
屡战屡败  lǚ zhàn lǜ bài







  • 或许有人屡战,人生失意。
    Perhaps someone failures, frustrated in life.

  • 华盛顿红人队屡战,教练们不得不加紧训练。
    The coaches cranked up the practice routine for the losing Washington Redskins.

  • 人生最大的遗憾,不是屡战,而是,
    Greatest regret in life, not its failures, but, keeps no war!

  • 根据欧盟现行的判定标准,出口商几乎是屡战
    Exporters to the EU often find themselves on the losing side of those judgments.

  • 根据欧盟现行的判断标准,出口商几乎是屡战
    Exporters to the EU often find themselves on the losing side of those judgments.

  • 新《公司法》出台前董事会内部“宫廷政变”的屡战
    Third, he power struggle inner the company before the coming out of the new company law.

  • 日本武士屡战,眼看要遭歼灭,又一个强烈台风突然吹向日本海岸。
    Just when it appeared that they would be extermined, another powerful typhoon suddenly slammed into the Japanese coast.

  • 在这十年里雅虎屡战屡战,就是要在搜索广告领域赶上谷歌。
    The history of Yahoo! during this decade is of trying, failing, and trying again to catch up with Google in search advertising.

  • 后来,这位亿万富翁在“股”中屡战,溃不成军,最后全军覆没。
    "Later, This a billionaire in the "Unit warfare, " defeated each time, the battle, the last army was totally annihilated.

  • 与研发艾滋病疫苗的屡战相比,针对HIV的药物治疗却已取得巨大成功。
    AIDS vaccine research and development of its failures as compared to drug treatment for HIV is already a great success.

  • 他们突然间被生活的种种难题所包围,在屡战屡战中“长大成人”。
    They are suddenly beset with life's difficult questions, and are all trying, unsuccessfully, to be grown ups.

  • 他们突然间被生活的种种难题所包围,在屡战屡战中“长大成人”。
    Grownups is about a group of friends living in Manchester and hurtling towards their thirties. They are suddenly beset with life's difficult questions, …

  • 刘备屡战, 却还有那么多猛将追随, 有朝一日我要把他们统统收服过来。
    Liu Bei has lost many battles, yet so many talented men remain loyal to him. One day, they will all serve under my command.

  • 在过去的14年里,台湾一直申请以“中华民国”的身份加入联合国,但是屡战
    For 14 years Taiwan has vainly been applying for UN membership under the name "Republic of China".

  • 在寻获诸葛亮之前,他几乎屡战,以至于吕布占徐州期间,粮草全无,靠吃人度日;
    In Zhuge Liang found Before that, he almost surely fail, so that accounts for Xuzhou Riboud period, forage nothing, eating people to survive;

  • 情场上的你虽说是屡战,但过去的一切至少可以让你学会以更好的方式去爱下一个。
    Affection on field though you are repeatedly battle is defeated repeatedly, but everything in the past can let you learn to love the next with better way at least.

  • 孟获:可去甲A或甲B当足球队教练,屡战,还死不改悔,不过失七次后就要下课了。
    The Meng get:Can go to AN AN or A B to be football team coach, repeatedly fought and lost, also the dead don't change regrets, however failure seven empress will class dismissed.

  • 文化激进主义产生于风云激荡的晚清社会,屡战的残酷事实,击碎了华夏中心论的迷梦。
    Cultural radicalism emerges in a special social background when the Qing government was defeated by foreign powers repeatedly and Chinese nations came to a critical moment.

  • 不管怎样,欧佩克此次可能是在屡战之后终于得偿所愿了──尽管这听起来有点难以置信。
    Given the remarkable nature of everything else in the world, maybe OPEC is succeeding where it has failed so often before.

  • 所有的北盟军领袖都知道尤利西斯格兰特。没有人相信他的能力,他们坚信格兰特将会屡战
    All of the other Union generals knew Ulysses Grant. Few had any faith in his abilities. They were sure he would always fail.

  • 他们在玫瑰花园球场几乎是屡战,比赛的结果就好像是太平洋西北部冬季多云的一样让人可以预测。
    They came up here once again and lost once again, the result now as predictable as clouds in the winter in the Pacific Northwest.

  • 否则,你怕敌怯,胸无成竹,束手无策,场场被动,不学无术,与你,那将是一场屡战的持久
    Otherwise, you are afraid of the enemy怯chest without bamboo, helpless, passive game, ignorant and incompetent, and you, it would be a long war failures.

  • 作为好莱坞爱情生活屡战的单身女演员,参加影片《爱情降临》的首映式可能不会引起人们更多的关注。
    For a Hollywood singleton famous for enduring heartbreak, attending the premiere of a movie called Love Happens may not hold great appeal.

  • 这个首先是由于球队在夏天人员的大变动造成的,其次就是拉莫斯调整不当,术古板,导致球队屡战
    This first is because the team creates in the summer personnel's momentous change, next is Ramos adjusts improper, the tactic is old-fashioned, causes the team to lose steadily.

  • 到了此时,前线屡战,法西斯头子的牛皮虽然照样厚颜无耻地吹,然而已经空洞无力,有时候牛头不对马嘴。
    To this time, the battlefront suffered a defeat again and again. The fascist heads beat the drum for their war impudently, but their advocacy was devoid of content, even inconsistent sometimes.

  • 同学们对打字的热情也是另人钦佩的,有一位女同学屡战,却越挫越勇,最终获得了宝贵的奖券,精神可嘉。
    Students on the type of enthusiasm is another admirable person, a girl, with many failures, but still insist on eventually gained valuable lottery, dedication.

  • 外来的军事压力和屡战的屈辱,导致近代中国社会重心的倾斜,中国步入了以军事近代化为先导的社会转型之路。
    The military pressure from foreign countries and the insult from repeated war failures lead to the shift of its focus on its social reform, with the military modernization being the forerunner.

  • 听LLA(LOVELOSERASSOSIATION)的同志们痛陈屡战的悲惨经历,乃作同情安慰状实则心中暗爽。
    listen to LLA(LOVELOSERASSOSIATION) the comradeses criticize repeatedly fought and lost pathetic experience, is make sympathize with to comfort a form solid heart in dark and great.

  • 太平天国起义以后,清政府的八旗兵、绿营兵屡战,于是派出众多官员回籍办理团练、召募乡勇,与太平军对抗,粤勇随之产生。
    In the Taiping rebelling, Eight Banners and Luying repeatedly fought and lost. So the Qing government ordered lots of officials to go home to recruit villagers to fight against Taiping Army.

  • 人们戏说面试屡战屡战的人叫做“面霸”,“面霸”更要注重面子问题。除了用厚厚的履历材料给自己增值,恰当的妆容也是你的附加分哦!
    Some say that failure is the mother of success, but remember, your proper make-up can really add some value to your forthcoming interview.

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