
病魔缠身  bìng mó chán shēn






  • 它们衰老,被印刷品常见的病魔缠身
    They age, plagued by the usual ills of paper objects;

  • 她看来就如同十几年前病魔尚未缠身时那样。
    She looked as she had a dozen years ago, before the disease had begun.

  • 你能想象一个病魔缠身的妇女独自经营一个网站吗?
    Can you imagine a woman with serious illness manage a website by herself?

  • 你能想象一个病魔缠身的妇女独自经营一个网站吗?
    Can you imagine a seriously sick woman running a website all by herself?

  • 你能想象一个病魔缠身的妇女独自经营一个网站吗?
    Can you imagine a women with terrible illness alone run a web site?

  • 有一女人,病魔缠身已十八年了,伛偻着,完全不能直立。
    And there was a woman who had had a disease for eighteen years; she was bent, and was not able to make herself straight.

  • 一家人都遭受饥饿的威胁,奥黛丽也病魔缠身,患上严重的贫血和呼吸疾病。
    Her family faced starvation and Audrey suffered from severe anemia, and respiratory problems.

  • 一位母亲听到自己病魔缠身却有苦难言的宝宝在呻吟时,她该是多麽地痛苦不堪。
    What are the pangs of a mother, when she hears the moanings of her infant that during the agony of disease cannot express what it feels?

  • 在绝望中,她脑海里突然出现了她那早已病魔缠身,如今已奄奄一息的父亲的身影。
    in desperation it(指her mind)lit upon the figure of her father al-ready broken in health and now about to die.

  • 罗斯福早在31岁时就出任海军助理部长,可八年后的他却病魔缠身,罹患脊髓灰质炎。
    Roosevelt became assistant secretary of the navy at 31 but eight years later was struck by polio.

  • 他说圣严法师的一生鼓舞人心,近年来尽管病魔缠身,他的意志和对社会的关怀却丝毫未减。
    He said Master Sheng had been an inspiration in his own life and that his willpower and concern for society were undiminished despite his ailing health in recent years.

  • 它们痛苦得如同病魔缠身,它们祈求地仰望天空,期望快快给它们送来白日的光辉,以求再能彼此相见。
    Their misery is like haunting serious illness. They look up to the sky pleadingly, expecting the God to bring them brilliant sunshine so that they can see each other again.

  • 鲁迅如果当初从了医,那太可怕了——他能救治一个个肉体上有病的国人,却不能救治精神上病魔缠身的国人。
    Lu Xun If we had from the doctors, it's awful - he could treat one by one physically ill people, but not where the spirit of the countrymen himself stricker with illness.

  • 幸而我身子一向健康强壮,不消三天便痊愈,但却已令我深明病魔缠身的道理,因此我下定决心,要多做一点运动。
    Lucky, I recovered within three days due to my health life. But it has already made me experience the hardness of illness. So I have decided that I have to take more time for health fitness.

  • 他本人与病魔缠身的克里斯并不熟识,但他28岁的妻子--一位医疗器械公司的产品经理,从幼儿园时起就同克罗斯是好朋友。
    Though he wasn't close to the ailing man, his wife, Krissie, 28, a product manager for a medical-device company, had been pals with Cross since kindergarten.

  • 在第二个课题研究中科学家们开始确定,长寿者们在随后的岁月里是否会患上慢性疾病或他们是否能在病魔缠身的情况下活得长久。
    In a second study scientists set out to establish if people who lived into extreme old age developed chronic diseases later in life or if they lived with them for longer.

  • 健康的生活。健康的饮食和保持积极向上的态度。有规律的进行锻炼。如果不能做到这些,你将因为病魔缠身而经常体弱多病,并很难找到快乐。
    Live a healthy life. Eat well and keep active. Exercise regularly. Although not impossible, it's difficult to be happy if you're constantly sick and not very healthy.

  • 某些东西,在特定场合,的确是生活的必需资料,例如孤立无援,病魔缠身时;而在另一些场合却成了奢侈品;再换一种场合,又变为一种全然不为人知的东西。
    Some things are really necessaries of life in some circles, the most helpless and diseased, which in others are luxuries merely, and in others still are entirely unknown.

  • 病魔缠身造句相关
