
百无一用  bǎi wú yī yòng







  • 你就是百无一用的一坨屎。
    You are worthless piece of shit.

  • 谁说百无一用是书生呢?
    Who says no one is a student?

  • 一个行将就木的老人百无一用,甚至是一个叫人困窘的隐忧。
    He was being told that he would soon be dead.

  • 吉姆:我对任何人来说都不好,百无一用。因此活着有什么
    Jim: I ain't no good to nobody, or I ain't no good for nothing', so what's the use of living?

  • 可悲的是,许多红衫军成员也似乎觉得立宪十分麻烦而且百无一用
    Sadly, many red shirts, too, seem to find constitutionality boring and unproductive.

  • 因为我是有名的百无一用,道别时他会给我一个购物袋,里面装满了路上的给养。
    Struck by my excellent reputation as a lost cause, he would say goodbye to me with a well-stocked shopping bag for my journey.

  • 这个词看似褒义,实则暗贬。因为这个词让人联想到不切实际、百无一用冥顽不灵
    This would seem to be a complimentary term, but in point of fact it is not, for it has picked up associations of impracticality and ineffectuality and general dopiness.

  • 爱说:我们被关在学校和大学的背书室里十年甚至十五年,出来的却只是满腹文章百无一用
    Emerson wrote in his journal: "We are shut up in schools and college recitation rooms for ten or fifteen years and come out at last with a bellyful of words and do not know a thing."

  • 在现代商业世界,做一名拥有创造性思维的思想家百无一用,除非你同时能把你的创意卖出去。
    In the modern world of business, it is useless to be a creative original thinker unless you can also sell what you create.

  • 勒荣开口了,亮出一嘴獠牙:“我跟你说过问这个满身粘液的东西是百无一用的,”他对妻子说。
    Lron showed his teeth. "I told you asking this slime-thing was useless, " he told his wife.

  • 勒荣开口了,亮出一嘴獠牙:“我跟你说过问这个满身粘液的东西是百无一用的,”他对他的妻子说。
    Lron showed his teeth. "I told you asking this slime-thing was useless, " he told his wife. And to Tesla, he added, "Now we try a different approach.

  • 就我所知的岁老人,无一不乐观豁达,无一不勤劳操持,人间的大爱至情融化生活中不幸的坚冰。
    As far as I know of centenarians, and both are optimistic about the open-minded, hard-working to maintain all, the world's great love of life Zhiqing tragically melt the ice.

  • 她们说,唐三藏有什么好?遇事百无一用,只会念阿弥陀佛,还贪生怕死,不阳不阴,想守戒却敌不过蜘蛛精。
    There are so many things for me to do that I always find it's not enough time to do what I want.

  • 百无一用造句相关
