
举重若轻  jǔ zhòng ruò qīng







  • 尽管有总统关于环保减排的举重若轻的谈话。
    Despite the president's airy talk of green jobs, cutting emissions.

  • 如果你对事情举得起又放的下,那就能举重若轻
    If you can hold something up and put it down, it is called weight-lifting;

  • 德国进口型钢精制宽视野门架、坚固耐用、举重若轻
    Wide view mast made of Germany Steel, no-maintenance, large capacity.

  • 所谓举重若轻,重量级情话是那些听起来很轻松的情话。
    If alleged weight lifting is light, heavyweight lovers' prattle is the lovers' prattle that those very relaxed sounding.

  • 他们在场上都是举重若轻镇定自若,这也是米兰的标志之一。
    They also have in common a composed nature on the pitch, which is a signature of AC Milan.

  • 今天我们一起走进国家举重队,来体验举重若轻的中国力量。
    Today, we walked along the national weightlifting team, Juchongruoqing to experience the power of China.

  • 有的举重若轻,以小见大,通过细节描写揭示事情成败的根本原因;
    Some of which are taking serious matters easily, and showing fundamental reasons from detail description;

  • 有人举重若轻,绵里藏针,香港问题举世担心,猜测中央政府怎么处理。
    It was , the world worried that the Hong Kong issue, how to deal with speculation that the central government.

  • 作者构造了一个简单的小故事来影射一个很大、普遍存在的困境,举重若轻
    The author constructed a simple conte comes suggestive the predicament of a very big, widespread presence, if weight lifting is light;

  • 举一反三举重若轻,信手拈来,几乎无所不知的老师才会让学生肃然起敬。
    Giving top priority almost all-knowing teacher will allow students to respect.

  • 德国进口型电动堆高车(电动叉车)钢精制宽视野门架、坚固耐用、举重若轻
    Wide view mast made of Germany Steel, no-maintenance, large capacity.

  • 弟也不能,估计或为太极剑举重若轻,或类似西洋手半剑猛烈劈斩,大开大合。
    Me too. I think maybe the Taiji sword must be played very flexible, or it should split heavily like the western way.

  • 其实,中国的改革开放从一开始就是邓小平他老人家领导并“举重若轻”地进行的。
    Also, Chairman Deng Xiaoping conducted the policy of Reform and Open up in an unsensational way at the very beginning.

  • 至于主持人后来的一系列行径,报道的叙述策略是淡化语词,举重若轻,偏袒痕迹明显。
    As host a series of subsequent acts, the report describes the strategy is to play down the word, Juchongruoqing, obvious signs of favoritism.

  • 在习习的海风和拍岸的涛声中,经济学大师们举重若轻,运用非对称理论来探讨房地产市场。
    the sea breeze blowing in the mornings and closed, the economics master was once used asymmetric theory to explore the real estate market.

  • 帕瓦罗蒂在其演唱生涯的巅峰时期,凭借着对高难度高音举重若轻的把握被誉为“高音C之王”。
    In his heyday, he was known as the "King of the High C's" for the ease with which he tossed off difficult top notes.

  • 帕瓦罗蒂在其演唱生涯的巅峰时期,凭借著对高难度高音举重若轻的把握被誉为“高音C之王”。
    In his heyday, he was known as the "King of the High C's" for the ease with which he tossed off difficult top notes.

  • 但你肯定看到了姚明的举重若轻,他在亿万人的注视下闲庭信步。他如何处理这一切,这很重要。
    But then you watch Yao handle everything, watch him take on the pressure and face the scrutiny and walk casually through the circus.

  • 尽管有总统关于环保减排的举重若轻的谈话,但经过全面评估,这仍会增加大多数企业和家庭的开销。
    Despite the president's airy talk of green jobs, cutting emissions, by almost all calculations, will increase costs for most businesses and families.

  • 土地和信贷一直是开发商的两大命脉,有了这两样资源,房产开发的过程似乎都可以用举重若轻来形容。
    land and credit have been the two major developers lifeline, With both resources and real estate development process can be used once to describe it.

  • 这群运动健将举重若轻,毫不费力地在伸手不见五指的地表和碍事的树木间穿梭,连一个趔趄、绊脚都没有。
    The athletic creatures moved about with ease, despite their burden, navigating the invisible terrain and obstacles of trees without a hitch or stumble.

  • 张元总会调整出他需要的东西,我觉得他还是希望做一个意象的、举重若轻的电影,希望在形式上有所突破。
    Zhang Yuan that he will always need to adjust things, I think he would like to do an image, Juzhongruoqing the film, hope to achieve a breakthrough in form.

  • 人们之所以倾心于那些乐观的人,是倾心于他们表现出的超然与举重若轻。和乐观的人在一起,自己也变得乐观。
    People admires those hopeful people, be those who admire them to show is detached be like with weight lifting light.

  • 如果回顾在国家队的那些日子,给我留下印象最深的是贝肯鲍尔处理事情时举重若轻的方式,以及他积极的态度。
    If I think back to my time in the national team, I was impressed by Franz Beckenbauers easy way of handling things and how he was always positive.

  • 仪式化的小说像戏,像诗,也像歌,举重若轻地勾画出无休止的生死锁链中生命的本然情态。此种情态往往潜隐着神性。
    This ritualized novel is much like a melodrama, poem or song, managing with ease to sketch out the nature of life in the constant metempsychosis in which the divinity usually hides.

  • 她把自己整个的人投入到了工作中,四处设法解决经费问题,对待研究院工作中的张力举重若轻,引入了新鲜的观念并致力于使之得到实现。
    With her whole personality she successfully arranged financial support, but was also able to hold the tensions in the Academy, to develop fresh ideas and cared for their realisation.

  • Girardi说小王均衡而举重若轻的人格特质使他能担任如开幕日先发的重责大任,他很高兴小王只需要一个月就度过去年季后赛的沮丧。
    Girardi said that Wang's balanced and relaxed personality lends itself well to an ###ignment like Opening Day, and that he was glad Wang needed one month to get over his October disappointment.

  • 本文通过对这两者的分析,论述了欧洲独立动画是如何将对人生本质的思索举重若轻地化入单纯的动画表现的,希望对窘迫的中国动画有所启迪。
    The thesis analyzes both of them and discusses how European cartoons put the profound meditation on the living essence into simple cartoons, intends to give some inspiration for Chinese cartoons.

  • 究竟是主力动作,还是散记行为,无需专家,不用请教,你自己就会有答案,盘中就可以及时做出判断,追涨杀跌,举重若轻,轻松跃入高手行列。
    What is the main action, or sketches, no experts, do not ask, you will have the answer, after a timely manner will be able to judge, chasing Shadie, Juchongruoqing easily into the top ranks.

  • 一般情况下,人们习惯把卖内存形容成炒期货,因为内存价格无时无刻不在发生着变化,谁也说不清楚它何时涨何时落。而作为全球最大的内存模组产品生产供应商,金士顿希望能做到举重若轻
    Usually, people is used to sell memory to be described fry futures, because memory price all the time is absent, producing change, says to not be clear that it goes up when to fall.

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