
拳打脚踢  quán dǎ jiǎo tī








  • 他被捕后, 两个警察对他拳打脚]踢。
    Two policemen gave him bashes and kicks after he was arrested.

  • 他在被抢的时候被歹徒拳打脚踢了一顿。
    He was kicked and beaten by criminals during a robbery.

  • 你知道广州的城管是如何用拳打脚踢来执法的吗?
    Do you know of the Guangzhou Urban how to use the law to kicking it?

  • 据警方报告,姐妹俩“位,爪,拳打脚踢”的人员。
    According to police reports, the sisters "bit, clawed, and kicked" the officers.

  • 而他被打倒在地后,对方仍不罢休,继续对他拳打脚踢
    He knocked him down, the other party does not give up and continue to beat and kicked him.

  • 一阵拳打脚踢,他和同伴一起将一名警察打进一个角落。
    Beats, he and the companion sneak in together police a corner.

  • 共和报报道,两队球迷就这么在周四晚上拳打脚踢的干了一夜。
    La Repubblica claims both sets of ultras clashed violently with punches and kicks being exchanged late on Thursday night.

  • 尽管他不属于双方任何一帮,但他仍然被拳打脚踢和遭到棒击。
    Despite not being part of either of the gangs, he was punched, kicked and struck by a board.

  • 朱莉:这是可能的,亲爱的,有人对你拳打脚踢,但根本不会让你伤心。
    Julie Jordan: It is possible dear, for someone to hit you, hit you hard, and it not hurt at all.

  • 在十月份国家地理频道的《武术大观》里,拳打脚踢背后的力道展露无遗。
    The power behind the punches and kicks is shown during National Geographic Channel's Martial Arts Week in October.

  • 他的长舌头慢慢收回,并拳打脚踢,并大声尖叫,威廉被拖入了龙的张嘴。
    His long tongue slowly retracted, and kicking and screaming, William was dragged into the dragon's open mouth.

  • 在十月份国家地理频道的《武术大观》里,拳打脚踢背后的力道展露无遗。
    In Samurai Sword, National Geographic Channel slices through all the facts about this deadly weapon.

  • 报纸描述,该女童被拳打脚踢,“浑身上下都是淤伤”,被送医后不治身亡。
    The child "with bruises all around the body" died in the hospital after being kicked and punched, the newspaper said.

  • 小男孩走进房间看著自己的玩偶,对它拳打脚踢,释放的是心中的惶恐与疑惑。
    A little boy walked into his room, watching his lovely doll, but beat it up severely. He tried to release the fear and the confuse inside his heart.

  • 对那些该负责任的人,她恨不得对准他们的肚子拳打脚踢,来发泄自己的愤恨。
    She would like to have expressed her indignation against those responsible with plenty of knocks and kicks in his stomach.

  • 你说的没错。那些拳击手怎么有办法承受所有的拳打脚踢,真是令人觉得不可思议。
    You're right. It's amazing how the fighters can take not only the punching but all the kicking as well.

  • 国武术已经在世界上引起了又一拨功夫热潮,大街小巷中的年轻人们又开始了“拳打脚踢”!
    Wushu country in the world has caused another round effort, with the streets of the young people began to "beat"!

  • 尼古拉走到门口去见他,村长刚回答了几句,门厅里就传出了尼古拉大喊大叫、拳打脚踢的声音。
    Nikolay went out to the steps to see him, and at the first answers the village elder made, shouts and blows were heard in the hall.

  • 这是很容易就会赶上在讨论武侠部分的禁止英国,特别是与人才结束了投掷所有的重拳拳打脚踢
    It is easy to get caught up in discussing the martial arts portion of The Forbidden Kingdom, especially with the talent that ends up throwing all of the punches and kicks.

  • 用噪音轰击大脑来治疗精神疾病的设想,对外行来说,就犹如用拳打脚踢的方式修理电视机一般。
    The idea of treating maladies of the mind by blasting the brain with noise sounds, to the layman, like kicking a television set in order to repair it.

  • 他们对他拳打脚踢,然后让他坐在椅子上,把枪对准他,用假子弹对他一阵猛射,想以此来吓唬他。
    They beat him up, they make him sit on a chair and fire with fake bullets towards him just to scare him with the noise.

  • 学习一门外语,往往涉及很多无聊的记忆和动词 的变化 ,但在韩国除外,在那里拳打脚踢是外语课程的一部分。
    Learning a foreign language often involves a lot of boring memorization and verb conjugation, except in South Korea where flying punches and killer kicks are part of the curriculum.

  • 拳打脚踢,还是不能挣开,最后只好用劲在文祥左臂咬了一口。文祥负痛,用头把杏姑的头彆在一边,身体还是没有移动。
    Aside from using all his might to hold her down, for the moment he didn't know what else to do.

  • 如果说电视脱口秀已经变成一个主持人和新闻主角拳打脚踢的战场了,那么杰伊雷诺和奥巴马总统昨晚一定没听到这种说法。
    President, I must say this has been one of the best nights of my life, " a beaming Leno announced at the end of Obama's visit Thursday to the "Tonight" show.

  • 因此里面不仅仅是我的类型,而是使用了所有的类型——拳打脚踢,尤其是到使用武器,用到刀术的时候,我发挥我的所长。
    So it wasn't just my style, it was using everything -kicking punching and especially when it came to the weaponry, with the sword work, I did my flare.

  • 在一辆巡逻车仪表盘上的摄像机拍下警员拳打脚踢一名带着手铐的嫌疑人后,一名佛罗里达的警官辞职了,其它两名警员被解雇。
    Florida police officer has quit, two others have been fired after a patrol car dashboard camera caught them punching and kicking a handcuffed suspect.

  • 然后把他们摁倒在地拳打脚踢,最后用带来的毛巾捆住了他们的手脚,并蒙上他们的眼睛,嘴里也塞上毛巾,把他们抬到外面扔在了大门口。
    Then they gone down to injury in the final with a towel hanging by their feet, and cast their eyes, mouth and borderland towels, throwing them and are ready for more in a big outside door.

  • 2008年10月,许多家长们到市政府上访,希望得到市政府官员的答复,却发现市政府的前门被警察把守着,他们一靠近就会遭到拳打脚踢
    A group of parents went to the City Hall in October, hoping to get answers from officials but found the front door blocked by police who kicked and punched them as they got near.

  • 我的这个想法是基于以下两点:一、保安于一个演唱会对一个观众拳打脚踢仍然是一件难以想像的事,我个人并不相信大陆的保安会这样无理取闹;
    Why do I think so?First, I cannot really think of a reason why the securities hired by the concert master would beat up a fan.

  • 12月4日,一名叫马凯•贝尔(MychalBell)的黑人学生从背后袭击一名白人同学,将他击倒在地之后和另外六名学生一起对他拳打脚踢
    On December 4th a black student named Mychal Bell jumped a white classmate from behind and knocked him out.

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