
狮子大开口  shī zī dà kāi kǒu






  • 老太婆会不会狮子大开口
    Old woman can lion big openings?

  • 她开玩笑狮子大开口的说:“一栋房子吧!”
    She made a joke of the Lions big openings : "a house! ""

  • 一方面,国际铁矿石巨头对原料价格狮子大开口
    On the one hand, the international iron ore prices for raw materials giant lion big openings;

  • 好像他们要对西方国家狮子大开口,哪次不是这样。
    It seems everytime they want to bleed the West for aid they do something like this.

  • 面对雅虎的“狮子大开口”,微软方面选择了知难而退
    Face Yahoo " the lion starts to talk greatly " , microsoft respect chose shrink back from difficulties.

  • 阿根廷的布宜诺斯艾利斯动物园,一只母狮在笼子里“狮子大开口”。
    A lioness yawns inside her cage at Buenos Aires Zoo in Argentina.

  • 想想看,像那样一幢小房子他们竟要价5000英镑,简直是狮子大开口
    Fancy their asking£5000 for a small house like that! It's daylight robbery.

  • 劳动力(要素)也许比以前变得稍微有些贪婪,但是却远没有狮子大开口
    Labour may be getting a bit greedier than before, but it is still largely without teeth.

  • 也正是因为外援在价格上的狮子大开口,盼盼才至今还没有敲定新赛季的外援。
    Precisely because of the price in foreign aid on the big lion began, it has yet to Hunters finalize the new season of foreign aid.

  • 也正是因为外援在价格上的狮子大开口,盼盼才至今还没有敲定新赛季的外援。
    is also precisely because the foreign aid in the price lion big aperture, hoped only then until now has not decided the new season the foreign aid.

  • 曼联延缓了对巴西前锋道格拉斯。科斯塔德追逐,并对格雷米奥的狮子大开口表示沮丧。
    Manchester United have cooled their pursuit of Douglas Costa, the Brazilian forward, amid frustration at the exorbitant demands of Grêmio.

  • 至于其他银行管道,对新发行股票基金的销售费用更是“狮子大开口”,一次比一次高。
    As for other banking channels, the new issue of the cost of equity fund sales is the "lion's big openings, " every time high.

  • 谈判期间,由于朝鲜狮子大开口,想要国际社会许诺更多的能源援助,谈判一度濒临破裂。
    For a while [for a while] during this round it appeared the talks might founder over North Korean demands for bigger pledges of energy aid.

  • 假如一个国家在反倾销方面狮子大开口,那么被它认定具有倾销行为的国家也会以其人之道还之。
    A generous attitude by one country to requests for antidumping action triggers a similar attitude in countries that become subject to new duties.

  • 如果一个国家在反倾销方面狮子大开口,那么被它认定具有倾销行为的国家也会以其人之道还之。
    A generous attitude by one country to requests for antidumping action triggers a similar attitude in countries that become subject to new duties.

  • 而且中国向日本提出在日本提议的中间线右侧共同开采,以小日本狮子大开口的胃口它会答应吗!
    China and Japan to put forward the proposal in Japan in the middle of the line on the right side of the common exploitation to the small Lions of Japan's big appetite for opening it promised to do!

  • 此时由于管线已埋入墙体或地下进行隐蔽,很难准确测量,装饰公司往往会狮子大开口,狠宰业主一刀。
    At the underground pipeline has been buried in a wall or hidden, it is difficult to accurately measure, decoration companies often have a big openings, Henzai owners began.

  • 可这样一来,家把紫冉宠得无法无天,让她成了家中最嚣张的一个,现在还狮子大开口,真是有违她的教育宗旨。
    Be this way, we in the Purple Ran pet lawlessness, in the family she has become one of arrogance, now also a big opening, she is contrary to the purpose of education.

  • 佩洛西所处的旧金山既是亨的乐园,也是下层阶级的避难所,而这里的中产阶级总是狮子大开口以致无问津之人。
    Mrs Pelosi's district, San Francisco, is a combination of a playground for the ultra-rich and a sewer for the underclass, with the middle classes priced out of the market.

  • 要知道,奥德杰狮子大开口是在一个多月前,在那个时间段,正是经纪人漫天要价的时候,许多外援的要价几乎都翻了一番!
    Must know that the Orde outstanding lion big aperture is more than one months ago, in that time section, is precisely the manager asks an outrageous price, many foreign aids ask a price nearly double!

  • 人质被劫持的数周以来,塔利班狮子大开口,教皇发出恳求,不断修改解救人质协议,首尔的美国使馆亦收到被绑者亲属的强烈诉求。
    The weeks since their abduction have brought unmet demands, a papal plea, a botched hostage release and an emotional appeal from the hostages' relations to the American embassy in Seoul.

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