
一泻千里  yī xiè qiān lǐ








  • 反之,预期下跌,房价就真的一泻千里
    Instead, the expected fall in prices on really Yixieqianli.

  • 而*ST泰格公告重组事项结束复牌后,股价便一泻千里
    ST and Tiger restructuring announcement resume trading after the end of the matter, and their share prices will Yixieqianli.

  • 受微软和雅虎谈判破裂消息的影响,雅虎股价近日可谓一泻千里
    Microsoft and Yahoo by the news from the talks broke down, while shares of Yahoo has recently Yixieqianli.

  • 一条浩浩荡荡的长江大河,有时流到很宽阔的境界,一望无际,一泻千里
    The vast and mighty Yangtzi River, when it comes to an endless, broad plain, will flow ten thousand miles in a rapid current.

  • 一条浩浩荡荡的长江大河,有时流到很宽阔的境界,平原无际,一泻千里
    A mighty long river sometimes flows through a broad section with plains lying boundless on either side, its water rolling on non-stop for thousands upon thousands of miles.

  • 金融结构又复杂到无从知晓投资人的证券资产究竟一泻千里地损失了多少;
    The complexity of structured finance made it difficult to know how losses would cascade down the ladder of investors in securitised assets.

  • 债务让《纽约时报》运转艰难,更让上市公司纽约时报公司股价一泻千里
    Debt lets " new York Times " movement is hard, more let appear on the market bold and flowing of share price of company of company new York Times.

  • 一条浩浩荡荡的长江大河,有时流到很宽阔的境界,平原无际,一泻千里
    A mighty long river sometimes flows through a broad section with plains lying boundless on either side, its waters rolling on non-stop for thousands upon thousands of miles.

  • 一条浩浩荡荡的长江大河,有时流到很宽阔的境界,一望无际,一泻千里
    The vastmighty Yangtzi River, when it comes to an endless, broad plain, will flow ten thousand miles in a rapid current.

  • 房贷政策出台是公认的转折点,随后楼市价格上行无力,成交更是一泻千里
    Room loan policy releasing is the recognition turning point, afterward real estate market price upward incapable, the deal was flowing.

  • 高科技行业一泻千里,思科、英特尔及戴尔公司都放慢了大学生招聘的步骤。
    Companies in the battered tech sector like Cisco, Intel and Dell have slowed college recruiting.

  • 他的上部小说失利之后,名誉一泻千里。(不能译为“站在滑动的场地上了。”
    After the failure of his last novel, his reputation stands on slippery grounds.

  • 成功、掌控、俯视……这种种欲望不敢一泻千里,不是木或者棉能陪衬得了的。
    Successful, palm accuses, look down at… this a variety of desires not dare bold and flowing, not be wood or cotton can foil was gotten.

  • 火箭又领先了,不过领先的优势还不足以大到能阻止像洪水一样一泻千里的溃败。
    The lead never grew large enough for the collapse to feel as cataclysmic.

  • 本报记者谢红玲 自从1993年房地产泡沫破灭之后,海南房地产市场一泻千里直跌谷底。
    Since 1993, real estate reporter Xiegongling bubble economy, the real estate market Yixieqianli Hainan directly or bottom.

  • 皮条沟又名卧龙沟,沟内河流称皮条河,水流湍急,一泻千里,汇入绵江后经岷江流入长江。
    Browne also known as trench Wolong ditch, trench river Browne said he, fast-flowing, Yixieqianli, cotton import by the Minjiang River, after flowing into the Yangtze River.

  • 后来,他听朋友说,那是一个超级大户,由于大盘一泻千里,他手中的股票全部被深度套牢。
    Later, he listened to friends that it was a super big market because of Yixieqianli, he shares in the hands of all the depth of the hold-up.

  • 欧元区几乎占了世界经济的四分之一,由于投资者担心欧元区的金融稳定,全球股市一泻千里
    Stockmarkets around the world have slumped as investors fret about the financial stability of a region that makes up almost a quarter of the world economy.

  • 某种程度而言,由于年轻人不再读报,经济危机前夕报业收入已然持续下降,现在更是一泻千里
    Revenues were dropping even before the recession, in part because of those disappearing young readers, and are now falling quickly.

  • 皓洁披沥,岩石升而雪融,冰川崩而如霹,峭拔地球之巅,雪崩世界之脊,百尺如倾,一泻千里
    PiLi on snow melts, rock rises, glaciers, QiaoBa Pi as collapsed at the top of the earth and the world, an avalanche ridge, moving like feet.

  • 她其实一直在流泪的,只是我们看不见,它暗暗流淌了那么长时间,终于在那一刻可以,一泻千里
    She in fact has been being shed tears of, just we can't see, it secretly flowed to drip so long-playing, finally in that a moment can, one Xie a long distance.

  • 如果把中国的改革比作江河,它既有一泻千里的雄壮,也有举步艰难的低徊,而其归宿,终为大海;
    If the river of river of reform assimilate to China, what it has bold and flowing already is magnificent, also have step forward hard low hesitating, and its a home to return to, if, be sea;

  • 贝尔斯登股价周一一泻千里,跌幅达到84%,不过,4。81美元的收盘价仍远高于摩根大通的出价。
    Bear Stearns shares fell 84% yesterday but still closed at $4. 81, well above the offer price. Speculators flooded into the stock betting J.

  • 上述深圳某基金经理告诉记者,但随着该公司股价的一泻千里,“基金很生气,该分析师W的后果很严重。”
    " Shenzhen above a certain fund manager, told reporters, but as the company's stock price Yixieqianli, "very angry Fund, the analyst W very serious consequences.

  • 没有最强的感觉,倒是感觉极美!!!顺畅淋漓,一泻千里。俏皮的吞口,俊美的刀身。啧啧,口水顺着血槽淌。
    No sense of strongest blade, but feels very good! ! ! Nifty Tunkou, nice body. My slobber is running down along blood slot.

  • 2007年至2008年牛熊反转,加上金融危机横扫全球,中国股市从6000点一泻千里,上亿资金灰飞烟灭。
    From 2007 to 2008 Niuxiong inversion, together with the financial crisis sweeping the world, China's stock market from the point Yixieqianli 6000, hundreds of millions of funds up in smoke.

  • 但生命一旦诞生,希望仿佛是太阳在海面上豪迈地放射出耀眼的光芒,一泻千里。时间是催发物,太阳在不断的上升,生命在不断地成长。
    but as soon as the birth of life, hope that the sea was like the sun to shine on the heroic bright light, objects, the sun in rising, life continues to grow.

  • 有时候他遇到巉岩前阻,他愤激地奔腾了起来,怒吼着,回旋着,前波后浪的起伏催逼,直到他过了,冲倒了这危崖他才心平气和的一泻千里
    Sometimes rugged rockes are in his way, and then he surges fiercely, roars, welters wave by wave . Until rushing down rockes and getting across the cliff, he plunges afar vigorously in peace.

  • 至少现在来看美国深受经济衰退之累,房价一泻千里,银行奄奄一息,外国公司苦海无边,政治领袖乏善可陈,所有这些似乎都是衰落的前奏。
    For now, at least, an America afflicted by economic recession, plunging house prices, collapsing banks, disastrous foreign ventures and dire political leadership is sunk in malaise.

  • 至少现在来看美国深受经济 衰退之累,房价一泻千里,银行奄奄一息,外国公司苦海无边,政治领袖乏善可陈,所有这些似乎都是衰落的前奏。
    For now, at least, an America afflicted by economic recession, plunging house prices, collapsing banks, disastrous foreign ventures and dire political leadership is sunk in malaise.

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