
悠然自得  yōu rán zì dé








  • 双侧封闭式,一书一音乐,悠然自得
    both side closed down, one book and music make you relaxed in!

  • 一只大闸蟹在水中悠然自得地吐着泡泡。
    A hairy crab is leisurely making bubbles in the water.

  • 一只大闸蟹在水中悠然自得地吐著泡泡。
    A hairy crab is making leisurely bubbles in the water.

  • 德国越来越悠然自得
    Germany has become more at ease with itself.

  • 不论工作、学习、休息都能心宁气定,悠然自得
    No matter the job, study, rest can heart tranquil energy of life is decided, carefree and content.

  • 当科克伦在钢丝上那么悠然自得时,我们想到的是什么?
    What do we think when Cercolen was leisurely performing the rope walking?

  • 就在一分钟之前,她还在悠然自得地听他说话,未忘旧情。
    Only a moment before she had been listening with some complacency, remembering her old affection for him.

  • 一个小老头坐在走廊前的摇椅上,悠然自得。一个妇女向他走了过来。
    A woman walked up to a little old man rocking in a chair on his porch.

  • 生活在这个快节奏的时代里,人们很难再体验古人的那种悠然自得了。
    Living in the fast-tempo society, it is difficult for people to feel ancient people's leisure.

  • 在业余时间里,他是一个悠然自得的加利福尼亚少年,热爱冲浪和网上冲浪。
    In his free time, he is a laid-back California surfer of both waves and the Internet.

  • 所以,请从你的内心深处吟唱,请悠然自得地跳跃舞动,请将灵魂融入心中生活。
    So sing from the bottom of your heart, dance with your body waving free, and live, putting your soul into it.

  • 在椰风海韵中品尝中西名肴,享受真正的热带度假风情,一切显得那么悠然自得
    Enjoy food of western and Chinese flavor in the atmosphere of coco and sea and the genuine tropical customs, how carefree and contented it would be!

  • 人在忱上心情释然,心至佳境,手捧美文如同手捧一壶香茗,悠然自得,不亦乐乎!
    Lichen on the feelings in glad the heart to pick, holding hands as a pot of Meiwen laid-back, joy!

  • 创新的酿酒技术、现代化的工艺设备使我们能够酿造足以悠然自得、引起为傲的葡萄酒。
    Innovative technology and modern cellar equipment enable me to produce wines that boast sought after titles and prestigious awards.

  • 悠然自得地登上这座被绿树覆盖的山顶,欣赏到莫斯科最美的风景,你会不禁心潮澎湃。
    Take a walk up the lightly-forested hill to the summit for the best view possible of Moscow's skyline.

  • 由于生活在澳大利亚的缘故,我更悠然自得了,少了点物质唯上,更加珍惜已经拥有的一切。
    As a result of living "Down Under" I am more laid back, less materialistic and I appreciate far more everything I already have.

  • 盖茨比两手仍然揣在口袋里,正斜倚在壁炉架上,勉强装出一副悠然自得、甚至无精打采的神气。
    Gatsby, his hands still in his pockets, was reclining against the mantelpiece in a strained counterfeit of perfect ease, even of boredom.

  • 那厚实方正的姿态里,是一种处变不惊的悠然自得,精致的小锁像守护天使一般守护着自己的最爱。
    What concealed in that thick and square handbag, is a gesture of the leisurely, for that charming little lock guards his beloved as a guardian angel.

  • 快乐首先是精神上的,然后才是身体上的,要身体充分享受快乐,先要精神上悠然自得,心无挂虑。
    Happiness is mental before it physical. In order to be physically happy to the full, you must first feel at ease and be free of worry.

  • 这里如此的美丽,我们从山谷看去,能看到很远很远,两头鹿在那悠然自得的吃草。这里是禁止打猎的。
    It is beautiful here. We can see many kilometers down and across the valley floor. Two deer are nearby. They are eating grass. No hunting is permitted here.

  • 所以,人们非常渴望过一种悠然自得无忧无虑的恬静而温馨的生活,拥有一块属于自己的纯净的心灵的栖息地。
    So, people have thirsted for a kind of lifestyle of carefree, quiet and warm and a habitat that belongs to one's own pure soul.

  • “基地”组织在欧洲的精神领袖、47岁的激进伊斯兰教教士阿布·卡塔达日前被拍到在伦敦闹市区悠然自得地散步。
    Radical Islamist Abu Qatada, 47, described as the spiritual leader of al-Qaida in Europe, was seen walking contentedly in West London recently.

  • 三层高的古楼雕梁画栋、飞檐翘角,三足挺立的圆桌、圆椅随意摆放其中,两三个老外安坐于此喝着啤酒,悠然自得
    Three-floor ancient carving building, flying in the eaves and sticking up the angle, round table, chair are put among them at will.

  • 在沙滩上,还有不少体育爱好者进行着沙滩排球、足球等体育项目,更有游客悠然自得地与家人一起在海边玩着沙子。
    On the beach, there are many sports fans engaged in beach volleyball, football and other sports, more tourists to slow life with his family in the seaside Wanzhe sand.

  • 他平日生活悠然自得,名利、诱惑、各种主观条件、客观条件的刺激,都不能对他那沉稳,安宁,祥和的生活造成影响。
    He usually lived a free and easy life, avoiding the effect of fame, wealth, temper and other subjective conditions and objective conditions stimulated on his tranquil, stable and peaceful life.

  • 合唱团的排练、演出、普兰娜啤酒坊的黑啤、香醇的鹅肝、威尔第的经典歌剧《弄臣》,令我的周末浓韵心怡,悠然自得
    Our chorus rehearsal, perform at FCC, Paulaner's black beer, delicious goose liver and Giuseppe Verdi's opera , those made my weekend full of joy and pleasure.

  • 她的作品将日本画传统描绘技法加入到她稳健的笔法中,让观者感受到了悠然自得的性的快乐以及作品中所蕴含的幽默感。
    She blends the techniques of traditional Japanese drawings into her prudent brush strokes, and presents to the viewers the carefree bliss of sexuality and a subtle sense of humor.

  • 在那里,你可以品尝到各式各样绿色蔬菜,亲身体验采摘蔬果的乐趣,享受悠然自得的农家乐,真实的拥抱生态,拥抱自然!
    Here you are free to pick the fruit and vegetables by yourself. You can enjoy living in authentic farmhouses and appreciate the quiet rural settings.

  • 在一则广告中,一位年轻母亲下班后飞奔向超市,急忙赶着做饭、然后又忙着洗碗,与她形成鲜明对比的是另一位悠然自得的女子,轻松地享受着下午的美好时光。
    One ad, for example, shows a young mother rushing from work to the market, cooking dinner and doing dishes, contrasted with a serene woman stretching and enjoying her afternoon.

  • 澳大利亚是一个以悠然自得,随和而著称的国家,那里的人都热衷于日光浴。然而它受到了由一些保守人士制定的一项计划的威胁,计划强迫妇女在一些最受欢迎的海滩上要着装。
    Australia's reputation as a laid-back, easy-going nation of sunworshippers is under threat from a plan by conservativesto force women to cover up on some of the country's most popularbeaches.

  • 悠然自得造句相关
