
恼羞成怒  nǎo xiū chéng nù







  • 对此,房地产商们简直是恼羞成怒
    which real estate developers have simply gone.

  • 罪恶的计划没有实现,让他恼羞成怒
    His criminal plan didn't carry through, that drove him in a miff.

  • 大法王恼羞成怒,说:「我怎麽不是人?」
    The First Lord grew angry with embarrassment, saying, "And how am I not human?""

  • 羚羊明白,猎人恼羞成怒,再次露出了马脚。
    The antelope realized that, by getting so angry, the hunter had given himself away a second time.

  • 依靠了高超的谋略他们才战胜了恼羞成怒的敌人。
    Only by dint of masterful manoeuvres have they been able to defeat the infuriated enemy.

  • 他可是一个狂人!这样的一个小过失就让他恼羞成怒
    He is such a fury! He just flied into rage at such a peccadillo!

  • 恼羞成怒的克利格召集一群湿气农夫深入沙漠寻找施密。
    Enraged, Cliegg amassed a posse of moisture farmers to venture into the desert to find her.

  • 在体育馆内,恼羞成怒的粉丝乱抛玻璃瓶子,砸坏座椅;
    Inside the stadium, angry fans lobbed glass bottles and smashed seats;

  • 如果他没看到或没听说这件事,就会恼羞成怒,面红耳赤。
    If he has not seen or heard of it, his face grows red because he feels extremely angry and awkward.

  • 王刚看到后恼羞成怒,马上找到小琴质问,小琴没有否认。
    The be ashamed into anger after Wang Gang sees, find small musical instrument to challenge immediately, small musical instrument was not denied.

  • 恼羞成怒成怒的丈夫们在图丝太太的指使下,把杰克打翻在地。
    Ashamed into anger and at the instigation of Mrs. Tooth, the outraged husbands attached Jack.

  • 白衬衣恼羞成怒,一把从我手中抢过小吃盒扔掉,嘴里开始骂街。
    Very angry white shirt, grabbed my hand from a snack box away, began to mouth the street.

  • 当然,格芬哈特国王听说我们沼泽住民呼吁自由并声称要建国之后恼羞成怒
    Of course, King Gryphonheart's response to our claim that these swamps belong to a free Mudlander nation was rage.

  • 更何况严词拒绝之后,女主人必定会恼羞成怒,这一点,约瑟不可能没有想过。
    And it must have occurred to Joseph how fearsome her wrath would be when he spurned her advances.

  • 我觉得有些篮球圈的垃圾还在为他们一开始说姚明不好是错的这一事实恼羞成怒
    I think some of the basketball junkies out there are still miffed about how they could be so wrong about Yao in the first place.

  • 海格力斯恼羞成怒,操起一条碗口粗的木棒砸它,那东西竟然张大到把路堵死了。
    Haigelisi be ashamed into anger, hold a wooden club with wide mouth of a bowl to break it, that thing actually magnify arrives to block the road up dead.

  • 钟某恼羞成怒,随手抄起一把水果刀捅向妻子庄某,庄某受伤后连忙跑到楼下躲避。
    Zhongmou very angry, picked three inside the room used a fruit knife and stabbed his wife to the Zhuang, Zhuang injured after the man went downstairs to escape.

  • 这个商人由于被人发觉而恼羞成怒,拿起一把管道扳子把公司维修工人痛揍了一顿。
    The businessman, enraged at being discovered, attacked the company serviceman with a pipe wrench and beat him badly.

  • 恼羞成怒的孔一把抢过钻井激光炮的控制权,向鲁恩石矿开炮,将那无价之宝全打落到熔岩里。
    Enraged, Koong took control of a drilling laser and blasted the Roonstone cache, knocking the priceless gems into a lava flow.

  • 但是,埃及的主要官员们对此却恼羞成怒,声称金字塔被纳入此活动的评选中,简直是一种侮辱。
    But leading Egyptian officials were outraged by the contest, saying the pyramids shouldn't be put to a vote.

  • 老虎挣扎着爬起来,看着大象小声嘀咕说:“老兄,就算你不知道答案也不用这么恼羞成怒吧?”
    The tiger staggers to his feet and looks at the elephant and whispers: "Man, you don't have to get so pissed, just 'cause you don't know the answer. ""

  • 不幸偷看时吵醒了老婆,恼羞成怒的老婆提出离婚。可怜的老公铸就大错,可能再也没机会偷看了。
    It was an error he is unlikely to be given a chance to repeat for his outraged wife woke up during his sneak peek and is now demanding a divorce.

  • 风趣常常是一副面具。如果将它撕扯下来,你会发现一个恼羞成怒的天才,或是耍着戏法的小聪明。
    Wit is often a mask. If you could tear it you would find either a genius irritated or cleverness juggling.

  • 男人无所不在的自尊心令他们难以接受女人在激动时的过火语言或行动,这时候他们会变得鲁莽和恼羞成怒
    The man's omnipresent proper pride makes them accept a woman to be in hard excited the ham language when or action, at that time they can become harum-scarum with be ashamed into anger.

  • 在事发后斯奇林恼羞成怒,这才使得公众了解到他的个性。本来除了在安然内部,斯奇林的名字并不大为人熟知。
    Skilling was little known outside Enron until his anger at being caught brought his personality into public focus.

  • 他们还提醒我,那些多付的钱可以用来买些什么好东西,并且嘲笑我是多么愚蠢,这使我恼羞成怒,不禁哭了起来。
    They put me in mind of what good things I might have bought with the rest of the money, and laughed at me so much for my folly that I cried with vexation.

  • 姚明明显的倒退,被拜纳姆恼羞成怒,我们摆脱篮板球,对阿泰斯特,我确实感到他回来了,他的防守打得很努力。
    Yao has clearly regressed. Getting owned by Bynum, we are getting out rebounded, and I really feel back for Artest, he is playing so hard on D.

  • 有时自己犯的错误心里明明白白,也想做出些改变,可是若有人好心地指出我们的错误,我们往往会恼羞成怒,拒绝改变。
    Sometimes we have a clear idea about our own mistakes and desire to correct them, but if they are pointed out by others, we may tend to feel irritated and refuse to correct.

  • 一打开小门,两个长毛的怪物扑向我的喉咙,把我压倒在地,灯也被扑灭了,同时希斯克利夫和海尔顿的笑声让我恼羞成怒之极。
    On opening the little door, two hairy monsters flew at my throat, bearing me down, and extinguishing the light;

  • 有一次,一个恼羞成怒的客户从背后捅死了安妮莎的父亲,于是,安妮莎成了她先父的巨型老爷船里唯一的船员。她在全银河系搜捕那个把她变成孤儿的社会渣滓。
    When Aneesa's father was stabbed in the back by an angry customer, Aneesa became the sole crewer for her late father's gigantic jalopy and scoured the galaxy for the scum that left her an orphan.

  • 恼羞成怒造句相关
