
不惑之年  bù huò zhī nián








  • 不惑之年也是最无奈的年纪。
    Not of be puzzled year also be the most helpless age.

  • 许多同学朋友在今年踏入或即将踏入不惑之年
    Many friends that went to school with me have recently entered or will soon enter the year of no doubts.

  • 进入不惑之年,还是有许多事情令人大惑不解。
    Buhuozhinian to enter, there is still a lot of things, what is most puzzling.

  • 到了不惑之年(40)后,我变得特紧张自己的外表。
    When I hit the magic age of 40 I started getting really nervous about my appearance.

  • 而包头供电局在它的不惑之年,又向新的高峰发起了挑战。
    And Baotou Electricity Supply Board is in its not of be puzzled year, launched a challenge to new peak again.

  • 陆教授才届不惑之年,是“海派”经济学家中的“少壮派”新锐。
    Land teachs ability not of be puzzled year, be " the sea is sent " in economist " budding clique " Xin Rui.

  • (甚至)一些我认识的很风趣的人到不惑之年了,都还不知道呢。
    Some of the most interesting 40-year-olds I know still don't.

  • 还有十二天就是农历2007年的新年,本人也将进入不惑之年
    It will be Chinese New Year 2007 passing twelve days. I will enter the age of no-doubt.

  • 1992年,对当时已近不惑之年的宋远来讲,有着特别的意义。
    In 1992, nearly Buhuozhinian at the time of the Song Yuan, has a special significance.

  • 人生能有多少个10年可以等待,尤其对步入不惑之年的围城男女。
    Life can have how many 10 years to be able to await, be opposite especially enter not of be puzzled year men and women of encircle a city.

  • 已经步入不惑之年的韩再芬现在是安庆再芬黄梅戏艺术剧院的院长。
    Han Zaifeng, now in her 40s, is president of the Anqing Zaifen Huangmei Opera Art Theatre.

  • 已过不惑之年的读者读此书,定觉不安,不禁回顾危险昏暗的过去。
    Readers over the age of 40 will find it an uncomfortable reminder of a dangerous and dismal past.

  • 今天,当我步入了不惑之年时,我始终铭记着一位影响我人生轨迹的人。
    Today, entered when me not of be puzzled when year, I from beginning to end the person that engrave wears to affect my life contrail.

  • 发明者的故事:18年前,发明者刚步入不惑之年,发现有点力不从心
    Inventor's story: 18 years ago, inventor was in early forty year old. He found the sexual ability was diminishing.

  • 发明者的故事 :18年前,发明者刚步入不惑之年,发现有点力不从心。
    Inventor's story: 18 years ago, inventor was in early forty year old. He found the sexual ability was diminishing.

  • 我做梦也没想到,自己进入不惑之年,组织选送我到中国工商银行挂职锻炼。
    I daydream also did not think of, oneself are entered not of be puzzled year, constituent choosing sends me to Industrial and Commercial Bank of China to hang duty to take exercise.

  • 让她及早嫁给卡苏明这样一个已经到了不惑之年的人,也许对她还是比较合适的。
    It was perhaps better for her to be early married to so sober a fellow as Casaubon.

  • 中国网游业只有11年的正式历史,而这一朝阳产业在世界范围内已经走过了不惑之年
    Chinese net swims course of study has formal history of 11 years only, and industry of this one rising sun had gone inside alive bound limits not of be puzzled year.

  • 这是一位于不惑之年闯荡深圳、在历尽多年困苦之后终于在深圳安下了家的作者发出的感叹。
    This is one in forty years old back Shenzhen, the bill was finally in Shenzhen after years of hardship under the home of the author of a sigh.

  • 渐渐地步入了不惑之年。岁月是一把弯刀,在生命的轮回中游戈,苍老了年轮,却历练了心志。
    gradually entered the Years is a machete, in the transmigration of life , the old ring, but experience of the mind.

  • 人生到四十就是不惑之年,经过弟弟险些丧命的事故,黎姿很可能厌倦了娱乐圈的是是非非争斗。
    The life to 40 is a 40 years old, lost their life nearly after the younger brother the accident, Li Zi has possibly been weary of the entertainment world right and wrong battle.

  • 我的心里一直有个小小的愿望,希望能在不惑之年开一家够水平的书店,而且是全国最便宜的书店。
    There is a little desire all the time in my heart, the hope can be in not year of drives an adequate level bookshop of be puzzled, and it is the whole nation's cheapest bookshop.

  • 有些已过不惑之年的父母,申请了QQ号,不敢承认那是自己的愿望,而往往推说是由于子女的怂恿。
    The importunity of kids is the common apology for QQ parents are afraid to own themselves forward to.

  • 其实,多年来,李彦宏都是一帆风顺。2008年刚好是李彦宏的不惑之年,离开山西老家已经21年。
    Actually, come for years, plum Yan Hong is plain sailing. 2008 just is Li Yan grand not of be puzzled year, leave Shanxi old home already 21 years.

  • 他和卡罗拉在不惑之年相识相恋,每天都爱得真实、饱满,没有空洞的那三个字,但彼此相互支持鼓励直到今天。
    You can feel their true and full love in simple daily life. Although not with those three words everyday, you can still see them encourage and support each other till today.

  • 这或许是因为身处不惑之年,中年人上有工作压力,下有子女等待抚养,这让他们觉得似乎无法掌控自己的生活。
    This dissatisfaction may stem from the lack of control felt by those in their 40s, as they juggle raising children and the demands of work.

  • 由安德鲁斯先生提议为女士们干杯。鉴于在座代表毫无置疑都是些已进入不惑之年的丰满女流,他表现得非常殷勤有礼。
    It fell to Mr Andrews to propose the toast to the ladies, which in view of the fact that the representatives present were indisputably fair, fat and forty, he managed very graciously.

  • 当我已经不惑之年的时候,最后一次绝望的尝试,我决定只改变的我的家庭,离我最近的人,但是最后他们没有一个改变。
    As I grew into my twilight years, in one last desperate attempt, I settled for changing only my family, those closest to me, but alas, they would have none of it.

  • 我们唯一能做的,不忘昨天,憧憬明天,珍惜今天。对不惑之年的人来说,这个过去的昨天它是几十年,而且一去就不复返。
    The only thing we can do, forget yesterday, looking forward to tomorrow and cherish today. the people of the past several decades it was yesterday, but not one to .

  • 赫伯•凯莱赫(HerbKelleher)创立西南航空公司(SouthwestAirlines)时已达不惑之年,这家公司是美国第一家取消所有不必要服务的航空公司。
    Herb Kelleher was 40 when he founded Southwest Airlines, a business that pioneered no-frills discount flying in America.

  • 不惑之年造句相关
