
满园春色  mǎn yuán chūn sè







  • 满园春色关不住, 一枝红杏出墙来。
    With so much spring in the garden, how can it be contained? A spray of red apricot blossom has already reached over the wall.

  • 春色满园关不住,一枝红杏出墙来。
    Spring scenery does not close field completely, one branch red apricot gives a wall to come.

  • 春色满园关不住,一枝红杏出墙来。
    The colour of spring overwhelmed the garden; a red apricot grows beyond the wall.

  • 春色满园关不住,我等红杏出墙来 。
    Spring Unveiled, I wait to infidelity.

  • 满园春色惹人醉。
    A charming garden of lovely spring;

  • 一个昔日春色满园的繁华胜地,如今却是遍地凋零。
    One spring scenery is full in former days the flourishing resort of garden, nowadays is however everywhere withered.

  • 从窗户看出去,满园春色,全然没有一点地震的景象。
    From the windows to see out, Manyuan Spring, not completely earthquake scene.

  • 男:是啊,春天是“春色满园关不住,一枝红杏出墙来”。
    The footsteps of the new spring are nearer and nearer.

  • 无形资本经营解考●缑毛生满园春色关不住,一枝红杏出墙来。
    Aeriform capital manages solution to take an examination of ● Goumao to give birth to Man Yuanchun color not to close, one branch red apricot gives a wall to come.

  • 老师,快推开窗子看吧,这满园春色,这满园桃李,都在向您敬礼!
    Teacher, just open the window and look out: the beauty of spring as well as the students in the garden are extending a salute to you!

  • 诗人在出墙的红杏上想象到满园春色,赞美了春的强大的生命力。
    At this point the poet turns his attention from the blossoming apricot branch to the enchanting spring scene in the garden, glorifying the animation and vitality of spring.

  • 春天里,玫瑰盛开,花的影子散落在地上,满园春色,一院的缤纷;
    When spring roses are in full bloom and their shadows spread n the lawns, the courtyards are turned into a perfect picture of spring, a world of colors.

  • 满园春色是关不住的,那一枝鲜艳的粉红色的杏花还是伸出墙来。
    But the spring scenery of full garden does not close, na Yizhi's bright-coloured pink apricot is spent or extend a wall to come.

  • 满园春色尽芳菲”,东区教育在螺旋式上升中迎来了百花吐艳的美景。
    The garden is filled with the brightness of spring flowers on every side. With the spiral rise of education, Eastern District has witnessed a scene with hundreds of flowers blossoming.

  • 在这里可以品茶聊天,闲暇小息,透过高达6米的落地大窗,尽收高尔夫满园春色
    take a rest or chat here to enjoy the colorful spring of the golf garden through the 6-meter high French window.

  • 自一九九四年建厂至今,历经十余年的发展建设,公司已迎来了生机盎然的满园春色
    Since the plant since 1994, after more than ten years of development and construction, the company has ushered in the garden Spring vitality.

  • 诗人从一枝盛开的红杏花,领略到满园热闹的春色,感受到满天绚丽的春光,总算是不虚此行了。
    As the poet was about to give up and leave, he suddenly spotted a spray of red apricot blossom reaching over the garden wall.

  • 常州的,外国的,甚至远在大洋彼岸的朋友,是你们给我“想把大家聚在一起的”初衷增添了满园春色
    Foreign citizens, Changzhou people, and even American businessmen have brought color to a simple idea I had about bringing people together.

  • 一朵红花代表不了春天,百花齐放才是春色满园!我鼓掌,我望,我闻,我问,我切,最后我微笑,为什么不?收获大大的!
    I am for the saying that a red flower can not represent Spring, and the full beauty of Spring can only be shown with all kinds of flowers blooming in the garden!

  • 在敞开的院门中,你可以看到纳西人家的庭院里那争奇斗艳的各式花卉,给你一种“满园春色关不住,一枝红杏出墙来”的感受。
    In the open house, you can see that the Naxi people in the courtyard of the limelight that all kinds of flowers, give you a kind of "Spring garden Guanbu Zhu, an affair to" feel.

  • 满园春色造句相关
