that.

  • 如果进一步探明的是“小问题”,兴师动众的“大停工”若耽误整体规划布局,施工负责人是否能担当得起政府部门的 “问责”?
    If it boiled down to be a slight problem, is the frontline head able to afford the criticism of any higher official?

  • 不过也有人说,现在的存储器都越来越小的,做一张这样的名片未免太劳民伤财兴师动众,想想名片可都是给出去就拿不回来了的。
    If you want to make an impression, you better be able to hand over something that can be looked atelectronically. So why not give them a business card with all of yourdeliverables inside it?

  • 我才写了一篇小小的文章,你们就如此兴师动众,大动干戈,一点都不像忍的样子,比我这个讲斗争哲学的共产党员的斗争性强多了。
    But you have started such a stir and dragged so many people to beleaguer or debate. Where was your forbearance?In my opinion, you were much more aggressive than me.

  • 一只狐狸被二十个猎手和二十只猎狗捕得之后,说道,“不用说,他们会宰了我,可这群人畜又是多么愚蠢和可笑,这般兴师动众值得么?
    Said a hunted fox followed by twenty horsemen and a pack of twenty hounds, "Of course they will kill me. But how poor and how stupid they must be."

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