
生老病死  shēng lǎo bìng sǐ








  • 在新中国, 劳动人民生老病死都有依靠。
    In New China, care during childbirth, old age and illness, as well as burial arrangements, are all guaranteed for the labouring people.

  • 天对每个人都很公平,生老病死
    The heaven is very fair to each people, birth and death.

  • 万物的生老病死, 就是时间。
    the circulation of all things, is time.

  • 这个几乎不会有什麽争议的生老病死
    and so grow up , get old , and die.

  • 连我都没有避免生老病死”。
    Even I was not prevented from facing tragedy.

  • 艺人出现生老病死,戏班无尽义务的责任。
    Artist appears sickness and death, and the troupe endless obligations.

  • 生老病死的自然法则面前,人们日趋理性。
    Facing the life-and-death law of nature, the people are increasingly rational.

  • 人为什么会生老病死?世上为什么没有长寿药?
    Factitious what is met birth? Why is there macrobian medicine on the world?

  • 时间,真是个奇怪的东西,它能使万物生老病死
    Time, was a strange thing, it makes all sickness and death.

  • 但是也亲眼目睹了生老病死的情景,实在不好,不好…
    But what's more, I saw the birth and death situation on my own eyes. That was actually not very good…

  • 在原子,分子聚聚散散之中,物有了生老病死的变化。
    The process of atom and molecule dismissing and assembling makes creature have birth, aging, illness and death.

  • 首先,人的生老病死是无常力在主导的,应该与命运无关。
    First, life, death, aging and illness are dominated by the power of Impermanence.

  • 长大就必须面对生老病死。面对死亡才会发现命的美及重要性。
    Growing up means to be at peace with living and dying…and when we face death we really learn the importance and beauty of life.

  • 住宅具有居家的多种属性,它能满足人们生老病死的现实需求吗?
    Residential home with the multiple attributes that can satisfy the people's demand for the realities of Life?

  • 命似瞬间的烟火,于是,人在物时钟的页码上有了生老病死的记录。
    Moment of life like fireworks, so that people on the page in the biological clock has been illness and death records.

  • 字号’经营受到市场竞争的冲击也是符合‘生老病死’的自然规律。
    'old name' business by the impact of market competition is also consistent with the 'Life' laws.

  • 人,总会生老病死,怎么过都是一,错过了爱情就错过了命的精彩。
    People always illness and death, how his life had been missed love, miss the exciting life.

  • 其他物则绝大多数是依靠德的引导,依此走完牠们那段生老病死的旅途;
    Other creatures mostly live through their life totally by the guidance of Virtue.

  • 一个人的狗无论其主人贫穷富贵,生老病死,都会和他站在一起,永不分离。
    A man's dog stands by him in prosperity and in poverty, in health and in sickness.

  • 他还说,有可能人们在目睹他人的生老病死之后,才更加珍惜自己剩余的岁月。
    Or he says maybe people have seen others, their age die and they value more their own remaining years.

  • 彻底消除和根绝欲望后,生老病死,悲伤,哀痛,苦难,不幸和绝望就一扫而光。
    Through the total fading away and extinction of craving, decay and death, sorrow, lamentation, suffering, grief, and despair are extinguished.

  • 就在二战的时候,美国人就在距离他的出地平均38英里以内的范围里生老病死
    As recently as World War two, the average American lived and died within 38 miles (61 kilometers) of his birthplace.

  • 在这个花花世界里,生老病死皆是万物的宿命,而这一切,也就是世尊眼中的无常了。
    In this world, birth, aging, illness and death are all creatures' destiny, by which Buddha apprehended impermanence.

  • 新娘撒娇:无论贫穷富贵,生老病死,你都愿意永远陪伴在对方身边,不背叛、抛弃他吗?
    The bride Sajiao: Regardless of poverty wealth, Shenglaobingsi, you are willing to be accompanied in each other's side, not betrayal, he abandoned it ?

  • 不是吹牛,包括你我在内一千九百万人在宝岛的生老病死、一言一行,都有人类学家青睐。
    It's no boast. The 19 million people living on Taiwan, you and I included, our every word and deed, are fascinating to students of anthropology.

  • 人间万事,来来往往,循环反复。爱情如此,生老病死如此,快乐亦如此。好的是,失去的美好感觉总有一天会重来。
    Happiness will come again. Are you aware that everything in our life always seemingly imitates each other?

  • 如能领悟经中道理,非死后可成仙成佛,而今世能超脱[生老病死苦],挣脱人世间种种不幸和痛苦,做一个快乐的人!
    If we can fully understand the meaning of the prayer, then in this life we can be released from all the sufferings and unhappiness, and become a happy person.

  • 意义的需求方面又分为六类,分别是:活得快乐、完成人使命、活著就有意义、尚未寻到、照神旨意而活、生老病死
    The need for meaning contains happiness, personal missions, aliveness, never found, God's will, life events-birth, age, illness and death.

  • 经过这些年的自由市场改革后,在中国以前那种具有共产主义供给特色涵盖生老病死的社会保障制度,对如今30岁以下的人来说那是一种遥远的记忆。
    After years of free market reform, the old communist-style provision of cradle-to-grave welfare in China is a distant memory for anyone under 30.

  • 树叶的飘落是由于风的追求,抑或是树干的不挽留。这树叶的飘落,本是如生老病死,是自然界一件极其普通的事。可它让富有遐想的人一思考,它就变得顿时富有了诗意,多美…
    You just stay away from me please. I was messed up for a long time. Yes, the past can hurt. But I think you can either run from it or learn from it. Why …

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