
喜闻乐见  xǐ wén lè jiàn







  • 这是一部为群众所喜闻乐见的文艺作品。
    This is a literary and artistic work loved by the masses.

  • 这才是大众羡慕而喜闻乐见的正常的贵妇生活。
    This is the envy of the public and loved by the lady of normal life.

  • 他象是一个变色龙,但是总是招人喜闻乐见的。
    He's like a chameleon, but one who's also relatable and engaging.

  • 吹歌是安国市城乡群众喜闻乐见的传统吹奏艺术。
    Anguo blowing song is loved by the people of the tradition of playing urban and rural arts.

  • 乱弹的唱腔高亢,朴实,乡土气息浓厚,为广大群众喜闻乐见
    Luan's voice resounding, simple, strong local flavor for the masses love to see and hear.

  • 她的诗形式上多少有点像教堂的圣歌,不讲规则,为人喜闻乐见
    The form of her poetry is more or less like that of the hymns in community churches, familiar, communal, and sometimes, irregular.

  • 一个有及时付清债务历史的帐户,正是银行和信用机构喜闻乐见
    An account like this one, large balance with a history of on-time payment, is exactly what lenders and credit bureaus like to see.

  • 在广大群众喜闻乐见的香港影视剧中,只要有地产商出场,则必定是反派。
    Loved by the masses in the movie, as long as the developers come, must be villain.

  • 木偶戏在张掖的农村、城镇经常演出,是当地人民喜闻乐见的民间艺术形式。
    Zhangye puppetry in the rural areas, cities and towns often performed by local people will be pleased to see the form of folk art.

  • 它妙趣横生,雅俗共赏,具有极其浓郁的民族特色,一直为广大人民群众所喜闻乐见
    It has been well accepted by the public because of its witty and strong national traits.

  • 双关语在人类文明史上源远流长、经久不衰,是世界文明中最为喜闻乐见的创作手段。
    The pun has a long, honorable, and enduring tradition, and it is regarded as one of the most beloved tools of comic creation in many civilizations.

  • 另外,文化部门还编写了小品、坠子、歌曲等,以群众喜闻乐见的方式普及健康知识。
    In addition, the cultural sector has also prepared piece, pendant, songs and so on to the masses of popular formats and health literacy.

  • 民间美术流传于历代民间,为劳动大众的生活而服务,是劳动大众所喜闻乐见的一种艺术风格。
    The folk arts are spread in all previous dynasties, serving for working people's life, and it is the artistic style loved by the working people, reflecting rich connotation in packaging designs.

  • 先前的报纸,其新闻缺少轰动效果,而便士报纸恰恰相反,它着重报道的是大众喜闻乐见的新闻。
    Contrary to the absence of sensationalism in the preceding era, penny newspapers put great emphasis on stories that were of human interest.

  • 结论高校应加强对同伴辅导法、阅读疗法、音乐疗法等大学生喜闻乐见的心理健康教育方法的研究。
    Conclusion: Colleges and universities should strengthen the study on the psychological health education, such as peer assistance, reading therapy, music therapy and so on.

  • 社区各类文化活动设施齐全,经常组织具有社区特色、群众喜闻乐见、健康向上的群众性文体活动。
    Community facilities of various cultural activities, the organization has a regular feature of the community, loved by the masses, the masses of healthy recreational and sports activities.

  • 我想我们对这整件事情都是喜闻乐见的,而且我们在准备墨尔本期间已经得到了我们所有想要的东西。
    BB: I think we are happy with how things went overall and we achieved pretty much everything that we needed to in terms of preparing for Melbourne.

  • 洛阳传统年画,以人物画为主,取材于喜闻乐见的神话、历史和民间故事,反映了百姓的愿望和追求。
    The traditional New Year painting (Nianhua) in Luoyang takes people as the theme. Those materials come from fables, historical events and folktales that people like to see and hear.

  • 简单地写一个报告,内容为人们喜闻乐见,在报告中加入一个到你的网站的链接,然后开始发布到网上。
    Simply write a report with content that people want to read, add a link to your website in the report, and start giving it away.

  • 鱼纹饰是我国传统造型艺术中喜闻乐见的一种纹饰,经过漫长的社会演化,形成了我国民间独特的鱼文化。
    Chinese people are quite familiar to fish line decorations. A unique folk fish culture and art has formed through ages of evolution.

  • 但如果你的歌可以在第一秒就抓住听众耳朵,那这就是一首经典作品和一首“老百姓喜闻乐见”的作品的区别。
    But if you can have a song that bites them with the first note, then that's the difference between a major hit song and a song that people just like.

  • 罗罗腔表演形式活泼,唱腔优美动听,生活气息浓厚,是大同地区、河北部分地区广大观众喜闻乐见的戏曲剧种。
    Rolls-cavity in the form of lively performing, singing the beautiful sounds of life deep breath, is the Datong area, some parts of Hebei majority of the audience will be pleased to see opera drama.

  • 口梆子是张家口人民群众喜闻乐见的戏曲艺术,2006年6月,口梆子被批准为河北省首批“非物质文化遗产。
    Bangzi is loved by the masses of the people in Zhangjiakou opera art, in June 2006, I was approved for the Hebei Bangzi the first "non-material cultural heritage."

  • 白居易在文学上积极提倡新乐府运动,他写的《秦中吟》和《新乐府》中的许多篇章,为人们喜闻乐见,妇孺皆知。
    Bai Juyi in actively promoting the new literary movement Yuefu, he wrote, "Qin Yin" and "new Yuefu, " in many chapters, for people love to see and hear, Furujiezhi.

  • 游戏作为一种喜闻乐见的形式,被广泛运用于人类的生活及教育中,体育游戏也以成为体育教学中的重要组成部分。
    As the popular way, the games have been used widely in the people's life and education. The P. E games have already been the important part of the P.

  • 紧接着,郭树人严肃指出,学习实践活动一定要保证学习培训时间,用喜闻乐见的形式宣传和教育,确保学习效果。
    Then, Guo pointed out that the serious people, learning the practice of study and training must ensure that time and loved the form of publicity and education to ensure that the learning outcomes.

  • 自2003年创刊以来,经历了四年成长过程,已成为珠宝业界、珠宝爱好者、广大读者喜闻乐见和不可或缺的大众读物。
    Since maiden publication in 2003, it has grown up to be a popular period among jewelry industry and mass readers, especially those jewelry fans.

  • 从拉拉带的“拉、弹、折、绕、缠”等特性入手,利用拉拉带的“拉、弹”性能创编成大学生喜闻乐见的健美操运动形式;
    The aim is to try to utilize the properties of "pull and elasticity" to establish a popular calisthenics exercise form.

  • 它融汇了人民群众的欣赏习惯,反映了他们善良美好的意愿,广泛地渗透到我国的民间习俗之中,为人们所喜闻乐见,因而在民间盛传不衰。
    Representing the common people's taste and reflecting their goodwill, auspicious patterns have permeated Chinese folk customs enjoying a never-fading popularity among the Chinese people.

  • 现在水星又要开始逆行了,所以到6月之前你都不会看到巨大的转变,12月中旬还会有一次改变,这会是你所喜闻乐见的,而且你会看到其平稳的过程。
    Now Mercury is retrograde too, so you won't likely see a big shift until June, and more in mid-September, but it will be a change you like, and you will see steady progress.

  • 喜闻乐见造句相关
