
三长两短  sān cháng liǎng duǎn








  • 你要有个三长两短,我也不想活了。
    If anything should happen to you, I don't want to live.

  • 我的儿子要是有个三长两短,我就不想活了。
    Any unexpected misfortune happened to my son, I would not live any longer.

  • 要是在一块凑合着过吧,又怕弟弟有个三长两短
    If in a makeshift had a brother, again afraid have unexpected unfortune.

  • 丽莎明白了他眼中的恐慌是担心她有什么三长两短
    Lisa understood that the panic in his eyes was that she might have been hurt, or killed.

  • 要是她有什么三长两短,你知道那乌黑的秀发…那柔软的肌肤…
    Booth:If anything happens to her, you know, that silky black hair and…that soft skin…

  • 莎拉是整个团队的灵魂人物,她有个三长两短,我们就要完蛋。
    Sarah is the cornerstone of our team. If something happens to her we would fall apart.

  • 万一你有个什么三长两短的,他这下半辈子就会生活在罪恶感中了。
    If anything happens to you he spends the rest of his life feeling guilty for that. Tell me something.

  • 要是我去买刀时你有个三长两短怎麽办?再说你现在更需要的是大夫!
    Won't it be desperate if your condition becomes worse while I am away?Further, you need a doctor more than a Xiao-dao!

  • “万一病人有什么三长两短,”一位病人的家属说,“我拍的这些都是证据。
    "In case of any accident, " said the family member of a patient, "what I have shot here will serve as evidence.

  • 有谣言说他和律师保存了牵连证据的文件,如果他有什么三长两短,就会公之于众。
    It is rumoured that he has deposited incriminating documents with lawyers, to be released in the event of his untimely death.

  • 马上就要过年了,没想到出了这样的事情,如果我儿子有个三长两短,叫我可怎么活啊!
    Chinese New Year soon, and did not expect a such a thing, if there should happen to my son and told how I can live ah!

  • 周先生告诉记者,孩子吃了半年三鹿奶粉,就这一个儿子,要是孩子有个三长两短,我们真的不知道怎么办。
    Mr. Zhou told reporters that the children ate half a year Sanlu milk powder, a son, if there is a child should happen, we really do not know how to do.

  • “因为我有一个朋友,”斯蒂夫说,“我把你的情况都告诉了他,万一我有个三长两短,他会去找警察的。”
    "Because of my friend, " Steve said. "I told him all about you and if anything happens to me, he'll tell the police.

  • “西尔弗先生,”我说,“我相信你是最聪明的人。万一我有个三长两短,烦你让大夫知道我是怎么牺牲的。”
    I stopped, for, I tell you, I was out of breath, and, to my wonder, not a man of them moved, but all sat staring at me like as many sheep.

  • 父亲一下就急了,忽地站起来冲着母亲喊起来“不上学也不能动那个钱!老人们突然有个三长两短,怎么办?”
    Father was angered, getting to his feet, shouting to Mother "Keep it! We would rather lose the school. Otherwise what should we do if the old meet with some unexpected?"

  • 在妻子的脑海深处(虽然可能是无意识的)总有这样一个念头:如果丈夫有个三长两短的话,他得靠自己设法活下去。
    Always at the back of the wife's mind, though probably not consciously, is the knowledge that if anything happens to the husband she will have to manage on her own.

  • 如果齐罗有个三长两短就太不幸了(?)。贾巴加入分离派之后,齐罗只有死路一条,必须在他牵连到杜库之前将他灭口。
    It would be too bad if anything happened to Ziro. After Jabba was signed up, Ziro's fate was inevitable; he would have to be silenced before he implicated Dooku.

  • “万一病人有什么三长两短,”一位病人的家属说,“我拍的这些都是证据。”在广州某医院,一位病人的家属用摄象机把手术的过程都拍摄了下来。
    "In case of any accident, " said the family member of a patient, "what I have shot here will serve as evidence. " This man shot the overall process of the operation in a certain hospital in Guangzhou.

  • 三长两短造句相关
