
深情厚谊  shēn qíng hòu yì







  • 心灵,你之美丽就是深情厚谊
    Heart, Thy beauty is in deep feeling.

  • 你们的深情厚谊将永远留在我们的记忆中。
    Your warm friendship will always remain in our memory.

  • 世界各国人民的深情厚谊,中国人民将永远铭记!
    The peoples of the world friendship, the Chinese people will always remember!

  • 世界各国人民的深情厚谊,中国人民将永远铭记!
    The Chinese people will remember forever the profound friendship of people throughout the world.

  • 你对我确实是深情厚谊,我衷心地感谢你,不一一地讲了。
    You have really been very kind to me, my hearty thanks and all that.

  • 一张小贺卡,带着我心底的祝福给你,牢系我俩的深情厚谊
    The card caries my best wishes from deep of my heart to yu , enhancing our friendship.

  • 一张小贺卡,带着我心底的祝福给你,牢系我俩的深情厚谊
    The card carries my best wishes from deep of my heart to you, enhancing our friendship.

  • 看守却说,假药救了俺的命,应该感谢家乡造假者的深情厚谊啊!
    Watch but say, the false medicine saved the life of An, should appreciate home town to concoct deep feeling thick Yi of !

  • 因此,今天就紧紧拥抱你所爱的人,在他耳边细诉你的深情厚谊
    So, hold your loved ones close today, and whisper in their ear.

  • 我们不会忘记俄罗斯人民在去年中国抗震救灾中表达的深情厚谊
    We will never forget the profound friendship of the Russian people towards China as reflected in last year's earthquake relief efforts.

  • 冰情雪韵中同享冰城瑰丽之冬色,和谐世界里共抒深情厚谊之情怀。
    Enjoy beauty of winter of ice city, enjoy friendship of harmonious world.

  • 她给我的心灵带来如此的深情厚谊,我无论走到哪里也不会感到孤寂。
    She fills my soul with so much love that anywhere I go, I'm never lonely.

  • 他来拜访我们,就住在我家里,我的先生非常欣赏我跟他的深情厚谊
    He has visited us and stayed in our home and my husband appreciates the warm relationship I have with him.

  • 我每次来访,都有宾至如归之感,都能体会到俄罗斯人民对中国人民的深情厚谊
    Each time I come here, I always find your country a home from home, and feel the Russian people's deep feelings and profound friendship for the Chinese people.

  • 感谢在汶川大地震中慷慨解襄的台湾同胞,你们的深情厚谊,大陆同胞体会到了。
    Thanks to our Taiwan brothers, who donate generously during Wen Chuen earthquake.

  • 每一个都代表着一个有血有肉鲜活的生命和一群仍生活在美国但与之有着重要关系的人的深情厚谊
    Each nickname had meaning, and each one suggested a fuller life, a relationship with the people important to them, be it for a lifetime or for the time they spent in Iraq.

  • 这些承载着巴基斯坦人民深情厚谊的帐篷源源不断地从伊斯兰堡、卡拉奇、拉合尔等城市运往中国灾区。
    These tents which carrying the deep friendship of Pakistani people has been transported from Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore and other Pakistani cities to Chinese disaster areas.

  • 歌曲《宝贝对不起》是一首朗朗上口的歌曲,歌曲旋律明快、深情,歌词表达了主人翁对宝贝的深情厚谊
    Song "Baby I'm sorry" is an easy to sing a song, songs, lively melodies, passionate lyrics expressing a sense of ownership of the treasure their friendship.

  • 到吃完饭,大家都分享到一种深情厚谊的感觉,尽管到了早晨,重新搜寻大红宝石又会使他们成为陌生人。
    At the close of the meal, a feeling of good fellowship was shared by all, though the renewed search for the Great Carbuncle would make them strangers again in the morning.

  • “公爵,请听我说吧,”她说道,“我从未向您求情,今后也不会向您求情,我从未向您吐露我父亲对您的深情厚谊
    "Hear what I have to say, prince, " she said. "I have never asked you a favour, and never will I ask one; I have never reminded you of my father's affection for you.

  • 您带领我们参观了你们的新实验室,还给我们作了一些有意义的专题讲座。对您的深情厚谊,我们甚为感激。再次感谢您的款待和合作。
    We really appreciate your kindness in showing us round the new laboratory of yours, and also in giving us very interesting lectures on some special topics.

  • 仅用一个上午就募捐到近两万元善款。这是学校有史以来捐款速度最快、数额最多的一次。捐款数额虽然不多,但表达了全校师生对地震灾区人们的深情厚谊
    Human nature is no stranger to disaster, but when Wenchuan earthquake and the plain reality of the time, the natural power of human beings before the fragile, exposed completely.

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