
一步登天  yī bù dēng tiān








  • “急躁冒进,想一步登天”是错误的。
    "Impatient rash advance, think have a skyrocketing rise " be a mistake.

  • 要成功不好谂住一步登天
    Don't dream of reaching success by one step.

  • 严以律己:学习第二语言是无法一步登天的。
    Be disciplined: There's no easy way to learn a second language.

  • 他们总想走捷径、一步登天,不愿付出代价。
    they want to cut corners, produce high yields and not pay a price.

  • 没有人能一步登天,登上去的那些也只是开始。
    Rome wasn't built in a day, and its building was just another start.

  • 突然积聚的财富让陈天桥有一步登天、失去重心的感觉。
    Suddenly accumulative fortune lets Chen Tianqiao have the have a skyrocketing rise, feeling that loses heart.

  • 我不可能一步登天,但是我可以一步一个脚印永不放弃。
    I can not reach the sky in a single bound, but I can make every step leaves its print and never give up.

  • 在学习上不可能一步登天,要知道“冰冻三尺,非一日之寒”。
    One can not have a skyrocketing rise in study, just like Rome was not built in a day.

  • 唯一的例外就是一步登天,一夜成名,但我没有这种秘方可传授。
    The only alternative is overnight stardom, but I can't give you a formula for that.

  • 你不能一步登天,有时你甚至会倒退,但不要让这些成为你的障碍。
    It won't come instantly, and you may backslide from time to time, but don't let that deter you.

  • 老俩口说:“我们是真正体会到了“搬迁搬迁,一步登天”的感觉。
    Old couple said : "We are truly experienced the" relocation move constantly.

  • 我们要把我们的『点点滴滴』放下。而不是等著一步登天,等著成佛。
    We need to let go drop by drop and not waiting for the that big step to instantly be Buddha.

  • 就是嘛。来点雅俗共赏的,同志们的欣赏品位也不能指望一步登天啊!
    The only rules of the matter is what a man can do , or what a man can't do!

  • “拆迁,拆迁,一步登天”,他们以特有的诙谐表达了对安居的强烈渴望。
    "demolition, removal, sky, " and they were using their unique comical expression of the strong desire for peace.

  • 我阅读原文书,研究原始码,撰写程序,自认为走得扎实,不奢望一步登天
    I read the book, study the source code, written procedures, since that too solid, and not expect a sudden jump.

  • 客观分析,热火新赛季要想一步登天可能极小,甚至闯进季后赛都是不小的疑问。
    Comparative external analysis, friendly new season, if wants possibly to reach the sky in a single bound minimum, even rushes in the playoff is not the small question.

  • 史密斯先生要找真正的经理谈话。他才不会认为同一个一步登天的出纳员谈谈就满足了。
    Mr Smith wanted to speak to the real manager. He wasn't going to be satisfied with some bumped-up cashier.

  • 也不是,我们只是建议刚开始发烧的朋友不要设想一步登天,否则会造成不必要的浪费。
    Also not be, the friend that we just suggest to just began to have a fever does not assume have a skyrocketing rise, can create needless waste otherwise.

  • 步云石(一步登天石):传说古门大佛和到人间赐福的诸路神仙常由此处登天步云而去。
    Magic Rock: Legend says the Gumen Giant Buddha and the other celestial beings would step onto this rock and then flew to heaven on a magic cloud.

  • 直到那一刻,我和她的父亲才意识到她在报纸上寻找的是一步登天的事业,而不是一份工作。
    It was then that her father I realized that what she had been looking for in the paper was a career, not a job.

  • 你需要的只是训练和坚持到底的决心,你不能一步登天,有时甚至会倒退,但不要让这些成为你的障碍。
    You just need the discipline and determination to see it through. It won't come instantly, and you may backslide from time to time , but don't let that dter you.

  • 尽管乔温科不辱使命,拉涅利赛后还是很吝啬赞美,“乔温科这个赛季做得不错,但我们不能一步登天
    Qiao Wen Branch, despite the mission, after Claudio Ranieri is still very stingy praise, "Joe Wen Branch has done a good job this season, but we can not be sweeping."

  • 你需要的只是训练和坚持到底的决心。你不能一步登天,有时你甚至会倒退,但不要让这些成为你的障碍。
    You may have to let go of some bad habits and develop some more positive ones, but don't give up --for it is only in trying and persisting that dreams come true.

  • 对此,赵式芝大动肝火,声称对此人十分失望,又自问对她曾花不少心思,后来发现对方野心大,想一步登天
    In response, Cho Chi-Taidongganhuo, claiming that people are very disappointed, and had asked her to spend a lot of efforts and later discovered the other great ambition, like sweeping.

  • 这样你就可以发现,很多看似艰巨的目标其实完全可以在两个月内就搞定。关键在于,你不要总是希冀能一步登天
    As you can see –a lot of big goals are perfectly achievable in under two months, so long as you don't demand instant success from yourself.

  • 小马给利物浦上下泼冷水咯,他表示周日屠狗的表演并不意味着我们就能一步登天,仅仅只是一场普通的胜利而已。
    Javier Mascherano has warned Liverpool that Sunday's victory over Manchester United will count for nothing if it is not the start of a winning run.

  • 孙光新的日子可谓“一步登天”,告别了狭小的单身宿舍,跻身于一幢高层公寓的第七层,他终于有足够的地盘来安置自己锺爱的那些家电了。
    SUN GUANGXIN is moving up: from a cramped government dormitory to an apartment in the sky -- or at least the seventh floor -- where he will have enough space to indulge his love of modern gadgets.

  • 怀着一步登天(即在短期之内取得最大成效的速成之术)的想法,许多人在健康和体格这两种追求之间失去平衡,并承受着这种失衡带来的后果。
    Out of our drive to produce the greatest results in the shortest period of time, most of us create an improper balance between health and fitness, and suffer the consequences.

  • 刚看了你的贴太冲动了。别出来说话了明白吗?(管理)你说不能一步登天,你说给你们时间?我怎么觉得你们的速度很快?但快的不是地方!!
    Did not come out speaks has understood? (Management) you said cannot reach the sky in a single bound, you said for you the time?How did I think your speed is very quick?But is quick is not the place!

  • 瞧瞧新家的卫生间干净宽敞,试了试厨房里的冷热水,老人舒心地说:“今年冬天我手上的风湿病再也不会那么疼了,住上这么好的房子,真是一步登天啦。”
    Go to the toilet clean spacious home, Shileshi kitchen temperature water, the estimate says : "Last winter I would not be so sore hands of a slave, living on such a good house, is asking anymore."

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