
巧舌如簧  qiǎo shé rú huáng








  • 这个吸尘器推销员巧舌如簧
    The vacuum cleaner salesman is a fast-talker.

  • 啊,他那巧舌如簧,那咆哮,那傲慢。
    Ah, the pomposity of his tone, the bluster, the arrogance.

  • 我必须乞求宽恕其巧舌如簧简化,在某些情况下。
    I must beg forgiveness for its glib simplification in some cases.

  • 市场:没有传说中巧舌如簧的嘴,只有一颗专著的心。
    Marketplace: Do not have the glib-tongued legend middle mouth , only do not have a monograph heart.

  • 别看他平日巧舌如簧,可你真遇到麻烦,他未必会帮你。
    Although he usually has a sweet tongue, he may not help you when you're in trouble.

  • 你不必巧舌如簧或者具有创造性,只需要让神知道你的感受。
    Share your heart. You don't have to be eloquent or creative; just let God know how you feel.

  • 从杰克那里得知内幕之后,她质疑了杰克巧舌如簧对待种族问题的方法。
    While learning the ropes from Jack, she challenges his glib approach to race.

  • 一个说谎者巧舌如簧,帮着另一个说谎者欺骗受害的人,使其能够得手。
    a liar, a liar deception helped the victims to enable them to succeed.

  • 经过长期训练,阿拉伯执政者们在解释他们的失败时可以说是巧舌如簧
    Long practice has made Arab rulers expert at explaining their failings away.

  • 不要有什么俏皮话,我不想让她觉得我是那种巧舌如簧的人,常常在地铁里追女孩子。
    No wise cracks because I wouldn't want her to think that I was one of those smooth-talking guys who pick up girls in the subway.

  • 脸谱网获得的成功远远超出了他们的预想,两人随即成为巧舌如簧的风险投资家的追逐对象。
    As their creation expands beyond their wildest dreams, they are courted by silver-tongued venture capitalists.

  • 在嘈杂的大厅,皮具小贩强拉住过往的外国人,巧舌如簧,除非他们做生意的希望彻底落空。
    In the noisy basement, hawkers of leather goods buttonhole passing foreigners, cajoling until all hope of a sale is lost.

  • 他们的创造不断成长,甚至超越了他们梦想的边缘。这时一些巧舌如簧的风险投资商找上了他们。
    As their creation expands beyond their wildest dreams, they are courted by silver-tongued venture capitalists.

  • 他们是少有的那种惺惺相吸的伙伴。一个是巧舌如簧的英国律师,一个是不谙言辞的德州共和党人。
    THEY have been improbable soul-mates, the silver-tongued British barrister and the drawling Republican from Texas.

  • 他本可以选择用巧舌如簧和充满想象的方式去陈述美国的问题,例如,对扭曲的税制进行改革试点。
    He might have chosen to use his silver tongue to address America's problems in imaginative ways—for example, by making the case for reforming the distorting tax code.

  • 他说,有些巧舌如簧的推销员所提供的现代疗法,跟他在博物馆里收集的那些老古董一样愚不可及,毫无价值。
    Some of themodern cures offered by slick salespeople, he says, are just as empty and worthless as the old curiosities that he's collected in his museum.

  • 别小瞧一个售楼员,能做好老板眼中称职的售楼员挺不容易的,不但需要很厚的脸皮,还要拥有巧舌如簧的本领。
    other sales personnel a reasonably can do their very eyes competent sales staff is not easy, requires not only a very thick facial skin, but also have sophisticated skills.

  • 1923年秋,一个20岁的退伍军人走出北京前门火车站,被巧舌如簧的车夫截住,拉他去了一个破落的小旅馆。
    The autumn of 1923, a 20-year-old veteran out of the Beijing railway station at the front door, the driver stopped Qiaosheruhuang, he went to pull a little run-down hotels.

  • 涉案公司内部组织严密,参与人员经过专业培训,巧舌如簧,一般情况下都可以通过反复游说而将客户说服骗钱到手;
    company involved in well-organized, professional personnel involved in training, Qiaosheruhuang, under normal circumstances, can be repeated through the lobby and convince customers to get Pianqian;

  • 当我们已经醒悟,复活就是成功,无论失败的幽灵如何功巧舌如簧,即使“不可能”已弥漫所有心灵,我们也绝不放弃。
    When we are awakened, we know revival means success. No matter how arduous the ghost of failure try to persuade, and fill our hearts with "impossible", we won't hesitate.

  • 当我们已经醒悟,复活就是成功,无论失败的幽灵如何功巧舌如簧,即使“不可能”已弥漫所有心灵,我们也绝不放弃。
    When we wake up, and find resurrection is success, no matter how a glib tongue the specter of failure has or even though the "impossible" has veiled all soul, we do not give up.

  • 作为一名普通买楼者,一脚踏进售楼处,面对巧舌如簧的销售人员,被花花绿绿的宣传资料所包围,你还能保持清醒的头脑吗?
    As a general property, one foot into the sales offices, in the face of sophisticated marketing personnel, surrounded by colorful promotional information, you can keep a cool head?

  • 作为一名普通买楼者,一脚踏进售楼处,面对巧舌如簧的销售人员,被花花绿绿的宣传资料所包围,你还能保持清醒的头脑吗?
    as an ordinary home, one foot into the sales offices, in the face of sophisticated marketing personnel, surrounded by colorful promotional information, you can keep a cool head?

  • 看来,开发商不讨人喜欢,并不完全是因为开发商巧舌如簧,把黑的说成白的,把死的说成活的,不排除“房价太贵”的原因。
    " It seems that developers are not likeable and not simply because developers slick, black into white, said the survival of the dead, did not rule out "price is too expensive".

  • 很多购房者在购买期房的时候,往往被其精美的楼书及宣传资料所打动,再加上售楼小姐的巧舌如簧,而最终购买了这些项目。
    many property buyers in the purchase of faster, often their beautiful Loushu information and publicity move, coupled with the slick sales ladies, and eventually purchased these items.

  • 陆龟巧舌如簧,不一会儿,所有的鸟儿一致认为他已洗心革面了;而且,每个鸟儿都给他一根羽毛,这样他就拥有一对绚丽多彩的翅膀了。
    Tortoise had a sweet tongue, and within a short time all the birds agreed that he was a changed man, and they all gave him a feather, with which he made two wings splendidly colorful wings.

  • 他们确切的籍贯无从查考,但他们把到中国的传教之旅提前了,他们巧舌如簧地传递着信息,促使父亲从此把毕生精力致力于在中国向人们传教。
    Their exact origin is unknown, but they predate the arrival of missionaries to China, and speak eloquently of the message which motivated Daddy to devote his life to serving the people of China.

  • 虽说未见到房主王先生,但杨某巧舌如簧很快就打消了他的疑虑,并很快办理了房产过户手续,大张旗鼓地进行了装修,一家人高高兴兴搬进了新居。
    While not see owner Well, but quickly took up his sly doubts, and soon for the property transfer procedures, done with great fanfare a decoration, a person looking into the new homes.

  • 让人震惊的是四十七岁的奥巴马从一个年轻的议员变得巧舌如簧,同时,在去年夏天总统选举的流言激励中,他把头发染成了灰色以显得更加成熟老练。
    The 47-year-old's shock transformation from youthful senator to silver fox during his presidential campaign last summer prompted rumours he was dyeing his hair grey to appear more experienced.

  • PhoneBusters官员LouisRobertson表示,骗局能得逞是因为部分受害者轻信他人和希望天上掉馅饼,而部分是骗子的手段高明和巧舌如簧
    Officer Louis Robertson of PhoneBusters says it is a combination of gullibility and hope on the part of the victim, and skill and persuasion on the part of the scammer.

  • 巧舌如簧造句相关
