
水火不相容  shuǐ huǒ bù xiāng róng








  • 油和水能混合在一起。/水火不相容
    Oil and water will not blend.

  • 水火不相容/水火无情。
    Fire and water have no mercy.

  • 他们是水火不相容
    Water is incompatible with fire.

  • 东京——猫和老鼠也许天生就是水火不相容
    TOKYO - Cat and mouse may never be the same.

  • 洗碗盆应该怎么摆以避免水火不相容的局面?
    How should we place the sink in the kitchen to prevent conflict between fire and water?

  • 他们是水火不相容
    They are as incompatible as fire and water.

  • 传统和现代化是水火不相容的。人们必须二者选一。
    Tradition and modernization are incompatible. One must choose between them.

  • 长期以来,人们一直视两种分配理论为水火不相容
    Long-term since, people inspects two kinds to allocate theory to be all the time incompatible.

  • 水火不相容
    Water will quench a fire.

  • 水火不相容
    Water is incompatible with fire.

  • 想革命的人会发现他们自己与法律的势力水火不相容
    People with revolutionary ideas may find themselves in collision with the forces of the law.

  • 我永远爱你,但我们注定该在一起,我们就象水火不相容
    I love you all time, but we are not ever meant to be, we are like oil and water.

  • 宗教与邪教是根本对立、水火不相容的,宗教是邪教的天敌。
    Religion and Cult are extremely contradictory like water and fire, and religion is the natural enemy of Cult.

  • 犹太人在亲友死后大办丧事的风俗,是与基督的精神水火不相容的。
    The great outward display observed by the Jews at the death of friends or relatives was not in harmony with the spirit of Christ.

  • 有要塞的地方,就一定有教堂,然而,这两者显然是水火不相容的。
    Forts and churches almost always go together, and yet they're downright contradictions.

  • 哦,他的用意是好的,可是我跟他合来。水火不相容,别白费力气。
    Oh, he means well, but he's not my sort. Oil and water don't mix, no good trying.

  • 哦,他的用意是好的,可是我跟他合来。水火不相容,别白费力气。
    but he's not my sort. Oil and water don't mix, no good trying.

  • 美国曾经希望穆沙拉夫与布托在大选后共同掌权。但是他俩水火不相容
    The United States had hoped Musharraf and Bhutto would end up sharing power after an election but they have rounded on each other.

  • 中国共产党的性质和宗旨,决定了党同各种消极腐败现象是水火不相容的。
    Effectively improve the Party's style of work and focus on combating corruption and upholding integrity.

  • 中国共产党的性质和宗旨,决定了党同各种消极腐败现象是水火不相容的。
    The CPC never tolerates corruption or any other negative phenomena. This is determined by its nature and purpose.

  • 如果理想和现实真的完全那么水火不相容,我想,那是是某些东西需要调整;
    If ideal and reality are absolutely incompatible just like water and fire, I think whether something needs adjustment.

  • 如果理想和现实真的完全那么水火不相容,我想,那是是某些东西需要调整;
    If the ideal and the reality are absolutely incompatible just like water and fire, I think whether something needs adjustment.

  • 利己主义与利他主义,一直像是水火不相容一样,之间的纠葛纷争是没有间断过的。
    I like dogs and the proverbs or sayings in which a dog is there. Every dog has his day.

  • “艺术家和自我批评…,除了一些幸运的例外,永远是水火不相容的”(乔伊丝·卡罗尔·奥茨。
    "The artist and the self-critic . . . are, with a few felicitous exceptions, forever at odds"(Joyce Carol Oates.

  • 自古“水火不相容”,但在现代高科技手段下,水中喷火,水火共生等奇妙的景观已完全可以实现。
    Since ancient times, "like oil and water", but in the modern, high-tech measures, tile water guaranteed, City symbiotic such wonderful landscape has been completely realized.

  • 论文认为,适应和超越都是大学可回避的责任,它们之间并水火不相容的,而是可以找到一个平衡点。
    The author considers that adaptation and transcendence, which are not incompatible like oil and vinegar, are both indiscerptible responsibility of the university.

  • 只有平庸的人才会知足常乐,满足现状,思进步,我绝是平庸的人,平庸和我就像水火一样,互不相容
    Only mediocre people are easily satisfied. I am a mediocre person by no means. Mediocrity is alien to me, just like the fire and water.

  • 从表面上看,我们的方案是失之过分宽厚,可是事后证明,两国百姓之间却也未曾因此而走到水火不相容的地步。
    On the surface, our measures were too tolerant but facts proved that there is no scar and no hatred leaving behind big enough to prevent Japanese and Chinese in cooperation in the later time.

  • 因为它们根本水火不相容,而是天然的盟友。其中任何一者的状态延伸都是在为另一者蓄势,激发我们对后者的期待。
    since the two are so far from incompatible that they are in natural alliance, the prolongation of either being a preparation for, and exciting a wish for, the other.

  • 这两组人物,往往在故事中有着激烈的冲突,尖锐的水火不相容的矛盾,随着跌宕起伏的情节发展,一个一个扣人心弦的悬念依次展开,最终正义战。
    There are two groups of people in the novel with fiercing conflict, finally, the evil one is defeated and the truth comes out.

  • 水火不相容造句相关
