
年逾古稀  nián yú gǔ xī







  • 我的父母都已年逾古稀,仍在田间不辍劳作。
    My parents have been over seventy years of age, are still able to continue uninterrupted crafts field.

  • 刘教授虽已年逾古稀,还在进行国际关系研究工作。
    Professor Liu, who (=though he) is over seventy years old, still conducts research on international relations.

  • 到这个世纪末,100岁或许将是年逾古稀的新标准。
    By the end of this century the age of 100 may have become the new three score and ten.

  • 年逾古稀,蓬头垢面,醉意醺醺,嘴巴长得比他母亲还要大。
    She was drunk, and dirty, and very old, and her mouth was bigger than his mother's mouth.

  • 为了解释他的想法,这位年逾古稀的亿万富翁打了一个奇怪的比喻。
    In an effort to explain his thinking, the septogenarian Billionaire investor turned to something of a strange simile.

  • 当然,我知道生命中总有伤痛,年逾古稀的我曾不止一次经历过危机。
    Sure, I know that sorrow exists. I am in my 70s now, and I've lived through more than one crisis.

  • 一生坎坷,备尝艰难,但是却能年逾古稀,自然令人对其摄生观感兴趣。
    Interestingly, he enjoyed a long life of over seventy years old.

  • 年逾古稀却精力充沛,更重要的是他比很多年轻候选人还要精力旺盛。
    But Mr McCain is an extraordinarily energetic 70-year-old, far more full of beans than many younger candidates. ("My philosophy is to just go, go like hell, " he says.

  • 由于乐队成员多是来自民间年逾古稀的老人,因此又有“纳西寿星乐团”的美誉。
    As the members of the band are from the civil over the age of the elderly, so there are "longevity Naxi Orchestra" in the world.

  • 该委员会由顶级科技人士和产业贤才组成,甚至包括年逾古稀的托马斯·爱迪生。
    It was composed of senior scientific and industrial luminaries, including even Thomas A. Edison, then in his seventies.

  • 埃米莉生在伦敦长在伦敦,虽已年逾古稀,但实在令人惊讶的是,她仍精力充沛,耳聪目明。
    Emily is a Londoner born and bred and, for a woman some years past the allotted span, of a truly remarkable vigour and alertness.

  • 埃米莉生在伦敦长在伦敦,虽已年逾古稀,但实在令人惊讶的是,她仍精力充沛,耳聪目明。
    Emily is a Londoner born and bred and, for a woman some years past the allotted span, of a truly remarkable vigour and alertness .

  • 再来说说印度的公务员。许多的林业官员如今大腹便便年逾古稀而且经常干贪赃舞弊的勾当。
    In the way of Indian public servants, many forestry officials have grown fat, old and corrupt.

  • 年逾古稀的王老太没有想到,自己的后老伴儿去世后,几个继子女为继承财产竟让她卷铺盖走人。
    The Wanglaotai over seventy years of age did not expect that their children after the death of his wife, several children to inherit property even after allowing her bones station.

  • 年逾古稀的退休女干部韩桂英精心制作了一幅主题为“祖国万岁”的剪纸作品,献礼新中国成立60周年。
    Over seventy years of age of retirement women cadres Han Guiying crafted a theme of "Long live the motherland, " the paper-cut works, gift 60th anniversary of founding of new China.

  • 上周,由于申请示威许可,对毁坏她们家园的行为表示抗议,两位年逾古稀的老妇人被判处一年“劳动教养”。
    Two septuagenarian Chinese ladies were sentenced last week to a year's "re-education through labor" for daring to apply for a permit to publicly protest the destruction of their homes.

  • 年逾古稀的马克思主义史家刘大年,以其敏锐的目光和特殊的学术地位,参与筹建中国人民抗日战争纪念馆,推动中国抗日战争史学会的成立和《抗日战争研究》的创刊。
    He was one of the main founders of the Memorial for the War of Resistance against Japan and leading journal Research of the War of Resistance against Japan.

  • 年逾古稀造句相关
