
疏而不漏  shū ér bù lòu








  • 上帝的磨坊慢慢磨。天网恢恢,疏而不漏
    The mills of God grind slowly.

  • 有句古老的谚语说:“天网恢恢,疏而不漏。”
    So goes an old saying, "God's mill grinds slow but sure."

  • 所幸法网恢恢疏而不漏,朱未能逃脱法律的严惩。
    Fortunately net long arm, Zhu could not escape legal punishment.

  • 上帝的磨,慢慢地转,细细地碾。(天网恢恢,疏而不漏
    The mills of God grind slowly (, but they grind exceedingly small).

  • 法网恢恢,疏而不漏。三年后,布达诺夫上校被以谋杀罪判处十年监禁。
    After a three-year legal odyssey, Colonel Budanov was sentenced to ten years in prison for the murder.

  • 同时要对廉政制度建设进行统筹规划,使各项制度相互衔接,编织一张疏而不漏的制度之网,从源头上治理腐败。
    And at the same time, a systematic analysis on the construction of anti-corruption institutions should be given, so that a perfect net of anti-corruption institutions could be formed.

  • 正义的手臂很长(天网恢恢,疏而不漏)。我的父亲没有告诉我应该怎样生活,他只是以身作则,让我看到他怎样生活。
    My dad didn't tell me how I would lead my living, he just set an example for me, from which I could learn how he had been doing.

  • “法网恢恢,疏而不漏”。半年亡命天涯,薛乃印终于落网。这是他今天在被捕后的最新照片,似乎比以前还要发福了。
    The police mug shot of Nai Yin Xue, taken after he was arrested by US Marshals in Atlanta today.

  • 每个人都应该用道德,教义约束自己的言行,尽量不犯错误,一旦犯了过错,上帝必然会使其受到报应,天网恢恢,疏而不漏
    Everyone should confine their own behavior with moral and teaching, trying not to make mistakes. If he does something wrong, God will get him paid for it. God is everything and no one can escape.

  • 疏而不漏造句相关
